BSEM Workshop  - Friday 18.10.2019
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Dear trainees, members et al...

We hope you had a good summer. This is just a quick note to alert you to a recent addition to our autumn programme. On Friday the 18th October we will hold a workshop on Micro-immunotherapy. This is a method initially developed in the sixties by the Belgium doctor Maurice Jenaer, using cytokines and other messengers of the immune system in low-dose, thus mimicking the communication of the immune system. It is now well established in Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Italy and Spain. Its strength lies in treating chronic infections and here in particular chronic viral infections e.g. Epstein Barr or other Herpes infections. Find a short summary of its history here or more comprehensive information on the method here.

The workshop will be held by Gunter Schlegel, a medical doctor from Freiburg, Germany who has been using the method for many years and regularly lectures for the German/Austrian MeGeMit (Medizinische Gesellschaft fuer Mikroimmuntherapie = medical society for micro-immunotherpy Doctor Schlegel is not a native speaker but will hold the workshop in English. The first half of the workshop will be a general introduction to the method and some of the diagnostic tools used (e.g. lymphocyte typing), the second half is dedicated to case histories and questions. .

Please be aware that we will have a break half way, where we provide snacks, but there is neither lunch nor dinner. However if you would like to join us after the workshop for dinner in one of the local restaurants, please let us know in advance so that we can adjust the numbers for reservations.

Similar to our training days we also limit spaces for the workshops, so please book NOW to avoid disappointment.

We look forward to seeing you soon.

Your BSEM committee

Introduction to Micro-immunotherapy
Friday 18th October 2019
13:30  - 18:30

Hallam Conference Centre
44 Hallam Street
London W1W 6JJ
CPD applied for. Limited places available - please register soon to secure your place at the forthcoming training.

There is a break with tea/coffee and snacks, but no lunch or dinner included in the price.

BSEM Annual Scientific Conference

5 G and Health: the Facts, the Risks and the Remedies
27th September 2019
Hallam Conference Centre

followed by BSEM AGM
Book Now

BSEM Training Day 5

Environmental Medicine
“Spotlight on

15th November 2019
Hallam Conference Centre 

For more information on our training programmes,
please see our training section on our website here. 

Book Now
The BSEM is a charity whose principal aim is to promote the study and good practice of environmental and nutritional medicine
for the benefit of the public.
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