Buzz on #OpenGov
- Our latest publication on implementing SDG16+ through OGP is now available in Spanish. Help us spread the word at UNGA!
- Based in Washington D.C.? Join us for a closer look at the OGP Global Report and how to make the data meaningful to your government or organization. Register here.
- Next month, government representatives and civil society leaders from the Western Balkans region will come together to exchange experiences and practical solutions for advancing open government in the region. OGP, ReSPA, and the Governments of North Macedonia and Montenegro will be hosting the working level meeting, plus two sessions open to the public for InfoFest.
The World of #OpenGov
- We celebrated World Water Week with the launch of the Community of Practice on Water and Open Government, a forum of water and open government experts led by OGP, SIWI, WIN, and WRI. Learn more here.
- Curious about the concept of diagonal accountability and its relationship with open government? Read the latest research from the V-Dem Institute here.
- Join Apolitical’s online workshop on storytelling and learn how you can take complex data and turn it into a compelling story on Wednesday September 18. Learn more here.
- The Open Data Institute Summit will be November 12, 2019 in London. The event will bring together governments, businesses and civil society organizations to discuss critical issues around data and its role and impact. Register here.