The Fitness File Body And Soul Health And Fitness
Body & Soul September 2019 Newsletter
“the man who moves a mountain begins by carrying away small stones.” - Confucius

When starting a fitness program, most of us are driven by a specific goal. As a result, our commitment to physical activity is highly dependent on seeing and feeling progress towards that goal. Unfortunately, it’s not uncommon for people to give up and cease training after a few months if no visible results are achieved.

It’s important not to be discouraged by slow progress. Following are some tips to help you achieve your goals and stay motivated along the way:

  • Be SMARTER with your goals: It’s important to set a goal that is a specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and timely. Once you have reached your goal, it is then important to evaluate and reflect on your success.
  • Set short-term goals: When you establish short-term goals, not only will you likely be more motivated (with a deadline just around the corner) but you will also see progress sooner. As an example: if your primary goal is “upper body strength” then we suggest making your short-term goal to complete 10 proper push-ups by a date you and your trainer deem appropriate. Once achieved, increase that goal to 15 or consider a goal for a different upper body exercise.
  • Recognize and reward short-term improvements: If after one month of regular exercise, you feel like you haven’t seen much of a difference physically - perhaps little to no weight lost or no obvious 'toning' – we urge you to consider how you feel mentally. Have you noticed a discernible difference in your stress levels, quality of sleep or level of energy? It’s important to recognize how exercise makes you feel.
When it comes to achieving your health and fitness goals, it’s important to remember that long-term optimal health is a journey, not a destination.
new personal training package!
We are excited to announce our new (trial) Personal Training package – Commit to Fit!

      $680 (+tax) for 10 Personal Training sessions (save over $150)

      $1,020 (+tax) for 10 Partner Training sessions (save over $250)

If you can commit to completing 10 Personal or Partner Training sessions in six weeks (firm expiry), you may qualify for this new package and save money on your next training package! Conditions apply. Please speak with the front desk for more information about this trial package.
fitness tip: maximize your gains by minimizing rest
Cutting your rest intervals – reducing the rest you take between sets – is one way to help increase the intensity of your workout and keep your heart rate up. You may want to consider reducing your rest time just enough so that you can begin the new set with a strong degree of effort, energy and strength, without preventing your muscles from sufficiently recovering for the next set.
nutrition tip: post-workout snacks
It’s not uncommon to feel an increasing sense of hunger following a tough workout, but  grabbing a gooey cinnamon bun with extra icing after a workout is not ideal. A good post-workout snack provides your body with proper nourishment and helps it prepare for the next training session. Ideally, you want to consider a combination of carbohydrates and proteins, consumed within an hour of finishing your workout. Some good post-workout snacks include yogurt and berries, sliced apple with almond butter or veggies and hummus.
club news
Studio Closure: Body & Soul will be closed Monday October 14th for Thanksgiving. The studio will re-open Tuesday October 15th at 6am. We hope that you have a lovely long weekend.

Referral Program: Did you know that our referral program includes Small Group Personal Training (SGPT)? If your friend purchases a SGPT package, you will receive a SGPT session! Speak with our front desk for more information.

Custom Group Training: Do you have a group of friends that you want to start training with? Are you a business owner who wants to get the team active? Train with your own custom group! Call 604-224-BODY [2639] for details.

Run, Row or Cycle: Remember, for $25/month Body & Soul clients can use the cardio equipment outside of their scheduled sessions. Conditions apply. Speak with our front desk to purchase a cardio package.
Kiran Parmar
Personal Trainer
Kiran worked as a physiotherapist for four years in India before recently moving to Canada. Through manual therapy and physical exercise, she has helped improve pain levels and function for individuals suffering from a variety of orthopedic and neurological conditions, including knee (ACL, meniscus) and shoulder injuries.

Kiran likes to take a functional approach to training, incorporating her knowledge of physiotherapy techniques and her experience with rehabilitation. She has a strong interest in working with clients recovering from injuries as well as those looking to lose weight through high intensity circuit training.
physio’s corner
Q: Ready for ski season?
A: With snow covered slopes just a few months away, Fall is the best time to focus on strength, balance and flexibility in order to ski your best and reduce the chance of injury.

Implementing a series of progressive strength and endurance exercises for your legs, hips and core - such as squats, lateral lunges, tuck jumps and step ups - will have you feeling fresh after a long day on the slopes. Using a Bosu ball or half foam roll to challenge your balance will keep your turns tight and agile. Additionally, adding some focused stretches for your calves, quads, hamstrings and hip flexors will increase your mobility and help keep you in your ‘tuck’ right to the final gate.

A physiotherapist experienced in preventative exercise and conditioning can help you create an individualized program to address your sport-specific needs.

Michael Hales is a registered physiotherapist and owner of Halestorm Physiotherapy here at Body & Soul. To find out how physiotherapy can help you, visit

Contact Us
3785 West 10‌th A‌ve.
Vanco‌uver, BC
V6‌R 3T‌3
Ph: 604.224.2639
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