Carpentry Clippings, 21 August 2019

Highlights from The Carpentries Community Calendar

The second session of the current Mentoring Group on Organizing Workshops will take place on 23 August 2019 at 20:00 UTC (check your time)  and 27 August 2019 at 20:00 UTC (check your time). Angela Li from the Center for Spatial Data Science at the University of Chicago will lead a discussion about setting up workshop infrastructure for self-organized events, as well as marketing and sharing your event. You can sign up on this Etherpad to attend any of these sessions.

On 28 August 2019 at 16:00 UTC (check your time), the next Themed Discussion will be hosted under the topic ‘PREreview: Diversifying peer review one small group at a time’. PREreview is a grassroots project founded and lead by early-career researchers who aim to build a space for a diverse community to grow their profiles as reviewers, get recognition for their contributions, and meaningfully connect with each other. This call will invite advice and input from The Carpentries community on how to improve the quality of pre-print publications and reviews. Please sign up on this Etherpad to indicate your participation.

For more periodic meetings of The Carpentries community groups, check out the community calendar.

Community News

The Code of Conduct (CoC) Committee Mandate Task Force, designated by the Executive Council and the liaisons, recently opened an anonymous form to collect feedback on incidents outside the scope of our CoC committee's mandate. This form is open until 31 August 2019. Please provide your input by completing the form online. More details are available on the GitHub project and this blog post.

Help articulate The Carpentries values by responding to this discuss thread on TopicBox, leaving comments under this issue in The Carpentries Conversations repository, or filling out this Google form anonymously. Help us gather response from our global community to these questions: 1) What words would you use to describe people who you consider as representatives of our community? 2) In 2-3 sentences, how would you describe our community culture? 

Committee and Task Force News

Executive Council
The Executive Council is planning the following activities over the next few months: reassessing and finalizing the Vision statement for The Carpentries, announcing community awards, and preparing for the Executive Council elections. Stay updated on the Executive Council’s work through the GitHub repository, where you can also view our meeting minutes and quarterly reports.

Instructor Development Committee
The Instructor Development Committee met on 19 August 2019 to discuss mentoring and instructor training refresher courses. The committee also wrote a blog post to highlight the findings from the community discussion surveys. Attend one of the upcoming Instructor Development calls to help us address concerns related to recruiting new hosts to run pre- and post-workshop discussions and receive post-discussion feedback. All the updates including the minutes from the committee meetings are added on this repository.

Instructor Training Community 
At the Trainer meetings on 15-16 August 2019, the group discussed new options for taking leave from the Instructor Trainer role and renewing commitments towards the community for those choosing to continue until September 2020. It was proposed that there would be requirements for re-activation for the trainers who would take leave. For those participating actively but facing accessibility barriers, it was favored that the Trainer Agreements could be customized to embrace alternative contributions to the Instructor Training community. 

Workshop Administration Team
The Carpentries Workshop Administration Team will be making several modifications regarding workshops. Through these updates we will ensure that only essential information is requested in the Workshop Request form, the Workshop Section provides easy access to information regarding organizing workshops, and we have a standard way to record other events where you will include The Carpentries material. Whether it is a standard workshop or not, we want to list it on our website and give credit to the instructors and helpers. Once these changes are made, we will notify the community via email, Slack, Twitter, and a blog post! 

What you may have missed on the blog and mailing lists

Stuart Geiger and Dorothy Howard facilitated a themed discussion on Community Care and Burnout. This call was attended by more than 30 members and opened important questions around the invisible work of the community members. A recording from this call will be posted on our YouTube channel.  Meanwhile, you can watch Stuart’s SciPy keynote lecture on a similar topic.

In The Carpentries blog, read a post by Alan O'Cais describing the progress of HPC Carpentry. A related paper was presented at the 'Workshop on HPC Education and Training for Emerging Technologies' at ISC2019. Juan Rodriguez Herrera writes about his experience from organizing successful Software Carpentry workshop at York.

In the Topicbox discuss channel, participate in the following discussions: materials for a fun and engaging intro to programming workshop, using other people’s materials in The Carpentries lessons, and CarpentryCon TaskForce’s lookout for a note-taker.

Tweet of the Week

Community Job postings

Library Head, European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Heidelberg, Germany
Spatial Data Science Librarian, University of California, Los Angeles, USA

Toolshed (Posts from our Past)

A year ago ELIXIR, a Pan-European infrastructure for bioinformatics, teamed up with The Carpentries to boost its training program. Through this agreement, ~20 Software and Data Carpentry workshops and 2 Instructor Training workshops were conducted in various ELIXIR Nodes in Europe. The Carpentries members from different ELIXIR nodes participated in a hackathon to develop and implement 4 Recommendations for Open Source Software, which resulted in a Carpentries-Style lesson available under the CC-BY 4.0 License.

Other places to connect
The Carpentries
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Software Carpentry
Data Carpentry
Library Carpentry
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