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#eighteen: the wednesday @ two club

h1: thank you 

'ello :)

This email has nothing to do with puppies. But c'mon... it's a cute gif.

This email is in fact my 'holiday edition'. as if things are going as planned, I'll be somewhere in Slovenia, enjoying some downtime with my wife. 

So rather than provide you with a bunch of links that would be two weeks out of date by the time they reach you, I just wanted to take a moment to say thank you. 

Three years ago, my life changed with the holding of an event in a servery with 50 or so people in attendance. Two talks. Wonderful people. An atmosphere that valued humanity over soulless business transactions. It's not rocket science, but it worked.

Today, The Marketing Meetup is holding 130 events a year over two continents for nearly 9,000 people, annnnd it's my job?! Luckiest boy alive. 

I very consciously use the word community to describe The Marketing Meetup. You, me... we're are a group of people who by coming together have created something bigger than any one of us. Together, we've chosen our own narrative on how to behave and think: sharing knowledge is a good thing, the best business relationships start with a human connection, listening is better than shouting.

I just want to say thank you. If you're reading this email, you've contributed to the community by choosing to embrace the values of something that feels a little bit abnormal but certainly very special. You are the most important thing about The Marketing Meetup, and it blows my mind daily that we've been able to create something so wonderful together. 

See you after ma hol :)

With so much love, 

Joe Glover


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