Kia ora, 

We are delighted to release another episode of the 2019 Teaching Today podcast series: induction and mentoring.

Hear the stories of two provisionally certificated early childhood teachers who were ready to leave the profession and why they chose to stay (spoiler alert: caring, supportive and effective mentoring!). 

This episode is jam-packed with gems of advice, and insight from mentor teachers in the ECE sector on how they effectively nurture and support the next generation of teachers. 

Our guests:
Brylee Schubert - ECE provisionally certificated teacher/pia
Sumandana Chand - ECE provisionally certificated teacher/pia
Jacquie Sokolov-Pearson - Tuakana Teina mentor teacher 
Shelina Somani-Pene - Tuakana Teina mentor teacher 
Barbara Watson - teacher, mentor, PLD facilitator

You can listen to this podcast on SoundCloud or download from iTunes and Apple Podcasts. A transcript of the podcast is also available.

Resources mentioned in the podcast:

The Tuakana Teina pilot programme matched experienced pou tautoko/mentor teachers with provisionally certificated teachers/pia with the aim of supporting their journey towards full certification. It was so successful, applications filled up quickly and are now closed. 

We know teachers are busy and podcasts are a versatile way of communication – they are great to listen to while commuting, doing chores or exercising and if you run out of time, just press pause and come back to it.

Want more? Don’t miss our previous episodes of Teaching Today

Ngā mihi, 

Teaching Council

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