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SECA newsletter #7 - August 2019

69% and counting
Last month we were celebrating that half the councils in the South East had declared a climate emergency or passed a meaningful climate motion.  Since then, another 10 have followed suit.  So 37 councils (69%) have confirmed they're ready to take climate action, with campaigns or internal strategy discussions underway in a further 10.  Petitions have been launched to help persuade some of the councils who have not yet committed: in Dartford, Runnymede, Havant and East Sussex, so do sign up if you live or work in these areas. 

That means there are only 5 councils out of 54 in the South East where we don't know yet of any action being taken -  Spelthorne, Surrey Heath, Tandridge, and Waverley (in Surrey), and Hart (in Hampshire). Please let us know if you are aware of any initiatives in those areas- it is quite a challenge keeping up!  A full progress update of which councils have done what is on the SECA website. 

This impressive progress mirrors the trend nationwide. According to the website, more than 200 primary and secondary councils have now declared an emergency, up from 130 just last month (click on the map for latest details).

The wave of public concern over this issue looks like it has become unstoppable.  The increased media attention combined with the tireless campaigning efforts of environmental, faith and community groups across the country, plus the almost daily news of extreme weather events, wildfires and melting ice caps, is finally getting the message across.


So what happens next?

This is now the big question.  With councillors agreeing motions and committing councils to new emissions targets, cabinet members and council officers are having to work out how to respond.  They are often coping with depleted staff teams and budgets that are already heavily overstretched.  So it's a big challenge, for sure.

The good news is that help is increasingly on hand.  A growing number of NGOs, campaign groups, think tanks, consulting organisations, universities and others, are moving in this space and gearing up the support and advice they can provide.  Here's some of the most interesting developments we've heard about recently:
  • Climate Emergency UK - the organisation behind the map you can see above- are setting up a climate emergency network aimed at council leaders, lead officers and portfolio holders.  There is no joining fee at present.  Council employees or officers should send an email to to add your council to the membership list.
  • Adur and Worthing Borough Councils have taken the lead and last week convened a meeting of sustainability officers from 12 neighbouring councils to discuss how they're going to curb carbon emissions. 
  • Greenpeace have produced a far reaching manifesto spelling out how government should address the climate emergency.  Though mainly aimed at national government, this is worth a read as it sets out clearly the range of measures that will be needed, from strengthening the electric grid to banning fracking, curbing flying, and reducing meat and dairy consumption.
  • Ashden, the organisation behind the Ashden Awards, has produced a in-depth toolkit for local councils demonstrating the spin off benefits of taking action on climate, for example on health, economic development, equity and resilience.  
  • Shared Futures has published a useful introduction on how Citizens Assemblies  an be used to get local debate going on climate actions.
  • The Association of Public Service Excellence (APSE) has produced a paper on ‘Local authority climate emergency declarations which provides an understanding of what declaring a climate emergency can do, when to use it and how it can be used in the context of local councils. (the summary report is free, but the full report is available on subscription)
We're updating the Resources for Councils section of the website with new material as it comes in. So do let us know of any resources you come across that you rate highly. 

There's some great new resources for campaigners too.  Friends of the Earth have launched a new online Resource Hub, with information on a whole series of free webinars they are running, plus a range of very useful 'How to Guides' on lobbying and other topics. You can register your community group as a 'Climate Action Group' to access help and support from them. You dont need to be a member of Friends of the Earth to do this. 

Where next for SECA?
With most councils in our region having now declared a climate emergency, or pledged to take climate action, this begs the question of how SECA should focus its efforts in the future.  Is our job nearly done, or should we be building on the success we've had and the network we've created  and take on new challenges?  Members of the SECA Steering Group are meeting on 28th August for an Away Day to ponder this question.  Watch out for news in the next newsletter and meantime let us know if you have useful skills to help to keep us going (eg website admin) or thoughts about how SECA might develop. 
In other news....

East Sussex divestment petition:  Divest East Sussex are getting very close to their target of 5000 signatures on their petition which they need to reach by 17 September to trigger a debate on divestment from fossil fuels at the October 15 ESCC meeting. They could do with as many people as possible at the council meeting and demonstrating outside on that day. The council meeting starts at 10am County Hall Lewes.

Friends of the South Downs have produced a set of four short reports on Sustainability, Environment, Education, and the Environment Challenge (SEEC).

Campaign to reinstate SITR for community energy projects - Community Energy England are calling for the reinstatement of Social Investment Tax Relief (SITR), according to a recent item in the BHESCO newsletter.  "SITR is the government’s tax relief for social investment for trading social enterprises. It is intended to kick-start the market... by encouraging individuals to support social enterprises... and helping these enterprises access new sources of finance.  Historically community energy projects have been excluded because the government said they benefitted from other subsidies. These subsidies have now been removed, so they think it’s time to include community renewable energy projects as an eligible activity for SITR tax relief. ... With this in mind, we would like to encourage you all to write to your MP, supporting the reinstatement of SITR.  You can find a suggested letter template HERE "

Dates for your diary

Sat 8 Sept - Lewes electric car show: Transition Town Lewes are doing a repeat of the very successful electric car show they ran last year, which featured an amazing dancing Tesla!  "Thinking of buying an electric car? Not sure what it entails, what the long-term cost will be or the practicalities of charging a vehicle? Then the Lewes Electric Car Show is a place to get some answers from real-life car owners who have taken the plunge."  10.30-2.30 at Harveys Brewery Yard.

20-27 Sept - Global Climate Strike: This is about taking the school strikes to a whole new level.  "Millions of school climate strikers have been leaving their classrooms every Friday. Now they hope that everyone else will join them in action. Going on climate strike means people everywhere walking out of their homes, their offices, their farms, their factories. .... We can all take part, whatever our circumstances, by refusing to accept the status quo." Check out their website for details or actions near you, or start one yourself!

27-29 Sept - Centre for Alternative technology Annual Conference:  Do you feel like you need some inspiration?  If so, this conference could be the tonic you need.  "Fear is paralysing – hope is energising. Come and inspire action on climate change with us at the 2019 CAT Conference this September."   Details on their website.

If you've got events you'd like to flag up in future newsletters, email us and let us know.   And don't forget to post them on the SECA Facebook group.

Enjoy the rest of the summer!

Best wishes

The South East Climate Alliance
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