Carpentry Clippings, 18 September 2019
Highlights from The Carpentries Community Calendar
Themed Community Discussion, Trainers Meeting, and More
The next themed community call will be hosted by Erin Becker under the topic “The Carpentries Incubator” on 25 September 2019, at 15:00 UTC (check your time). The Carpentries Incubator is to be a place for The Carpentries community members to share resources in the early stages of development. Any lesson that uses our lesson template, follows our Code of Conduct and is licensed either CC-BY or CC-0 can be hosted in The Carpentries Incubator. We will discuss the process of getting your lesson into the Incubator and what to do next to advertise your lesson. Sign up on this Etherpad.
The next Trainers Meetings will take place on 3 October at 14:00 UTC (check your time) and 22:00 UTC (check your time). If you have taught in The Carpentries instructor training recently, or have any related topic to discuss, join this call. Please sign up on this Etherpad to indicate your participation. More details will be added on the Etherpad closer to the time. Meanwhile, check the minutes from the previous calls in this GitHub repository.
Check out the community calendar for other community calls this month.
Community News
'Internationalisation' Slack Channel
The Carpentries community members from around the world have been investing their time and energy in internationalising its resources. To facilitate such work and catalyse more discussions, we have started the #internationalisation Slack Channel. If you have been involved in any related project or are interested in exchanging ideas with other members, join the conversations in this channel. You can also direct new community members to this channel if they have questions about the status of internationalisation efforts or want to get involved.
Alternative use of The Carpentries curricula
Have you used The Carpentries resources outside our official workshops such as semester-long courses, after school program, one-on-one tutoring, or teaching a child or an elder to code? We would love to hear your stories. Reply to this Twitter thread, or directly reach out to The Carpentries Team to share your experiences.
The Carpentries Values Project
Our Community Engagement Lead, Serah Rono, provided an update on The Carpentries Values Project and invited your response to help articulate our community values. She shared a word-cloud (shown below) of the words people used for describing the members they see as the representatives of this community.

Committee and Task Force News
The CarpentryCon 2020 Taskforce is working hard to plan another great unconference. Currently, they are solidifying the sponsorship model, creating the program, and much more. Follow CarpentryCon on Twitter to learn ways you can share your input! Bookmark for updates.
Code of Conduct Committee Mandate Task Force
On 19 September 2019, the Code of Conduct Committee (CoCc) Mandate Task Force will release their recommendations for incidents outside the scope of The Carpentries CoCc. This work will be made available on the Carpentries task force projects repository. Thanks to the task force for their work, and to our community for the valuable feedback we received. The announcement will be published on our blog the following day.
Library Carpentry
The initial episodes for the Library Carpentry OpenRefine lesson have been made available on this GitHub issue. Owen Stephens invites your comments, suggestions, and participation in moving this project forward. Rebecca Springer from Ithaka S+R’s Libraries hosted a Virtual Roundtable of The Carpentries colleagues. The roundtable, assembled by Chris Erdmann, included attendees from around Australia, Germany, Ethiopia, Canada, and the USA. Rebecca noted in her blog post, "They provided insights into what data skills are most in-demand for librarians and researchers; organizational challenges of positioning the library as a provider of data science instruction within unique university contexts; and how Library Carpentry and The Carpentries might continue to develop both locally and internationally."
Workshop Administration Team
The Carpentries Workshop Administration Team would like to say a big thank you to ALL of the Community Members who provided feedback towards the upcoming release of the Workshop Request Forms and the Workshops section of The Carpentries website. We heard your voice and have made the necessary changes! Check out the updated forms and website.
What you may have missed on the blog and mailing lists
In this post, Karen Word is discussing why the next Instructor Trainer Training round will start in January 2020 instead of October 2019. Read this post by Marco Chiapello and Tobin Magle, who invite you to the next mentoring showcase on 15 October 2019 at 19:00 UTC (check your time).
The Australian Research Data Commons (ARDC) is rolling out a series of activities aimed at increasing functional coding and data science skills for researchers and research support professionals through The Carpentries. Read their post "Supporting the Carpentries".
Check out the TopicBox Discuss channel for other updates from our community members.
Tweet of the Week

Read Raniere Silva's blog posts highlighting his recent training activities with The Carpentries African Community. Two courses took place at the University of Western Cape - Library Carpentry workshop on 3-4 September and Data Carpentry Workshop on 10-11 September. Financial support for these workshops was provided by the South African Centre for Digital Language Resources (SADiLaR) and University of the Western Cape (UWC) (UWC Library Services and eResearch Office) respectively.
In this blog post, Neil Chue Hong from the Software Sustainability Institute shared his ideas related to the following questions: Why do open source research software projects appear to have a low rate of success? Is it because we lack appropriate models for sustaining research software development or is it because the community isn’t seeing the results? How can you improve the visibility of your research software?
Toolshed (Posts from our Past)
A year ago, the Data Carpentry team released its Geospatial Curriculum and on-boarded Instructors to run the workshops. Under the umbrella of The Carpentries Lab, Damien Irving developed the lesson materials for a single day workshop on using Python and Git in the atmosphere and ocean sciences.