
Lutz Preparatory School K-8 NEWSFLASH, V8 Issue 9, August 23, 2019

  • Monday, August 26:
    • Deadline to Register for Cross Country TCAL Team (no tryouts)
    • After School Enrichment Vendors Start This Week (See Registration Options Below)
  • Tuesday, August 27:
    • First Day of 5th-8th TCAL Cross Country Practice (must be pre-registered by Monday deadline)
  • Wednesday, August 28:
    • Early Release, Dismissal Begins at Noon
  • Thursday, August 29:
    • PTA General Assembly Meeting
    • Band Informational Night for Parents of Students in Band Electives
    • Cross Country Practice
    • Board of Director Meeting

Reminder: Monday, September 2, 2019: Labor Day Holiday - School and District Offices Closed

Attendance & Being On Time Matters!
School hours are 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM
(8:00 AM - 12:00 PM on early release days)
Doors to both buildings will open promptly at 7:30 AM for student arrival.

Please review the academic calendar on our school website (linked below) and  make every effort to schedule appointments and vacations outside of these dates.    
Good attendance leads to academic success!  

Reporting Student Absences
Please review our Parent/Student Handbook Section 400.02 Report an Absence and Required Documentation (page 14).  Click HERE to visit the Campus Life\Handbook section of our website.

Every effort should be made to contact the school by 9:00 AM.  The preferred method notification is via email to:

2019-20 Academic Calendar

Important Dates

9/2:  Labor Day Holiday - No School

9/3:  PTA Membership Free Dress Pass (Turn In Ticket To HR Teacher)

9/3:  Deadline to Register for Coed Intramural Flag Football

9/3:  Bolts of Blue Kick Off:  Student Assemblies

9/3:  Deadline to Place Lunch Orders for September

9/4:  Homeroom Parent Meeting

9/4:  Bolts of Blue Kick Off Spirit Day:  Wear Blue from Head to Toe

9/5:  Bolts of Blue Spirit Day:  Western Wear

9/9:  LIM Family Intro Info Session One:  6:00-7:45 PM

9/11:  All Pro Dad's Meeting

9/11:  LIM Family Intro Info Session One -  8:30-10:00 AM

9/11:  NJHS Induction Ceremony 4:00-6:00

9/12:  Bolts of Blue Spirit Day:  Disney Day

9/18:  Early Release Day- Dismissal Begins at Noon

9/19:  Parent/Teacher Conference Night

9/19:  Bolts of Blue Spirit Day:  Hawaiian Day

9/23:  LIM Family Session Two/Three - 6:00-7:45 PM

9/25:  LIM Family Session Two/Three - 8:30-10:00 AM

9/26:  Board of Director Meeting

9/26:  Bolts of Blue Spirit Day:  Super Hero Day

10/2:  First Grade Field Trip

10/3:  Bolts of Blue Spirit Day:  LP Blackout

10/4:  Bolts of Blue Campaign Deadline

Athletic Information for Fall Intramurals and TCAL Competitive Team Tryouts

Cross Country Registration
Please do not miss the registration deadline.  Students not pre-registered will not be permitted to participate in 1st practice.

Click on the links below to review emails previously sent:

Intramural CoEd Flag Football (1st-5th Grade)
In keeping with our focus on offering more after-school athletic choices for our younger athletes we have decided to offer Coed Flag Football to all of our 1st-5th grade Bolts.  This will be a new and exciting venture for us and I am very excited to get it under way.  

Coach Bobby Fox will be coaching this inaugural season in hopes of teaching your athletes the basic skills, rules, and hopefully spark a love for the game all in a safe and fun environment.  There is an $80 enrollment fee that will cover all eight, one hour sessions as well as each athlete's own dri-fit shirt.  

Please note that this sport will only be offered to the first 25 students that sign up so please register as soon as you can.  If you have any questions or concerns please email me at   Thanks and GO BOLTS!

Intramural Coed Flag Football Schedule - After School Until 4:30 PM

  • Wed. Sept. 4 
  • Mon. Sept. 9
  • Wed. Sept. 11
  • Mon. Sept. 16
  • Thurs. Sept. 19
  • Mon. Sept. 23
  • Wed. Sept 25
  • Mon. Sept. 30

Deadline to submit all THREE required steps below is Tuesday, September 3rd at midnight or student will not be allowed to participate.  The FHSAA Sports Physicals can be done in a very fast, inexpensive manner at many local walk in clinics such as CVS or Medi-Express (it is not the same as an annual check up).

  1. Step #1:  Sports Liability Online Form (covers all sports for the 2019-20 school year)
  2. Step #2:  FHSAA Sports Physical (must be emailed to OR a paper copy turned into the front office - not coach).  This is not the same as an annual health checkup.  
  3. Step #3:  Registration and Payment of $80 participation fee (online only)
Early Release Day, Wednesday, August 28th
Dismissal Begins at Noon

Before and After Care 2019-20
All students must have a Before & After Care Registration Form on file in the school office prior to attending.  Please click HERE to visit our website for full details.  After care available on early release days also.

The completed form may be turned in to the front office or emailed electronically to

Volunteer Corner
Per Florida State law, school volunteers must be background checked each year though the HCPS system volunteer process. The 19-20 school year runs July 1 and runs through June 30.

All volunteers who will be

  • Onsite at Lutz Preparatory School OR 
  • Offsite on a Lutz Preparatory Field Trip

are required to complete or reactivate the online HCPS Volunteer Application each school year. This includes Level 2, Fingerprinted volunteers. Anyone who submits a volunteer application beginning July 1 will remain active in our system through June 30 or end of the fiscal year.  Click HERE to visit the HCPS volunteer application website.  

