
DeLille Newsletter September 2019
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The DeLille Family

Serving in Recife, Brazil
with South America Mission


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South America Mission
1021 Maxwell Mill Road, Suite B
Fort Mill, SC 29708-7852

Pastor's Retreat

   What started out as a desire to care for, encourage and support local pastors and their wives grew to a God-sized vision for a weekend Pastor's Retreat! 
Partnering with Pastor Beto and his wife, Flavia, and an awesome mission team from Memphis, TN we were able to host a special retreat for 27 pastors and their wives! God's presence filled our time together through inspiring worship services, humble praise songs and informative lectures on counseling and Stephen's Ministry. Time to rest and reflect on God's Word helped to recharge everyone's batteries. Time to have fun, laugh and have conversations with new and old friends was refreshing. We enjoyed absolutely delicious meals (prepared by an amazing kitchen staff...mission team included). 
The theme of the retreat was The Pastor's Role in Building the Body of Christ. We pray that the pastors who attended this retreat were renewed and re-energized so that they can better serve their congregations and communities. 

Mission Vision Statement:
Recife Redemptive Ministry exists to reach the poorest of the poor with the saving grace of Jesus Christ seeing entire communities transformed holistically, for God's glory, and by our lifestyle and strategies train and equip local churches throughout Recife to do likewise.
Mission Team
What a privilege to serve with this awesome Mission Team with members from Faith Presbyterian and Hope Presbyterian! Not only did they wholeheartedly serve during the pastors retreat (from kitchen duties throughout the day to preaching and teaching), they also put their construction and painting skills to the task at our Mission Headquarters. We are so grateful for their obedience to God's call on their lives to serve Him and willingness to unconditionally give of themselves.
Proud of Paul and the Soccer Boys!
This is the first year for some of the soccer boys to participate in the Recife-wide tournament, Bom de Bola! Pray for Paul and all of the boys as he continues using soccer to invest in their lives, personally and spiritually. 
Prayer Partners meet for the First Time!
Edvania and Sharon, members of a prayer partner project that began in 2013 between Women's Bible study groups one at Faith Presbyterian Church, Germantown, TN and the other in Dois Unidos, Recife, Brazil met in person! Even though these two live thousands of miles a part, their prayers are heard by the same loving God who bridges the miles and connects the hearts.
Rainy Season
Heavy rains and an uncommonly long rainy season have caused major flooding and mudslides in various communities throughout Recife. In the Dois Unidos community, cars can no longer travel this road. Please pray for those impacted by this year's rainy season.

Prayer Requests: 

*Please Pray for our family, our girls in their studies; health and energy for each of us.  
*Prayers of Praise for the Mission Team and all of the work they did while they were here.
*Please Pray for the Movement Mission Team who will be arriving in October to serve with us.
*Please Pray for the Dois Unidos Community; spiritual and physical needs. Pray for solutions to damaged homes and roads during the rainy season.
*Please Pray for all of the pastors and their wives who participated in the retreat. Pray for their ministries and ways to take care of themselves so that they can better care for their congregations and communities.
*Prayers of Gratitude for our family, friends, and churches. Thank you for loving us and supporting us. You make it possible for us to continue serving God on the mission field.
Thank You!


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