
Tēnā koutou katoa,

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TOAH-NNEST Tauiwi Caucus Full Member Agencies are entitled to 1 vote per motion and portfolio candidate.

If we receive 2 or more votes from a full member agency both will be annulled and the agency will be asked to resubmit 1 vote.

  • AGM will be held on the 11th September at 12pm. This will be held in the Board room at the National Collective of Independent Women Refuges. TOAH-NNEST members are welcome to join us.

Meet the Prevention Portfolio Candidates

Name: Debbi Tohill

Organisation: Rape Prevention Education Whakatu Mauri Trust

Role in the organisation: Executive Director

Background relevant to the role: I have been Executive Director of RPE since October 2015 and Acting Executive Director from April-October 2015. Prior to this, I was on the RPE board from 2004 with two terms as Chair. I am Chair of Project Restore and a Director of E-Childhood, an Australian advocacy group on the impact of porn on children and young people as their NZ rep. I am the sexual violence prevention representative on the Auckland Women's Coalition for family and sexual violence. I am regularly interviewed as an expert on SVP on TV, radio and print media.

I bring 20 years' of experience as a senior manager, specialising in public health, health promotion and workforce development in mental health and addictions and I have worked on previous prevention and public health campaigns such as Host Responsibility, Like Minds Like Min as well as leading projects in child and youth mental health from a public health perspective. I have also been on several mental health groups such as MH AdvocacyCoalition and Te Pou Clinical Reference Group.

I have a very strong personal commitment to sexual violence prevention and I believe that educating people about healthy relationships is a vital part of this and that they deserve accurate and engaging information on these topics. RPE works with approximately 6000 students a year and I personally train over 600 adults in sexual violence prevention and dealing with disclosures in the last 12 months.
Name: Fiona McNamara

Organisation: Sexual Abuse Prevention Network

Role in the organisation: Chief Executive Officer

Background relevant to the role: I have held the Prevention Services portfolio on TOAH-NNEST Tauiwi Caucus for two terms (2014- present). In this role, I have represented the specialist sexual violence sector in advocating for prevention. This has included supporting and at times facilitating regular prevention teleconferences and advocating on behalf of services in our sector to government. In the last year, a big piece of work has been connecting Mates and Dates providers, supporting each other with this work and advocating government regarding this contract.

I am committed to ensuring that primary prevention of sexual violence remains visible, as distinct from secondary and tertiary prevention and family violence prevention.

I have represented the Sexual Violence sector nationally as a member of the cross-government Sexual Violence Prevention Advisory Board, and representative on the Ministry of Health Sexual and Reproductive Health Action plan. I understand small NGOs – I have led Sexual Abuse Prevention Network since 2013, as the Chief Executive and have worked, volunteered and been part of governance for a range of other community organisations.

Meet the 2019-2021 Recovery and Support for Survivors  Portfolio hokder

Name: Conor Twyford

Organisation: Wellington Sexual Abuse Help Foundation 

Role in the organisation: Chief Executive Officer

Background relevant to the role: I have served as the  Long Term Recovery portfolio holder since I was fortunate to be elected into that role only a month into my own role as manager of Wellington Help, in late 2016.

As someone with a long history in the wider community sector but new to the sexual violence sector, it has taken much of nearly three years since then to find my feet in this portfolio and in the sector.

I am happy to stand again and now I am confident in my role and have a firmer understanding of how the sector works, really get stuck into the portfolio. The first thing I would look at doing is to set up an ACC ISSC supplier network so we can all get to better grips with the workings of ACC.

As per the last three years, I would also continue to play a role as a constructive member on Pae in various ways including chairing meetings, assisting with staffing and other matters. 

