
TypeScript Weekly

Issue #106 — August 19, 2019

Announcing TypeScript 3.6 RC

The release candidate for TypeScript 3.6 is out and brings stricter type checking for iterators and generator functions, more accurate array spread, better UX around promises, and semicolon-aware code edits.

Daniel Rosenwasser

5 TypeScript Tips to Improve Your Applications

Utility types, unknown vs. any, extending third-party libraries, and more.

Kevin Hirczy

LogRocket helps you understand the root cause of bugs and support tickets in web apps or websites. Watch pixel-perfect video of what users experience. See console logs, network requests, application state, and browser metadata.

LogRocket (Sponsor)

Writing Type-Safe Polymorphic React Components

How to write and type a generic Button component that accepts arbitrary extra props while correctly checking for excess properties.

Andrew Branch

Calling All TypeScript Developers

On driving adoption and availability in the JavaScript ecosystem with the DefinitelyTyped project.

Adam Zerella