
Who are LifeBridgers?

We want you to know the people we feel so blessed to serve alongside of. We think LifeBridgers are pretty awesome and the best part is how unique each person's story is. So, we want to spend a little time each month telling you about them.
Meet Myriah. Myriah is overseeing our BridgeKids Ministry, which is our kids class that meets on Sunday mornings. 

After being invited to LifeBridge by her coworker Myriah says "I like LifeBridge because it's very grace-based teaching and focused on taking the gospel into every aspect of your life."
Myriah has been living in Panama since 2014. She originally came to study and has been here ever since and now works as a translator.

It has been an exciting time for our kids ministry and we have more on that below :)
After being invited to LifeBridge by her coworker Myriah says "I like lifebridge

 Lunch Box Love

Earlier this month a group of 25+ from LifeBridge got together to make and distribute lunches with encouraging notes to those in need in our community. Over 100 lunches were given out and we discovered just how great the need is throughout our city.  We are already planning our next Lunch Box Love event and are excited to double our impact next time!

New Space 

This month we moved our Sunday morning kids class to a new space. Ever since we arrived at LifeBridge our kids class was taking place in the hallway outside the theater, but now they have their own room and space. 

This is a huge blessing because it enables our kids to have a safe space to learn and grow.We even have storage closets so all the kids supplies and materials are easily accessible for our teachers. And there was no charge for this change! We continue to be encouraged by our relationship with Cinepolis (the name of the movie theater) and their graciousness towards us.
In each newsletter we will share a tid-bit about Panamanian life. Something unique, interesting or fun.

One thing I loved about summer in Pennsylvania is long summer nights. On the flip side, those winter afternoons where it would get dark by 4pm, not so much. 

In Panama, we have 12 hours of daylight all year round. It only changes ever so slightly since we are so close to the equator. It's a difference that I have come to love about Panama. 

Curious about life in Panama? What questions do you have for us? Let us know, we would love to share about topics that interest you about our country.

Praise & Prayer

We deeply appreciate your prayers for us and LifeBridge.

  • Praise for new families. This month we have a number of new families attending LifeBridge. We are excited to have new faces, many of whom are new to Panama as well.
  • Pray for our outreach events this fall. Events that both reach out to our community and events that serve our community. Our first one is this Saturday, where we will make and distribute bag lunches to the homeless in our community.
  • Pray for more leaders. This summer our leadership team took a hit with many people who were serving on that team moving. Pray that God would raise up and bring others with strong leadership ability.
  • Pray that Nate and Jendi would have wisdom, patience and seek the Lord as we plan for the future. 
Thank you for your prayers and support!
Past Newsletters

August- Connecting on the Cancha
July- Goodbyes & Good Times
June- Happy Panaversary to us!

Stay Connected

In addition this monthly newsletters be sure to follow our blog and social media to follow our adventures.

Copyright © 2019 Nate and Jendi Korpi, All rights reserved.

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