We Proudly Present The Redesigned Women's Rights Pioneers Monument Featuring Sojourner Truth, Susan B. Anthony, And Elizabeth Cady Stanton!
Rendering of the statue in its future Central Park location
Artist’s Statement from Meredith Bergmann
My hope is that all people, especially girls and boys, will be inspired by this scene of women of different races, different religious backgrounds, and different economic status working together to change the world.
[ Read The Sculptor's Full Statement ]
One-third height clay model for Women's Rights Pioneers Monument featuring Sojourner Truth, Susan B. Anthony, and Elizabeth Cady Stanton by Artist Meredith Bergmann
September 16, 2019 -- The monument, a tremendous addition to the city, should be built.... Stanton, Anthony and Truth, New Yorkers all, were giants of the women’s rights movement. Construction has to begin soon so the monument, built mostly with private money and designed by a renowned (female) sculptor, can be unveiled on the 100th anniversary of the 19th Amendment’s ratification next August. [ Read The Full Article ]
September 16, 2019 -- With this statue design, Bergmann has created an allegory of women's rights activism, with Truth speaking, Anthony organizing and Stanton writing. They are collaborating as equals. It's a powerful message.... What I find particularly moving about Bergmann's design is that it not only represents how these three women might have worked together 150 years ago, but also how women work together today to advance new causes and be today's women's rights pioneers. [ Read The Full Article ]
Letters Of Support
Lily Tomlin And Jane Wagner
Artists and Activists
We would like to lend our voices to the many people from New York City and around the country who support you.... When you unveil that beautiful statue on August 26, 2020, the Centennial Anniversary of the ratification of the 19th "Votes For Women" Amendment, know that women from all across the United States will be celebrating that victory with you.
[ Read The Full Letter Of Support ]
David N. Dinkins
106th Mayor, City of New York
This installation has been a long time in coming, and both the Monumental Women Fund and the Girl Scouts Organization have fought valiantly for this statue. Think of all the young girls who walk through that park every day and then think of all the girls and women of color who walk through that park every day. Why is this issue still under debate or considered controversial when it had already passed all tests of historical relevance and been given a green light?
[ Read The Full Letter Of Support ]
Marsha Weinstein
President, National Collaborative for Women’s History Sites
Due to the significant media coverage of the Monumental Women Statue endeavor and the inspirational women they represent a tsunami is happening across the country as communities are enthusiastically erecting statues to honor their own local suffrage leaders in commemoration of the Suffrage Centennial. Additionally, as the word spreads more and more people are excited about actually coming to NYC for the unveiling of the Women's Rights Pioneers Monument.
[ Read The Full Letter Of Support ]
The Statue Fund is an all-volunteer, 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation, tax-exempt on both federal and state levels, as well as a registered charity. All contributions are tax deductible. #MonumentalWomen is a campaign of The Statue Fund to raise awareness of the importance of Women's History.
Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony Statue Fund, Inc.
Post Office Box 150-074, Van Brunt Station, Brooklyn, NY 11215
Phone: 347.224.8976 www.monumentalwomen.org