Introduction Day Notification List

Our introduction day is aimed at beginners, novice paddlers, or experienced but re-entering the sport to be introduced to our club over a three hour introduction session using Kayaks, Canoes and Paddleboards.
Once your name is added to the list, we will notify you by email as soon as a suitable introduction session is scheduled to take place, they typically happen 2 or 3 times from Spring to Autumn. 
If you haven't done so already then please visit our website for more information.
We will notify you of upcoming sessions until such point that you've either attended one or have unsubscribed. Your email is not used for any other purpose and you can ask to be removed from the list at any time.

If you do not get a confirmation email then please contact
* indicates required
It is important that this is correct, please ensure there are no Typo's.
Your first name (owner of email address, i.e. Adult name where signing up a Junior)
Your last name (owner of email address, i.e. Adult name where signing up a Junior)
Used for instance if space is made available at late notice on a previously full Intro Session. Please only add this if you are happy to be contacted for a last minute space. This won't affect you being notified for upcoming Intro Days.
How many adults are interested in joining and would like to attend our Intro day? (18yrs and over) [This is to give us a rough idea]
How many Juniors are interested in joining and would like to attend our intro day? (under 18yr Old) ?
Please choose your preference of boat type. This won't be set in stone but will help to facilitate planning. If you want to try different types or due to multiple people then choose Mixture.
Please select what you would consider your ability level to be for your preferred craft.
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