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FNPS Mission: To preserve, conserve, and restore native plants and native plant communities.
Learn more by visiting the FNPS website • Check our calendar for upcoming events sponsored by the Pinellas, Nature Coast, and Suncoast Chapters • Not a member yet? Join today!

Member Garden Open House - Saturday, October 12th

My introduction to Florida native plants came in 2011, when a friend asked me to join her on The PCFNPS Fifth Annual Landscape Tour.  There are few things I love more than walking through a lovingly maintained garden and discovering new plants, creative landscape designs and engaging yard art.  That weekend I discovered Florida native plants and the people who appreciate their value.  Thanks to that tour, I now have a landscape filled with native and Florida Friendly plants, pollinators and wildlife -- where a barren lawn once existed.

The volunteer hours and resources required to plan and execute a public landscape tour have deterred the board from making it an annual event. At a recent planning meeting, I suggested a "Members Only" landscape tour, that did not require ticket sales, promotion and legions of docents and other volunteers. Couldn't members who wanted to open their landscape to other members do so, without a great deal of effort and expense?

So in lieu of a field trip in October, we are asking a few of our members to open their personal landscape & gardens to other members on October 12th from 10:00 am - 4:00 pm.  Landscapes can be formal, informal, all native, or a mix of natives and your favorite non-natives. No judgement and no criticism. Just a shared joy of tending plants and pulling weeds.

If you are willing to open your home landscape for a few hours on October 12th, and recruit any help you need on that day, please contact me ASAP so we can announce the participants by the first of October.  I am planning to hold my home landscape open in Dunedin that day. Who wants to join me in sharing their labor of love?

Rebecca Wellborn
PInellas Chapter Florida Native Plant Society

Copyright © 2019 Pinellas Chapter of the Florida Native Plant Society, All rights reserved.

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