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Expressway News

August 22, 2019


At the beginning of August, the North End/Phase I of the 183 Toll Road, between US 290 and Techni Center Drive, opened to traffic. This interim project milestone gives drivers the choice to bypass the Loyola Lane and MLK Jr. Boulevard traffic signals by using the new tolled lanes. Vehicles with an electronic tag can drive for free through August 31. Along with the opening of the newly constructed tolled lanes, the Loyola Lane bridge and, most recently, the Purple Sage Pedestrian Bridge have been reconstructed and are now reopened. The Loyola Lane bridge restores east-to-west connectivity across US 183 for vehicles as well as pedestrians, and the Purple Sage Pedestrian Bridge gives safer access for pedestrians to LBJ High School on the east side of US 183 and HEB on the west.

Purple Sage Pedestrian Bridge

Save 33 Percent on Future Toll Bills with an Electronic Tag

The 183 Toll Road utilizes all-electronic, or cashless, tolling. This means drivers do not have to stop – or even slow down – to pay their tolls. Drivers with any of the electronic tags listed on our website will receive a 33 percent discount on their tolls. Drivers without a tag will receive a bill through the Mobility Authority’s Pay By Mail program. Pay By Mail customers are billed using a picture of their license plate and are charged a $1 statement processing fee.

The toll rates for the 183 Toll Road are shown below. Note that a regular car or pickup truck is a is two-axle vehicle.


The recently opened 45SW Toll Road, a 3.6-mile connection from MoPac eastward to FM 1626 in Hays County, has been bustling since its opening in June. Drivers are flocking to the alternative route, finding much-needed relief from surrounding traffic congestion. Now, drivers can bypass overused streets like Manchaca Road, Slaughter Lane and Brodie Lane, getting to Central Austin an average of nine to 17 minutes faster. As more drivers use the toll road, others who continue to utilize local roads could save as much as seven minutes on their commutes.
Prefer to walk or bike? The 45SW Trail is now open! No matter your preferred mode of transportation, there is a path for you. Pedestrians and bicyclists can use the 4.5-mile shared use path to safely traverse the 45SW corridor. Soak up the sun and enjoy the “Hill Country Classroom” which teaches trail users about the history of this area and current environmental features through educational kiosks.


In recent months, drivers have reported and the Mobility Authority has witnessed, an increase in preventable crashes occurring on MoPac, many caused by drivers attempting to illegally cross the delineators and enter the Express Lane. This is particularly dangerous as Express Lane drivers do not anticipate merging with general-purpose lane traffic outside of the official Express Lane entrances and exits. In response, we have risen to action. This spring, we partnered with the Austin Police Department to monitor vehicles traveling on MoPac. During peak travel times within the corridor, the following violations were observed:  

*Following too close, failure to yield, etc.
**Expired registration, no insurance, failure to update address, etc.
Speeding was by far the most common violation. Fortunately, speeding is also the most easily preventable infraction and can be addressed by adhering to signage and respecting the posted limit at all times.
The Express Lane speed limit will soon be adjusted to a maximum of 70 MPH and a minimum of 55 MPH to keep the lane moving efficiently. Minimum speed limits help the Express Lane operate as intended by ensuring individual motorists do not unreasonably impede the flow of traffic.

Want more tips on safe driving? Follow the ABCs.
ABCs of Driving
Pay Attention: Take in your surroundings and be present. Driving conditions can change in an instant. Keeping your wits about you and be aware of other vehicles, weather impacts and traffic conditions.
Be cautious: Speed limits exist to keep you and your fellow drivers safe. Slow down, maintain a safe following distance and always check twice for blind spots before turning or changing lanes.
Cut out Distractions: Austin is a hands-free city. Put down the phone and pay attention to the road. Remember, it can wait.
Over the past year, nearly 50 percent of crashes on MoPac are reported to have been caused by a contributing factor of following too closely, driver inattention, or excessive speed. Don’t become a statistic and help reduce the number of accidents in our city.


Last year, the Mobility Authority, in partnership with TxDOT, began the construction of three flyovers at the convergence of 290 Toll and SH 130 to link the two toll facilities together. Work is ongoing at a rapid pace with construction anticipated to be complete in late 2021. The end result will provide drivers with a safe, efficient, free-flowing direct connection for those who prefer the non-tolled option.

The 290/130 flyovers will enhance mobility by:

  • Reducing potential for high-speed rear-end collisions on SH 130
  • Eliminating queueing of vehicles on the southbound and northbound main lanes of SH 130
  • Saving about $5 million a year for the traveling public in time as well as fuel and vehicle costs
  • Attracting more than 5,000 vehicles per day from parallel facilities, thereby providing additional congestion relief to other corridors
  • Increasing the average speed by up to 40 miles per hour
  • Shifting approximately 67 percent of vehicles off the southbound SH 130 frontage road and onto the new flyover ramp to westbound 290 Toll
  • Reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 1,020 metric tons annually
  • Attracting economic development opportunities to the region by way of enhanced local and regional connectivity

We understand the challenges of construction and we thank drivers for being patient during this time. Short-term inconveniences, equal long-term solutions! Want more information about the project, including construction updates? Visit our website:

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