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A newsletter for Flutter fans by Flutter fans

Flutter Weekly #100

Welcome back Flutter fans!

I can't believe we made to number 100! Thanks to all the community for the support in these last three years. What an amazing journey.

To celebrate this milestone, there is full new brand website! now you can read all the past issues from a single web site. It's still in an early stage and I plan adding more features, like a search engine, but right now is a huge improvement compared to the previous one. Enjoy it!

Also, trying to get back to regular weekly publications on Sunday, as doing it during the week was getting me better results but I was not being able to send it on the same day every week.

Love from Barcelona, Sergi

Articles and tutorials

Flutter State Management with Mobx and Providers : Change App Theme Dynamically

An introduction to Mobx by Ilias Yahia with an example to change the app theme.

Flutter’s Stateful Widget cheat sheet

Thomas Middel wrapped up all the basic stuff you must know about Stateful Widgets in a single useful article.

Widget Testing With Flutter: Getting Started

In this tutorial by Lawrence Tan, you’ll learn how to ensure UI widgets look and behave as expected by writing test code.

Adding a Splash Screen to Flutter Web

How to show a splash while the browser loads the Flutter engine.

Dart string manipulation done right 👉

Tao Dong analyzes the issues related to handle text with emojis and how to solve them.

Explore Perspective in Flutter

An article by Shaiq khan about 3D perspective transformation using Matrix4 and the Transform Widget.

How To Make A Flutter App With High Security?

Learn how to increase the security your Flutter app and minimize the risk of vulnerabilities reading this article by Sophia Martin.

In-App Purchases with Flutter: A Comprehensive Step-by-Step tutorial

How to add in-app purchases (IAP) to your iOS or Android application.

New tools for Flutter developers, built in Flutter

Filip Hracek shows you the newest dev tools released with Flutter.

Trace Network Calls In Flutter

How to inspect your app network requests using alice, a network tracing package.

Videos and media

Flutter performance tips - Flutter in Focus

In this episode of Flutter in Focus, Filip Hracek introduces some basic concepts in Flutter performance.

#Google's Flutter - Local Notifications in Flutter

A detailed explanation on how the local notifications work in Flutter both for iOS and Android.

List Method .fold() in Dart and Flutter

A closer look at .fold() method in different list types and how we can use this method to calculate the total amount of prices in a table.

Reality Of Flutter GitHub Issues

Matt Carroll talks about the increasing number of Flutter Github Issues and what they actually are

Dart Null Safety: The Ultimate Guide to Non-Nullable Types

This video outlines what's changed with non-nullable types, and shows how to use the new Null Safety features by example.

Code and libraries


Flutter Widget to display PDF


Flutter Version Management: A simple cli to manage Flutter SDK versions per project


Cubit is a lightweight state management solution. It is a subset of the bloc package that does not rely on events and instead uses methods to emit new states.


This is a flutter package that parses pdf documents to strings


A convenient code generator for app styleguide, gallery, wireframes and/or storyboard.


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