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Our ambassador Charlie has been hard at work this summer.  He's been helping me build a rube goldberg machine that will help demonstrate how insulin helps sugar enter cells.
I'm working on the project to help Child Life staff teach kids with diabetes (and their friends and classmates) about the disease. 
Is Wonder Connection still hosting BOOtanical?
NCBG is having an event and it sounds like it will still be lots of fun even though Wonder Connection isn't connected with it this year.  Wonder Connection left the NC Botanical Garden in February to become a project of SEE (for more info, click here).  We hope to host some fun family events in the future.
During the summer we host 'Science in the Sunroom' each Thursday for kids in the pediatrics hospital and their siblings.  Usually we work with the kids in the pediatrics hospital one at a time, but sometimes kids are allowed to leave their rooms and we love inviting them to explore science and nature with us and be with other kids.  This week, as clouds from Hurricane Dorian moved in, we gathered together to create miniature worlds in the spirit of fairy houses.  One kid was having a particularly tough day because her parents were supposed to come pick her up, but the weather prevented them from being able to travel. I think five separate staff members asked us about working with her and they all mentioned that she started the day in tears. She was able to ride in a wheelchair up to join us and she spent an hour creating this lovely little house for a zebra.  I wish we could've taken a photo of her beautiful (and persistent) smile. 
Would you tell a friend about us?
Do you know someone who may want to join a fundraising committee on our advisory board?
Could we come speak to you/your kids church or club or book group about what we do?
I really will make this happen...!
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