Lean In Seattle

August 26 2019

Allyship: Advocating for Yourself and Others

                             Saturday, September 14th | 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM |
                Impact Hub Seattle, 220 2nd Avenue South, Seattle, WA, 98104

In September, we will take a deep dive into what it actually means to advocate for ourselves and be an ally for others.

Join us as we explore allyship, share actionable steps that allies can take, and celebrate what allies are already doing to advocate for others. Speakers will include diverse members of the community - women and men - who will share their story and actionable ways allyship can impact lives.

Come explore what it takes to be an ally, especially for underrepresented communities, and you will walk away from this event with meaningful steps you can take to improve equality in your personal and professional life.

Lean In Seattle Chapter Lead & event organizer Laura Espriu welcomes audience and shares City of Seattle Proclamation of Black Women's Equal Pay Day on August 15, 2019
Black Women's Equal Pay Day on King 5 News! 
Our first Black Women's Equal Pay Day on August 15th brought together 150 women (and male allies) in the Seattle community to discuss the pay gap challenges black women face and provide actionable guidance on closing the wage gap for women of color. 

Check out King 5 Network's event coverage

We were incredibly fortunate to have powerhouse panelists Kela D. Hall, Amelia Ransom, Shellie Willis, Stasha Espinosa. Rashida Gaye, and Jodi Ann Burley share their personal stories and expert advice: 
  • Relationships are the only currency that matters
  • Have real conversations about vulnerability
  • Find a sponsor who advocates for you and tells you the truth
  • Be a sponsor: center your work on someone else and let them
  • Be an ally - call out someone else's work and accomplishments
  • To increase your chances for a raise or promotion: document your contributions, think about how you can collaborative contribute to solve a problem
  • Increase your wealth by increasing your self-worth. To start seeing the value in yourself, write down all of your skills, gifts, and talents
  • Be kind yet visible!
Our immense gratitude to our sponsors Payscale Inc., Mercer, and KD Hall Communcations for making this event a huge success! 
RECAP: Financial Inclusion Masterclass 
Equipping women from all backgrounds with the skills and resources to achieve financial independence continues to be an important goal for our Chapter! 

To create a truly inclusive event, our diverse panel of financial experts comprised a millennial, male ally, veteran, and women of color. Following an enlightening panel discussion around financial planning, budgeting, investment strategies and negotiation, the audience split into small-group workshops where individuals had a space to share their personal stories, and take away specific actions to implement in their financial journeys.

We are thankful to our financial leaders Audrey Godwin, Christine Owner, Roy Hsu, Shoba Sriaiyer and Tori Dunlap for sharing their expertise and insights to help more women own their worth! 

Check out event photos by Nadezda Zavitaeva on Facebook 
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