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August 2019 
Expanding Inclusion in Open Government for First Nations, Quilombola & Indigenous Women

By Cinthya Alvarado and Julia Rocha, Article 19 

Open government reforms should reflect the needs of every citizen, especially underrepresented groups. Read these ideas on how the OGP community can expand inclusion of First Nations and indigenous women in open government conversations.

Youth Power in Open Government

By Katie Fuhs, Accountability Lab

The Open Gov Youth Collective, formed by the OGP Global Summit youth delegates, is working to build stronger governments by meaningfully engaging youth in decision-making processes. Learn about the progress they’ve made since May and their plans for the future here.

Empowering African Youth through Education

By Aya Chebbi, African Union Youth Envoy

By 2063, African youth are expected to make up 46% of the continent’s labor force. Explore how one reformer proposes to empower the next generation through education, employment, entrepreneurship, and engagement here.

As OGP and the IRM grow, so do the needs for better impact and enhanced accountability within our community. We’re asking reformers inside and outside of government to help us reshape the IRM. Learn more about the refresh process and get involved here.
Seeking Civil Society Perspectives on Multi-Stakeholder Forums

By Nathaniel Heller, Results for Development

As part of their 2018-2019 Co-Chair Vision, the government and civil society chairs of the OGP Steering Committee are seeking lessons learned on ongoing dialogue mechanisms between government and civil society. Learn more here.

An Open Regulation to Protect Our Democracies

By Paula Forteza and Mauricio Mejía, French Parliament 

In an era of disinformation and eroding digital rights, citizens, governments and digital platforms all have a role to play in protecting digital spaces. Read how the open government community can take charge here.

Five Ways to Explore the Toolkit and Case Navigator for Open Gov

By Karine Badr, OECD 

Open government challenges may vary by region and country, but the demand for inspirational and useful tools is everywhere. Learn how a new OECD platform aims to solve just that here.

Faces of Open Gov
Suneeta Kaimal

Chief Operating Officer of Natural Resources Governance Institute (NRGI) and member of the OGP Steering Committee

Suneeta is an avid advocate for the protection of civic space and natural resource governance, ensuring regional and country-level engagements in Africa, Latin America, Eurasia, and other places for NRGI. After serving as a member of the OGP Steering Committee for almost six years, Suneeta will make way for another civil society representative to take her spot. In this short interview, she tells us the changes she witnessed and her proudest OGP moment. 
Employment Opportunities
The Independent Reporting Mechanism (IRM) of the Open Government Partnership (OGP) is seeking individuals to carry out research in a variety of countries to assess government progress on implementation of their OGP action plans. Learn more here.

Buzz on #OpenGov

- From ensuring access to information and digitizing paper-based documents, many OGP members are bringing about positive change to their countries' archival landscape. Read OGP Steering Committee member Giorgi Kldiashvili’s latest blog here

- Share your ideas on how the OGP Independent Reporting Mechanism can grow and increase its impact through this survey.

- OGP Local is expanding its reach. Share your thoughts on how we can grow in a flexible, scalable, and inclusive way through this survey and find recordings of our recent webinars here.

- The OGP co-chairs are collecting feedback from civil society organizations on OGP Multi-Stakeholder Forums. Take this survey to share your successes and challenges.

- Need materials for your next OGP meeting? The OGP Brochure is now available in both English and Spanish. 

The World of #OpenGov

- Join global change-makers at the Paris Peace Forum to create solutions for some of the world’s most pressing issues.

Submit your innovative cases of citizen deliberation by August 31st for a chance to be included in the OECD's new open government report.

- Read the final blog in the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace’s series on the future of open government here.

- If you work for the government, join Apolitical’s Summer Camp on Digital Transformation to learn about the changing nature of digital government.

- Are you eager to join a community of leading nonprofits in open gov? The Open Gov Hub invites you to apply for their Community Catalyst Program!

- Following the Global Conference for Media Freedom last month, our partners at Luminate outline a series of concrete actions open gov champions can take to protect media freedom.  

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