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Eugene Therapy & Oregon Counseling is a proud sponsor of Lane County's 7th Annual 90by30 Conference: A Connected Child is a Protected Child.

Join us as we explore how connection of all kinds can create safe, healthy communities for kids and families.

In this issue:


Focus on Friendships

Building a Social Support Net

Your relationships have a deep impact on your emotional health. A strong social support network can help you manage stress and anxiety, boost your mood, and increase your sense of self-worth and well-being. Building a social support net gives you something to fall back on when times are tough, and allows you to extend help and support to others. Try these simple tips to build your social support net by strengthening existing friendships and forging new connections. 

Deepening Friendships

Life gets busy and we don’t always give our friendships the time and attention they deserve. Fortunately, there are easy ways to strengthen your relationships with the people you care about. 

  • Take a few minutes to reminisce and then text a favorite shared memory to your friend. Remembering good times together is a great method to reconnect and remind each other of the value of your friendship.
  • Set up a time to get together. Whether it’s as extensive as a girl’s weekend away, or as casual as meeting up for coffee or a drink, spending time together may be the best way to keep your relationship strong. 
  • Tell your friend about something new, important, or meaningful in your life. Talking about things that matter can deepen your trust in each other, help you feel close, and deepen your appreciation for one another in lasting ways. 

Building Connections

Whether you already have close friendships or not, making new friends can add value and fresh perspective to your life. Meeting new people doesn’t have to be intimidating; approached from the right angle it can be fun and rewarding. 

  • Volunteer, take a class, or attend a community event. You’re likely to meet people with similar interests, which makes it easier to connect over a shared passion. 
  • Invite an acquaintance to lunch or a movie. Approaching an existing acquaintance can be an easy way to break the ice, and you may be surprised at how much you and your neighbor or colleague have in common.
  • Take the pressure off building connections. Try planning a fun activity and invite someone new along with a more familiar group. You’ll find it easier to make connections in a relaxed atmosphere where you can share the duties of hosting and conversation—and you’ll be helping others to make connections too. 

Building a social support net by deepening friendships and building connections is rewarding in itself, and it can have significant benefits for your health and well-being. Great friendships don’t happen overnight, but by consistently nurturing relationships and giving them time to develop, you can build a strong social support net that will benefit you—and your friends—for years to come.
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Anxiety Management

3 Surprising Ways to Manage Anxiety


We all deal with anxiety to some degree. And we’ve all heard of ways to manage anxiety, from deep breathing to nature walks. While these methods are helpful, sometimes managing your emotions can be counterintuitive. Here are 3 surprising ways to manage anxiety that you may not have heard about.

Expose Yourself to Triggers

If you deal with anxiety frequently, chances are you’ve identified some triggers that tend to set off your anxiety or make it worse. So you should avoid those triggers to manage your anxiety, right? Actually, not always. While staying away from triggers can help if you’re in a particularly stressful time in your life, exposing yourself to triggers in small doses while staying mindful can be an excellent way to manage anxiety and lessen its influence over you. In fact, this is one of the key elements in certain forms of therapy, such as exposure therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy. 

The trick to managing anxiety through exposure is to take baby steps and remain mindful throughout the process. By exposing yourself to triggers gradually, you’re able to stay in control of your anxiety, and by staying mindful of how you’re feeling in an anxiety-inducing situation, you can calm yourself down and show your anxiety that you have power over it. As you do this regularly, you’ll find that you’ll be able to do more while experiencing less anxiety. 

Do Something Badly

Anxiety often starts to take over when you’re afraid of making a mistake. In fact, enough anxiety about your imperfections can be paralyzing. The solution? Give yourself permission to mess up. More than that, plan on it. 

If you’re having trouble getting started or continuing with something because of the fear of imperfection, tell yourself to go ahead and do it badly. Giving yourself permission to do something badly can be surprisingly liberating. When mistakes are no longer something to worry about, you’ll find that it’s much easier to get started on a task. And you may be surprised by how well you do it! 

Allowing yourself to do something badly also gives you the freedom to try new things without worrying about whether you’ll be good at it or not. As an added bonus, trying new experiences can also reduce anxiety as you have fun, make connections, and learn new skills. 

