FLC Weekly Email
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This Week at FLC

Items for this week: 

  1. Worship Notes for this week
  2. Selection of Hymns for Summer
  3. Christ In Our Home for July-September
  4. Thank You
Worship this week 

Our readings this week are: 

Zechariah 9:9-12
Psalm 145:8-14
Romans 7:15-25a
Matthew 11:16-19, 25-30

You can read them here:
Now that we are past Trinity Sunday, there are two Old Testament reading and Psalm options listed. We use the ones listed second on that website. 

Our hymns are: 
Let the Whole Creation Cry (ELW 876)
Bring Peace to Earth Again (ELW 700)
Communion hymn: I Received the Living God (ELW 477)
(these we have been using for a number of weeks at a time)
O Beautiful for Spacious Skies: America the Beautiful (ELW 888)

Rather than resend worship instructions each week, I will refer you to the website because changes can and do happen right up to worship time. The website can be changed in minutes if needed to update links or passwords. You can find all the information at and more complete instructions at

The worship book now has a permanent address so you can find it easily and there will be fewer chances for errors. It will be at http:// . You might find a placeholder file there during the week. It will be posted by Saturday at the latest.  (There may be changes in prayers and other small items, but the link should remain the same. If there are any major changes, which we do not anticipate, we would send another email on Sunday.) IF YOU GO there on Saturday and Sunday and find last weeks file you need to fully refresh your browser because your computer is reading its cached version. If that does not work try getting the file from the link on the worship page. 
Hymns for Summer

For summer, we have occasionally had various ways for individuals to pick a hymn for worship. We have hymns set for a few weeks out but want to start with that soon. If you want to submit a favorite hymn, email it to . You don't need to put down a number but it does need to be in the ELW hymnal. We will draw weekly starting soon.  
Christ In Our Home - Still Plenty Available!!!! 

The next devotional books are in and start July 1. They wouldn't be easy to put outside because of their size, but mailing costs less than a dollar and doesn't have you out when staying home is safer!  

If you would like one, contact Sue at the church office (512-392-2064 or ) and let her know.  
Thank You

With the beautiful rain we also have had grass growing, which doesn't always happen in summer!  Thank you to Gary Elkins for mowing and keeping the property looking good (even when most of us won't see it!)  
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