Carpentry Clippings, 4 September, 2019

Highlights from The Carpentries Community Calendar

The Carpentries Champions Call
The next Carpentries Champions call will take place on 19 September 2019 at 20:00 UTC (check your time) on the topic - Starting or Growing the Carpentry Instructor Community at your Organisation. In this call, you will hear from several community champions who run local groups at their institutions. There will be brief introductions to various mature Carpentries Communities around the world, followed by an open discussion where new and growing communities can ask questions and learn from those who have been building communities. Sign up on this Etherpad for this call.

Maintainers Call
On 18 and 19 September 2019 at 15:00 UTC (check your time), the Maintainers Team will be hosting two discussions on the Maintainer experience and leadership opportunities. Current, past, and prospective Maintainers are encouraged to join and share their ideas on how we can better support Maintainers in their work. See meeting times and join the discussion on this Etherpad.

The Mentoring Group: Organizing Workshops
Two calls are planned for 2019 Mentoring Group: 'Organizing Workshops' on 17 and 18 September 2019 at 15:00 UTC (check your time). Angela Li from the University of Chicago will lead this call.  We will have an open forum for questions about organizing workshops and summarising outcomes from the mentoring group. Wondering what to expect at this discussion? You can see the slides providing an overview of this call. Sign up on this Etherpad to attend this call.

Community News

On Tuesday, August 6 2019, Angela Li led a Carpentries Mentoring community discussion on running self-organised Carpentries workshops. This call was recorded and you can watch it here on The Carpentries YouTube channel.

We would like to thank’s Daniela Saderi, PhD for facilitating our themed community discussion on scholarly peer review, some of the ways it is broken, and how we can work together to tackle the issues, diversify the process and empower early-career researchers so they too can review other researchers’ work. You can find a recording of this community discussion here.

Committee and Task Force News

Workshop Admin Team
We have heard the comments and concerns about having to complete a large form when the required questions do not apply to you. Therefore, we are in the process of updating the Workshop Section of The Carpentries Website. We will separate our Workshop Request Form based on the different kinds of workshops that your organise (self-organised, centrally organised, and inquiry form for the workshops). You will be able to visit a common landing page that will direct you to the form that matches your request. You will also be able to record your contributions to non-standard workshops as well where you use The Carpentries materials. See details here and watch out for the updates.

Instructor Development Committee
In the last committee meetings on 08-19-2019, we discussed the main findings from the Instructors Discussion Survey. The main observation is that the discussion sessions are well attended but only half of the sessions have notetakers. The satisfaction and host ratings are very positive. However, many sessions only have attendees who are doing checkout. The committee invites our attendees to participate by offering their help in taking notes, sharing their issues before and after the workshop, and providing their feedback to improve the session form. See more details in this blog post.

What you may have missed on the blog and mailing lists

In our blog, read about Malvika Sharan’s experience and take home from CarpentryConnect Manchester. On the Topicbox discuss channel, check these posts about looking for Carpentries members interested in developing an e-book and using other people’s materials in Carpentries lessons.

Tweet of the Week


rOpenSci Community Call on Reproducible Workflows at Scale with drake
This rOpenSci Community Call will take place on 24 September 2019 at 9:00 AM PDT (Find your local time) and will include a presentation by drake developer, Will Landau, and at least 20 minutes for Q & A. All are welcome to join. See the details and resources and invite your friends. No RSVP needed. You can enhance the maintainability, hygiene, speed, scale, and reproducibility of such projects with the drake R package. drake resolves the dependency structure of your analysis pipeline, skips tasks that are already up to date, executes the rest with optionally distributed computing, and organizes the output so you rarely have to think about data files. This talk demonstrates how to create and maintain a realistic machine learning project using drake-powered automation.


Library Carpentry BoF at RDA Plenary
Members of Library Carpentry, Limor Peer (Yale University), Thu-Mai Christian (University of North Carolina), and Florio Arguillas (Cornell University) will run a Birds of a Feather (BoF) session at the next Research Data Alliance (RDA) Plenary on 14 October 2019. At this meeting, they will introduce the topic of curating for FAIR and reproducible data and code, review environmental scan of existing relevant training and identify gaps, introduce the work of the CURE Consortium and elicit input on proposed standards, practices, and tools for curating for FAIR and reproducible data and code. More information about the BoF is available here. Join them in Helsinki or via remote participation. 

Toolshed (Posts from our Past)

In September 2017, the merger of Software Carpentry and Data Carpentry was approved by the Software Carpentry and Data Carpentry steering committees to bring these two programs into a single umbrella project with associated lesson programs (blog post).  In September 2018, a major update in The Carpentries Code of Conduct was released, providing examples of both beneficial and unwanted behaviour, including changes regarding evaluating intent. Otter Tech provided their consultation and incident response training for our CoC committee (see this blog post). The first CarpentryConnect concluded on 7 September 2018 in Johannesburg, South Africa, where 80 people learned computational skills and over 40 new instructors were trained.

Other places to connect
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