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September 11, 2019

Although the world is full of suffering, 

it is also full of the overcoming of it.     

Helen Keller

Mujeres y Allies--It has been 18 years since the fall of the World Trade Center, the attack on the Pentagon, and the crash of American Airlines Flight 93 during the 9/11 attacks in the US. Even if you were very young during those dark days, this day may stir up memories of the collective trauma that many of us carry.  Emotional trauma is linked to post traumatic stress disorder and it resurfaces even years later when reminders of an event emerge or when we experience more stress.  If you were personally impacted through the loss of a loved one or if you witnessed the 9/11 tragedies during a vulnerable time in your life, this day may feel heavy in your heart.  Unfortunately, this traumatic memory can be compounded by the unique issues our Latinx community is currently experiencing.  Almost daily there are signs of ethnic based aggression, bias or assaults on our Latinidad as part of a constant drum beat of xenophobia plays loudly in the background. We’re sending a big digital hug on this day to each of you and this week’s #3LVCareerHacks is dedicated to emotional self-care to support your well-being and your resilience.

Uno, dos, y tres. Let’s do this con ganas!

Tip #1 Don’t Suffer in Silence

Each person’s response to grief, sorrow and anxiety is unique and there are many paths to return to emotional health.  If you isolate yourself from others or feel you have to do it alone--your  journey will take longer. Talking to your family, friends, or seeking the help of a therapist is key. Your employer may have an Employee Assistance Program that allows you several therapy sessions as part of your benefits and it can be a great way to find support.  Some therapists can refer you to support groups that are designed to address specific themes--codependency, substance abuse, divorce, or first time parenting.  Bottom line: Talk to someone you trust for support during stressful times.

Tip #2  Carve Out Regular “Me Time”

If your work life is constantly a rush of events, an endless list of things to do or you have little time to yourself--you may be trying to stay so busy that the pain can’t catch up with you.  This is a temporary band aid on a wound that will never heal.  Rest, reflection, or a personal project that gives you real joy are important to fit into your schedule each week.  A walk outside your office during lunch can give you new perspectives about the issues you face. A journal to capture your progress toward better health can give you a chance to process the emotions in new ways. Block off 30 minutes on your calendar to let some peaceful quiet into your day--every day-- to restore and renew your sense of resolve and calm. 

Tip #3 Build Your Resilience Tool Kit

If you have not yet tried any one of the apps dedicated to mindfulness, health, or forming new  habits, these may offer another opportunity to build your resilience.  Apps like Headspace, Calm, HabitBull or Fabulous are aimed at different elements of your wellness journey--from learning how to meditate to developing better habits--and starting with one or two may inspire new ways to manage the stress (See additional apps for overall health and wellness listed here.) Another option is to keep a daily inspiration book at your desk--one that uses 365 page a day format--to start your day inspired, focused on your resolve to be well. That brief, 5-minute pause each morning can set the tone for the rest of the day.  Find the tools that work for you to address your unique needs.  
That’s it. #3LVCareerHacks on taking care of your emotional health at work.

Got a comment for us? Give us a shout at @SavvyLatinaInfo @LatinaVIDA360 or on our Facebook Group. We’d love to hear from you!  

Live Your VIDA with Intention! 


Your LV Familia!


P. S. Remember, here are the other LatinaVIDA resources for you:

  • Evernote Notebook of Curated Work-Life Resources, Readings and Tips

  • Join our Private Facebook Group

  • LatinaVIDA360 Podcast Latina Leaders in Conversation and NEW Career Power Hacks

  • Our #Slack Community to Share Experiences with LatinaVIDA Circle Guide

  • Past #3LVCareerHacks Newsletters (please share with friends and family)

  • Latina Cubicle Confidential: A Personal Blog from our Co-Founders


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