You Are Invited to an Art Show at Earthtreks Climbing Gym, in Golden, CO tomorrow night, Friday Sept 6 from 6-10pm
Hi everybody, Sending an invitation for the Art Show tomorrow night at ET Golden.

Its open to the public with free entry so everyone is invited, and if you want to climb discounted day passes will be offered.

I am using this event as a fundraiser to help pay for my National Board Exams which are now scheduled over the next two weeks.

All Exams Scheduled! By the 21st I will be done, cross fingers, stars aligned, full moon energy, and all that Aurora energy streaming..... by the Equinox I will be a Licensed Acupuncturist!

So in order to pay the $930 hefty tag to take the tests, I am part of an Art Show at Earthtreks tomorrow night, Friday Sept 6 from 6-10pm, and I've made samples of my original art that will be up for sale! 20+ pieces. So if you can spare $15 and I sell them all It will cover 1/3 LOL! seriously that helps. I have an original oil on brown paper of a Moai at Rapa Nui also at the show. Negotiable price tag. And of course everything is always on under blackcoyote-art and you can buy all kinds of goodies with my art prints on it. Like mugs, cards, art boards, dresses, t-shirts, etc.

 Here's the link for a preview:

I'm not one for begging for financial help like on GoFundMe sites. I would rather sell you a piece of ART!  If art is not your thing but you want to donate to the medicine fund, you can find a link to Paypal on my website

Come by and say hello. Not sure where I will be in the gym but I'll be there somewhere, come find me!

Big Thanks!!!!


Put the date on your calendar:  Sept. 20, 2019 at Highland Rec Center, we will have a workshop on Friday from 1:30-3:30 on Bones, Muscles and Qigong. More information coming.  And thank you for your practice and this community.  Warmly, Candace

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