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The John Ross Chapter Newsletter


Ordeal is a time for Ordeal Candidates, just elected and called out, to go through their ordeal. Ordeal Candidates have one year from their election to go through Ordeal. You should plan to arrive no later than 7:00 pm and stay through orientation on Sunday morning.

After 6 months or more as an Ordeal member you are eligible to take the five brotherhood challenges. As a Brotherhood Candidate use this link to study for the challenges.
You will turn in your letter, one of the challenges, when you check-in for ordeal weekend.

For Arrowmen it is a time of fellowship, service, and fun. All of this is at Skymont Scout Reservation.

You will need to bring a copy of your medical form.

Check-in begins at 5:30 pm on Friday. Check-out is at 10:30 am on Sunday.

Remember all times are Central Time.

Here is the link for registration for Fall Ordeal:

$20.00 per Arrowman
$40.00 per Brotherhood Candidate
$50.00 per Ordeal Candidate

Late fee

 After 9/8/2019, a fee of $10.00 will apply to all Arrowman Registrants.

 After 9/8/2019, a fee of $10.00 will apply to all Brotherhood Candidate Registrants.

 After 9/8/2019, a fee of $10.00 will apply to all Ordeal Candidate Registrants.

What's Happening?

Lodge Meeting

                            We have a Lodge Meeting for our officers
                                  coming up on September 19th
2019 Spring OA Work day
2019 Spring Call Out Ceremony 

“We must change boys from a 'what can i get' to a 'what can i give' attitude."

― Baden Powell
Copyright © 2019 Talidandaganu' Lodge #293, All rights reserved.

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