Make Time to Worry

For many people with anxiety, worry takes up a good chunk of their time. If this is you, you may be wondering how making time to worry can possibly be helpful in managing anxiety. The point of setting aside a specific time to worry is that it delays (and therefore lessens) the thoughts that cause you to become anxious. 

Set aside ten minutes at a certain time each day, and when you find yourself starting to worry about something outside of that time, remind yourself that it’s not worry time just yet. You can even write the worry down if it makes you feel better. By telling yourself that you are going to worry, just not now, you allow your mind to calm down a little, knowing that the problem will be dealt with. When “worry time” rolls around, you may find that the problems that loomed so large earlier in the day have become less significant. 

If you’re struggling with anxiety, try one of these unique ways to manage it. And if you feel that you need help, please contact a member of our team. We can assist you in determining what methods of managing anxiety would be best for you, and support you on your journey towards better mental health. 

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Welcome to our Corvallis Psychiatrist

Danielle Gomez, MD

To make an appointment with Dr. Gomez: 


You can make an appointment with Dr. Gomez by contacting our intake team at 541-714-5620 or request an appointment here.

Why did you choose to become a psychiatrist? 
As a teenager, I knew I wanted to contribute to the world in a meaningful way. This lead to my decision to attend medical school. During medical school, I spent time learning about each specialty and was drawn to psychiatry after experiences in mental health hospitals and clinics. The relationships and the science in psychiatry fascinate and inspire me. During psychiatry residency, I came to appreciate the unique connections I was able to have with people and was privileged to witness the human capacity to persevere, change, and grow. Mental health is key to overall health, and restoring and maintaining mental health leads to increasing the quality of a person's life. 

What is your theory on how psychiatry can help people make positive changes? 
Psychiatry focuses on the biological, psychological, environmental, and social aspects of mental illness. Psychiatrists are trained in several different types of psychotherapy as well as pharmacology, neurology, and general medicine. Psychiatrists consider the underlying genetic and medical contributions to a person's current state as well as their childhood/adolescent experiences and development. This allows for comprehensive evaluation and multimodal treatment which can include psychotherapy and medications to help cultivate overall health and balance.

What do you like best about living in Corvallis?
Corvallis is an absolutely charming place to live!  Some of my favorite things about Corvallis include the natural beauty, the people that make up the community and the location. Corvallis provides extensive hiking trails, the Willamette River and close proximity to the mountains and ocean. I also like the progressive culture, the accessibility to fresh produce, the lack of traffic, Two Towns Cider and the wonderful friends I have made in the area. 

Do you have any pets?
I am lucky to have a 13 year old dog named Socrates who has been my dear friend, travel companion and a source of joy over the years. 

What do you like to do in your spare time?
In my spare time I focus on my loved ones and my own mental and physical well being. I enjoy hiking, gardening, cooking, yoga, traveling, snowboarding, meditating, music, dancing, and reading. Practicing self-care and finding balance is so important and allows me to be the best version of myself. 

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Back to School Transitions

Creating a Coping Toolbox


The transition back to school can be an emotional time for your child. One thing you can do to make the transition easier is to help your child create a coping toolbox. Helping your child recognize her skills and resources can empower her to cope effectively with the challenges and emotions that come with a new school year. 

What exactly is a coping toolbox? 

A coping toolbox is a small collection of resources your child can use to deal with things that come up in his daily life. Depending on the age of your child, a toolbox can be a container with physical items in it, or simply a mental list. The important thing is to help your child recognize that he can cope with any feeling or situation that arises. 

How do I decide what to include in a coping toolbox?

Determine what types of emotions your child is most likely to experience, or which ones are the most challenging to deal with. If your child experiences anxiety, for example, his toolbox might include a small, soft item he could stroke to calm himself down. Or if your child frequently feels frustrated by the challenges of schoolwork, her toolbox could contain a drawing of a balloon, to remind her to take some deep breaths, filling up her belly like a balloon with each one. 

Once you’ve figured out what types of emotions your child might need a coping toolbox for, choose three or four tools to put in it. These might be resources (like sharing their feelings with a teacher), techniques (like giving themselves a bear hug), or items (such as a fidget toy). It’s a good idea to get your child’s input on what coping strategies they would like to include in their toolbox. 

