
Sarah Ward, Executive Director at Doctors for Change, has decided to say goodbye to pursue a new and exciting opportunity abroad. Sarah has been the Executive Director since 2016 and has helped foster partnerships between health care providers, local organizations, and policymakers to improve health care in our community. Her passion contributed to the growth of our organization, and we continue to see the impact of her work today. We wish her the best in her future endeavors and are confident that she will continue to create positive change through her work. 
During the interim, our Program Manager, Jorge Cruz will support the continuation of partnerships, operations, and initiatives at Doctors for Change. Please contact Jorge directly at Jorge@doctorsforchange if you are interested in connecting. 

Doctors for Change

Jorge Cruz
Program Manager
Doctors for Change

- Upcoming Events -

Volunteer with HEAL at the Houston Food Bank

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Nutrition as Medicine [DFC Forum]

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2019 One Health Conference

Our partners at Harris County Public Health would like to share this opportunity with you to so you can join them at their 2019 One Health Conference on Friday and Saturday, September 6-7. This conference offers a variety of relevant infectious disease, disaster recovery, and One Health presentations from field experts. 
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-  Engage With Us -

2019 Youth Art Contest is Live!

Doctors for Change (DFC) invites Houston area youths (grades K-12th) to enter our 2019 art, creative writing, photography, and video media contest with a chance to win one of several prizes! Please share this opportunity to your network!
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Patient Stories Regarding Transportation Difficulties Needed

As the Access to Care committee moves forward with their goal of improving transportation for vulnerable patients, including an upcoming meeting with Houston Metro, we would like to start collecting patient and provider stories and anecdotes regarding transportation in Houston and Harris County. Stories have the power that facts and figures don't, so anything you can share is vitally important to let stakeholders know how things are on the ground. Share your story today! Stories can be anonymous. 
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