Media Center Seeking Volunteers
The Library Media Center is seeking volunteers.  Morning shifts are from 8:30 - 11:30 and the afternoon shifts are from 12:30 - 2:20.  Volunteers should plan on a weekly assignment unless they wish to just sign up as a substitute.  Volunteers will check-out, check-in, and shelve books.  Please contact Judy O'Sullivan at to answer any questions or to sign up.  

Tastes of Tampa Bay Catering for School Lunch
September Menu Open for Orders from Thursday, August 22 through Tuesday, September 3 at midnight

Please visit the Campus Life\Lunch Information section of the school website for details on how to set up your families online ordering account.  

Safety Patrol Squad
Thank you to the 2019-20 Safety Patrol Squad, we appreciate your dedication to help make our morning arrival a safe and positive start to each student's school day.  We are looking forward to a GREAT school year!

Lutz Preparatory PTA
PTA Membership Drive
Its not too late to join! Our membership drive is still going on, see our website for a membership application.  Together we can make a difference!

PTA General Assembly Meeting
Save the Date:  Thursday, August 29, 2019for our first general assembly meeting of the school year in the Main Building Cafeteria at 8:30 AM.  Future General Assembly Meeting dates will be posted soon.
PTA Membership Dress Down Day
Reminder those PTA members who signed up during our initial membership drive received a free dress pass to be used on Tuesday, September 3rd.  Don't forget to have your student(s) turn in their non uniform dress pass to their homeroom teacher Tuesday morning.
Thank You to Our Business Members

  • Arbor Capital
  • Believe It and Achieve It
  • Burger Culture 
  • Edward Jones Investments
  • Eye Level Learning Center
  • Gilmore Interiors
  • JSHW Inc.  
Conference Night - Save the Date

Fall Conference Night: 
Thursday, September 19, 2019 4:00-7:00 PM
Parents will receive more specific details from their homeroom teacher as conference night gets closer.  Conference night for in-depth conversations about your student with their teacher(s).
Thank you PTA!  
We wish to send a “shout out” and huge thank you to our Lutz Prep PTA for our new bottle filling station in the main building!  These stations are available for any student, staff, or visitor near or passing by to fill up their water bottle/container with cooled and filtered water.  Check out our 1st graders, Payton S. and Kristina S. enjoying a quick water break.

As always, our school performs copper and lead sampling on a regular basis per licensing requirements. We’re looking forward to another great school year fully hydrated!
We also want to thank PTA for always treating our faculty and staff like royalty.  We truly appreciate the healthy snack station treats during the busy first few weeks of school.  

From the Clinic
Back to school tips to follow in order to help keep Lutz Prep Students Healthy

We are asking you for your continued cooperation in assisting us to control the spread of illness and communicable diseases.

Per section 1500.1 of the student/Parent handbook policy, if your student has been sent home within the past 24 hours or is showing any signs/symptoms listed below, WE ASK YOU NOT TO SEND YOUR CHILD TO SCHOOL until they have been fever and/or symptom free for 24 hours without medication (ie: Tylenol/Advil).

At any time, the school nurse and/or administration may ask for a written statement from a licensed physician stating that it is safe for the student to return.

  • Elevated temperature >100.0 F
  • Vomiting or diarrhea within past 24 hours
  • Excessive mucus from nose or eyes, particularly greenish-yellow mucus
  • Rash
  • Persistent Coughing or Sneezing
  • Lice

    Lice facts:
    By taking some precautions, you may be able to prevent your child from getting or spreading lice.
  • Check your child’s head every night.
  • Students should avoid sharing items that touch the head like combs, head bands, headphones, and hats.
  • Long hair should be kept up while in school.
  • Lutz Prep follows a no nit policy. If your student is found to have live lice or nits(eggs) they will need to be excluded from school until treated.
  • All students must be cleared by the school nurse before returning.

After School Enrichment with Vendors Begins Monday, August 26th

All enrichment sessions begin the week of August 26th, please sign up no later than Thursday, August 22nd.

Click HERE to visit the After School Enrichment Vendor tab of our website for flyers and links to vendor website for registration.  

Please note, Lutz Preparatory is not responsible for the contents or reliability of any websites of these after school vendors to which we provide a link and do not necessarily endorse the views expressed within them.


Bricks 4 Kidz-Legos
Grades: Kindergarten - 5th
3:15-4:15 PM
12 week program
Click HERE for flyer
Chef it Up 2 Go!
Grades: Kindergarten - 6th
3:30-4:30 PM
4 week program
Click HERE for flyer

Color Wheelz Painting
Grades: Kindergarten - 5th
3:30-4:30 PM
4 week program
Click HERE for flyer
Golf Squad
Grades: Kindergarten - 5th
3:15-4:15 PM
7 week program
Click HERE for flyer
Idea Lab Kids Elementary & Middle STEAM
Grades: Kindegarten-5th & 6th-8th
3:30-4:30 PM
6 week program

Click HERE for Elementary Grades Flyer: 
Click HERE for Middle Grades Flyer:  

Mark Pinner Karate
Grades: Kindergarten - 5th
3:15-4:00 PM
Monthly program
Click HERE for flyer

My lil’ Yogi-Yoga
Age 5 through 5th Grade
3:15-3:45 PM (correct times - typo in previous listing)
12 week program
Click HERE for flyer
  • Broadway Babies
  • Musical Theater K-5
  • Ballet and Jazz
  • Middle School Theater

Preschool: EC3 & VPK times 2:45-3:15 PM
Grades: Kindergarten - 5th times 3:15-3:45
4 week program
Click HERE for flyer 

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