Back to the Grindstone


It’s good to be back in my familiar space.

Traveling is fun but it’s also good to be home.

If you didn’t take advantage of Mark’s California offer over the last few days, the deal is over.

Don’t feel bad though.

When the time is right to enroll in one of my programs, I know you will.

Let me tell you about a conversation I had the other day while on the train home.

It was with a fellow in Virginia.

(Yes, I did fit in a bit of work while I was away.)

This guy is 48 years old and has:
  • A long career in his industry.
  • Debts
  • No savings
  • A desire to improve his financial status.
He wanted to know my opinion of certain other programs out there that promise to help people buy a business with no money.

He was interested because he has less than no money. 

He has a negative net worth.

He thought that buying a great business with other people’s money would be a good way to improve his position in life.

I explained quickly why lenders are hesitant to lend 100% of the value of things and that vendor financing is still considered debt.

I told him a few scenarios where this is possible and how they differed from his situation.

The other guys wouldn’t return his calls even though they wanted him to go over $7,000 further into debt to learn their programs.

My Business Buyer Advantage program is only $359 by comparison.

Do you think I advised him to buy my program?


I told him to get his financial shyte together.

Be- Do- Have.

Be the successful businessperson in your mind.

Do the behaviours that successful people do (like living within their means and accumulating wealth)

Have the things that successful people have (like a debt-free Ford F-150.)

The blokes with the lambos are up to their eyeballs in debt… They’re not necessarily successful.

Make the attitude change and when you need information, encouragement and help… I’ll still be here.





Copyright © 2019 David C Barnett, All rights reserved.

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