Welcome to the subscription form of EPFL Quantum Computing Association newsletter.
By subscribing, you'll receive in your mailbox the latest news, opportunities and events having a link to the quantum information world and quantum technologies. This includes quantum computing, communications, simulation and other breakthroughs potentially existing thanks to the quantum paradigm.

The association dedicates itself to make the promotion at EPFL of the fast expanding world of quantum information processing, which might in the future bring many changes to the way we do computing in our daily routine and have major impact on cross disciplinary subjects such as chemistry, biology, finance, etc...
Therefore, we are here to propose to deliver you the most recent and relevant news that might be of your interest, whatever your section and your level in this huge domain.
If you'd like to step further in this world, we strongly encourage you to contact us via the following address : quantum@epfl.ch, we'd be glad to bring more information, and let's be crazy include you in our strong and fresh associative experience!
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