How can I help my child use their coping toolbox?

Choose an item or create a reminder for each strategy in your child’s coping toolbox. It’s a good idea to check with the teacher beforehand to make sure you select appropriate items that won’t be distracting to your child’s classmates. By letting your child’s teacher know about the toolbox, you not only ensure that the things you select will be school-appropriate, but you also give the teacher an opportunity to help your child cope well with each school day. 

Remember, depending on your child’s needs you can use meaningful items as tools, or simple reminders like cards with a word or picture to help them remember what their coping strategies are. Work with your child’s teacher to figure out a good place to keep the toolbox at school. Maybe your child can keep his toolbox in his locker or desk, or maybe she can store it in a specific pocket of her backpack. 


A coping toolbox can help kids of all ages learn how to handle emotions, develop good coping strategies, and test out important life skills. Creating a coping toolbox is a great way to help your child utilize their unique abilities as they make the transition back to school. If you feel that you could use some guidance in understanding your child’s emotions or helping them develop appropriate coping strategies, please get in touch with a team member at one of our locations in Portland, Eugene, or Corvallis. We’re happy to help.

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From the Blog

3 Ways to Build Self Confidence

For some people, self-confidence seems to come naturally, but for most of us, it’s a character trait we have to develop. There are many ways to build your self-confidence, from improving your posture to trying something new every day, and from reciting affirmations to using visualization techniques. You can use the three tips below as a starting point to building your self-confidence.

Present Your Best Self

Self-confidence is largely a matter of personal perception—convincing yourself that you are the kind of person you want to be. To truly believe this, it helps to behave like it. Take some time to do some soul-searching, and ask yourself questions like, What are my strengths? What kind of personality do I have? What kind of person would I like to be? Whatever your answers are, use them to help you visualize your best self, and then behave like that kind of person.

Build Meaningful Skills

Perceiving yourself as competent and knowing that you can do the things that are important to you is a big part of self-confidence. Identify a skill that’s important to you and work on developing it. It doesn’t matter what skill you choose, as long as it has meaning for you. You might decide to take an art class, join a Toastmasters club, devote half an hour each day to knitting, or study mechanics. As your knowledge and competence grows, so will your self-confidence.

Help Someone Else

Altruism has all kinds of benefits for your self-confidence, emotional well-being, and even physical health. Helping someone else can take the form of volunteering with an organization you believe in, donating to a good cause, or teaching someone a new skill. It can also be more casual.... 


How to Cultivate a Healthy Relationship with Social Media

Like many other aspects of our lives, social media isn’t good or bad in and of itself—it’s how we use it that determines whether it helps us or hurts us. Since social media is an integral part of many people’s social lives, jobs, and educational endeavors, it’s important to know how to cultivate a healthy relationship with it. Use these tips to help you make sure that your social media use has a positive impact on your mental and emotional health.

Limit Social Media Time

Decide how much time you want to spend on social media, and limit yourself to a set number of minutes or a particular time each day. If you find yourself losing track of how long you’ve been online, set an alarm to remind you when it’s time to log off. Make a special effort to avoid social media right before bed, or when you’re spending time with others.

Have a Purpose when Checking Social Media

Before you sign on, decide what you want to accomplish. Maybe you want to see the photos from a family member’s vacation, wish your friend a happy birthday, or doublecheck the location of a social event. Having a purpose when checking social media can help you avoid getting distracted by posts that aren’t meaningful to you.

Don’t Compare Yourself to Others

Remember that people usually post exciting and fun moments, and that what you see on social media isn’t representative of their whole lives. Chances are, they struggle with many of the same things you do. Celebrate the good times in the lives of others, and only follow and friend people whose posts uplift and encourage you.

Be Honest with Yourself

The only person who truly knows....


Clinicians Wanted


We are experiencing very high demand for clinical services in the community and are looking for exceptional clinicians to join us.



Please consider applying if you are:

  • A gifted therapist focused on client care.

  • A clinician with great clinical references.

  • Collegial and enjoyable to work with.

  • Confident in your abilities and eager to grow.

  • Interested in being part of a growing group.

  • Licensed (Psychologist, LCSW, LMFT, LPC).

  • Specialize in working with couples and/or kids.

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