Tauiwi Caucus Executive Motion

Motion from: Tauiwi Caucus Executive
Name: Maggy Tai Rākena

Motion: The Tauiwi Caucus of TOAH-NNEST puts forward the following motions:
  1. That the Te Ohaaki A Hine-National Network Ending Sexual Violence Together (TOAH-NNEST) Trust becomes the sole legal entity for TOAH-NNEST.
  2. That the TOAH-NNEST Trust Deed is updated to be current with legal requirements of Charitable Trusts.
  3. That the TOAH-NNEST Trust Deed will include a reference to the rules that each constituent whare (Tauiwi Caucus and Nga Kaitiaki Mauri) will operate their whare under. 
  4. That the Tauiwi Caucus of the TOAH-NNEST Trust will operate under the essence of the constitution previously established under the Tauiwi Caucus Incorporated Society.
  5. That when the TOAH-NNEST Trust Deed has been updated and agreed upon by both Tauiwi Caucus and Nga Kaitiaki Mauri, Tauiwi Caucus will disestablish the existing Tauiwi Caucus Incorporated Society.
  6. Tauiwi Caucus of TOAH-NNEST seeks the consent of their membership and Ngā Kaitiaki Mauri to undertake the necessary tasks to enable motions 1-5.
  7. Once the final draft of The TOAH-NNEST Trust Deed is agreed upon by the Paetakawaenga, which is comprised of both whare of TOAH-NNEST, this will be circulated to all members to be voted upon at a Special General Meeting.

Rational: Download document prepared by Kahui Legal here. it contains background information and more explanation to the proposed changes.

Download printable version here (it is the same document as above)

Women's Self Defence Network - Wāhine Toa 

Motion from: Women's Self Defence Network - Wāhine Toa
Name: Rebecca Fraser

Motion: That a representative for marginalised ethnic communities be appointed to the Tauiwi Caucus Paetakawaenga by December 2019 to support
a) the inclusion of ethnic voices in the development of constitutional and legal change for TOAH-NNEST
b) the development of an elected role on the Tauiwi Caucus Paetakawaenga to advocate for sexual violence services focused on marginalised ethnic communities

and (2nd motion)

That this representative is appointed in consultation with the Shama Sexual Violence Response Service and other appropriate ethnic organisations.

Rationale: WSDN-WT believes that ethnic communities need to be consulted and included in decision-making processes for TOAH-NNEST and that the best way of ensuring that this happens is by providing a place on the Pae. WSDN-WT has discussed this with Shama Hamilton Ethnic Women's Centre, who recently asked about representation for ethnic communities on the Pae. They were told the Cultural Portfolio has been empty since May and is not open for nominations because of the restructuring. There is no timeline in place for when there might be an ethnic representative elected to the Pae. We believe that processes of consultation and inclusion will happen more effectively with an appointed representative for ethnic voices in place, and this can give way to an elected representative when the structures have been changed.

Download printable version here

National Collective of Rape Crisis & Related Groups Motion

Motion from: National Collective of Rape Crisis & Related Groups
Name: Angelo Libeau

Motion: I move that TOAH-NNEST create a role focussed specifically on rainbow/LGBTQIA+ and takataapui issues concerning sexual violence, with potential for future appropriate funding to develop this area, including maintaining strategic relationships with the rainbow community, individuals and organisations - both internal and external to the SV sector.

Rationale: Sexual violence has been shown to disproportionately affect people that are sexuality and gender-diverse. Despite resources being scarce across both the violence and rainbow sectors to effectively intervene and prevent violence as it occurs to rainbow/LGBTQIA+ and takataapui people, there is momentum to address these concerns, with some individuals and organisations well-positioned to work more actively and explicitly in this space. To date, there has been little commitment from violence organisations to actively implement initiatives or specific positions responding and accountable to the rainbow community. 

Download printable version here

Wellington Rape Crisis & Auckland Sexual Abuse HELP Foundation Motion

Motion from: Wellington Rape Crisis & Auckland Sexual Abuse HELP Foundation
Name: Kyla Reyner & Sylvia Yandell

Motion: The TOAH-NNEST Pacific Network puts forward that the Tauiwi Caucus Executive Committee Portfolio “Advocate for cultural groups” be split to ensure better representation. We move that one of these portfolios is "Advocate for Pacific Responses to Sexual Violence" and the TOAH-NNEST Pacific network be mandated to develop a culturally appropriate process to select someone for this role.

Rationale: The TOAH-NNEST pacific Network considers the adequate representation of diversity on the Tauiwi Caucus Executive Committee essential in achieving its mission: To end sexual violence and support those impacted by it, through enabling those working to these ends to communicate, cooperate with each other and have a national voice.
Supporting and resourcing the TOAH-NNEST pacific network to develop this role will ensure its sustainability and support the national conversation and cooperation around pacific responses to sexual violence.

Download printable version here

Auckland Sexual Abuse HELP Foundation Motion

Motion from: Auckland Sexual Abuse HELP Foundation
Name: Kathryn McPhillips

Motion: That the Tauiwi Caucus executive committee adds a position for representation from and for those living with disability.

Rationale: Those living with disability are targeted for sexual violence yet are often not well served by services, or included in consideration of needs in this sector. 

Download printable version here

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