Startup Digest

South Korea

August 26, 2019

This edition is the South Korea Startup Digest 411th newsletter.

If you have any feedback which you want to publish in the South Korea Startup Digest, please contact at

Startup Digest South Korea is curated by:
Cheolhoon Kim

Cheolhoon Kim

Contact Cheolhoon Kim at

15% Discount on tickets to TechCrunch Disrupt 2019

Disrupt (2-4 Oct) is where the startup world gathers to see the present and the future of tech in one place. Be inspired by the insights of today's leaders and tomorrow's best startups, learn from industry analysts sharing their business expertise, witness the latest innovations and up-and-coming founders, and make the right connections easily to propel your business forward. Save 15% on tickets by using code: STARTUPDIGEST

The corporate credit card for startups

Brex card frontScaling a startup? You need a card with better perks and no personal guarantee. Brex gives founders 10-20x higher limits and unheard-of perks: 7x on Uber/Lyft, 4x on travel, 2x on SaaS, and 1x on ads, servers, and all the rest. Sign up in 5 min & use “digest” for waived card fees for life. US only.

TUE 27

[Daejeon] IP Startup Road Day 2nd (FREE)

August 27th 1:00pm

"2019 IP Startup Road Day" to explore and support promising IP-based start-ups nationwide

Daejeon Center for Creative Economy and Innovation | Korean | View in Calendar

TUE 27

[Busan] PASTA Class (FREE)

August 27th 7:00pm

Startup Classes Created by Party of Startup Pasta [Pasta Class!!]
Efficient management and 'enhancing the efficiency of business communication between team members'  Smart Work Lectures Using Google and Jandi

Cafe with | Korean | View in Calendar

THU 29

[Seoul] Teheraro Lunch Club (RVSP)

August 29th 11:45am

"Growth," a concept that anyone who works for a startup and is interested in a start-up might have heard about once.
It's something you can't miss for growth, you have to do! 
In this launch club, we will invite our manager, Yang Wook-jin, to hear what Growth is and how Sharing is making growth with profitability. Let's solve the questions about Growth, including its importance and approach, together at the Teheraro Launch Club!

Startup Alliance | Korean | View in Calendar

THU 29

[Seoul] August D.Day X SmartStudy (RSVP)

August 29th 6:00pm

Every month, we select five start-up teams, a program that can be housed by a panel of professional judges, and we're going to have 200 people working together to be business partners or prospects. Demo Day of the Republic of Korea's Startups!

D.CAMP 6F, Multipurpose Hall | Korean | View in Calendar

THU 29

[Seoul] French Tech Connect Seoul #2 - French Entrepreneurs in Korea (free)

August 29th 7:00pm

French Tech Community Seoul is pleased to invite you to discuss about French entrepreneurs experience in launching a startup in Korea What was their challenges and difficulties? What are the differences with other countries ? Let's meet several startups CEO to get their feedback about Korea startups life and ecosystem: - Sarah Soo-Kyung Henriet from 수 de Vie - Olivier Duchenne from Adriel - Ghislain Brun from QoQoons

Seoul | English | View in Calendar

The corporate credit card for startups

Brex card frontScaling a startup? You need a card with better perks and no personal guarantee. Brex gives founders 10-20x higher limits and unheard-of perks: 7x on Uber/Lyft, 4x on travel, 2x on SaaS, and 1x on ads, servers, and all the rest. Sign up in 5 min & use “digest” for waived card fees for life. US only.

이번 호는 South Korea Startup Digest 411호 뉴스레터입니다.

뉴스레터에 홍보를 원하는 분은 작성해주시고,

추가 문의사항은 로 보내주세요!

15% Discount on tickets to TechCrunch Disrupt 2019

Disrupt (2-4 Oct) is where the startup world gathers to see the present and the future of tech in one place. Be inspired by the insights of today's leaders and tomorrow's best startups, learn from industry analysts sharing their business expertise, witness the latest innovations and up-and-coming founders, and make the right connections easily to propel your business forward. Save 15% on tickets by using code: STARTUPDIGEST
TUE 27

[대전] 제2회 IP 스타트업 로드데이 (FREE)

August 27th 1:00pm

전국을 순회하며 유망한 지식재산(IP) 기반 창업기업을 발굴·지원하는 “2019 IP 스타트업 로드데이”

대전창조경제혁신센터 | Korean | View in Calendar

TUE 27

[부산] 파스타 클래스 (FREE)

August 27th 7:00pm

파티오브 스타트업 파스타에서 만드는 스타트업 클래스 [파스타 클래스!!]안녕하세요 스타트업, 디자이너, 기획 개발자들의 파티 파스타
'실질적으로 일할때 꼭 필요한 실무적인 내용'을 강의로 만들면 어떨까 라는 생각에 '파스타 클라쓰'를 만들게 되었습니다.그 첫번째 강의로 효율적인 업무 관리와'팀 멤버간에 업무적 커뮤니케이션의 효율을 높일 수 있는'  구글과 잔디를 활용한 스마트워크 강의를 준비했습니다.

카페위드 | Korean | View in Calendar

THU 29

[서울] 테헤란로 런치클럽 (RVSP)

August 29th 11:45am

스타트업에서 일하고, 스타트업에 관심 있는 사람이라면 한 번쯤 들어봤을 법한 개념 '그로스(Growth)'
성장을 위해서라면 놓칠 수 없는, 꼭 해야 한다는 그것! 이번 런치클럽에서는 눔코리아 양욱진 그로스 매니저를 모시고 그로스란 무엇인지, 눔은 어떻게 수익성을 동반한 성장을 만들어가고 있는지 들어볼 예정입니다. 중요성과 접근방법 등 그로스에 대한 궁금증을 테헤란로 런치클럽에서 함께 풀어보아요!

스타트업얼라이언스 | Korean | View in Calendar

THU 29

[서울] 8월 디데이 X 스마트스터디 (RSVP)

August 29th 6:00pm

매월 15대 1의 경쟁률을 뚫고 무대에 서게 되는 스타트업 5개팀,스타트업을 가장 잘 이해하고 성공을 한 마음으로 바라는 전문 심사위원단,그리고 비즈니스 파트너 또는 잠재 고객이 될 200명의 청중이 함께 만드는대한민국 창업계 데모데이! 디데이(D.DAY)!

D.CAMP 6층 다목적홀 | Korean | View in Calendar

THU 29

[Seoul] French Tech Connect Seoul #2 - French Entrepreneurs in Korea (free)

August 29th 7:00pm

프랑스 기술 커뮤니티 서울, 프랑스 기업인들이 한국에서 창업한 경험을 토론할 수 있도록 여러분을 기꺼이 초대한다. 이들의 도전과 어려움은 무엇이었습니까? 다른 나라들의 차이점은 무엇인가? 한국 스타트업들의 삶과 생태계에 대한 피드백을 얻기 위해 몇몇 스타트업 CEO를 만나보자: - 셀 수 없는 비 출신의 사라 수경 헨리에 - 아드리엘의 올리비에 뒤첸 - Qo쿤스의 기슬랭 브룬

Seoul | English | View in Calendar

The corporate credit card for startups

Brex card frontScaling a startup? You need a card with better perks and no personal guarantee. Brex gives founders 10-20x higher limits and unheard-of perks: 7x on Uber/Lyft, 4x on travel, 2x on SaaS, and 1x on ads, servers, and all the rest. Sign up in 5 min & use “digest” for waived card fees for life. US only.

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