Dear <<First Name>>,
The ecological e-newsletter of Eco-Alianza de Loreto, A.C.
September 2019
Eco-Alianza de Loreto's mission is to protect and conserve the natural and cultural environment by empowering civil society and government to jointly create healthy and prosperous communities.

Our vision is that communities believe their quality of life is related to the health and vitality of the environment and citizens act accordingly. 
Loreto groups focus efforts on Ligui turtle nesting beaches

Beach Cleanup Combines Marine Litter Analysis,
Habitat Protection

Eco-Alianza staff photo

This past week, Eco-Alianza joined 14 other NGOs throughout northwestern Mexico, to participate in an annual conservation event managed by The Ocean Conservancy. The International Coastal Cleanup is billed as “the world's largest volunteer effort on behalf of ocean and waterway health.” Last year more than a million volunteers took part worldwide. In addition to picking up litter, volunteers fill out data cards recording every piece of trash collected, ultimately helping scientists trace the sources of ocean pollution.


Environmental Educators of R.E.A.L. Celebrate 4th Anniversary

Eco-Alianza staff photo
Members of REAL (Red de Educadores Ambientales de Loreto) embrace one of their favorite quotes, from Eduardo Galeano: Many small people in small places doing small things can change the world.

What was simply an idea four years ago by Eco-Alianza has grown into an active and effective support group for Loreto's environmental educators. So effective, in fact, that several other cities and municipalities have asked for information on how to begin an environmental educators' network in their area.


"Nature Notes" is a monthly short feature detailing some of the wondrous, seasonal activities taking place around us.

Photos courtesy of Tom Haglund/BCS Birds
Please click here to view larger.
Photos from top left, clockwise:
Red-spotted Toad (Bufo punctatus) males engaging in some gender confusion
Red-spotted Toad pair in amplexus. She is about double his size, as is normal.
Couch’s Spadefooted Toad (Scaphiopus couchii) male wowing the babes with his baritone “WOW!!”
Couch’s Spadefooted Toad pair in amplexus, showing how very differently the sexes are colored and marked.

By Tom Haglund

It’s all about rain. When rain happens, a great cycle of growth and reproduction is set in motion. When it doesn’t rain, much of the desert just hunkers down and waits until it does. Rain turns the desert green with unbelievable speed and flowers explode across it. Animals of all kinds begin to fatten up for the leaner times that will soon return. And some animals go on breeding binges.



12th Anniversary GALA November 16 at Hotel La Mision

Hotel La Mision

It's right around the corner, so be sure to mark your calendar for Eco-Alianza's 12th anniversary GALA November 16, and for the date when tickets go on sale, October 7!

This event has sold out seven years in a row and this year is very special because of its spectacular venue.

You may have noticed construction atop La Mision for many months and the wait was worth it. A beautiful palapa rooftop now adorns the entire central portion of the fifth floor. The craftsmanship of the traditional palapa roof is even more stunning standing beneath it in the hotel's new spacious banquet room. One has panoramic views of Sierra de la Giganta to the west and the islands of the Bay of Loreto National Park to the east.


2020 Calendars Coming Soon!

Our Loreto office address is:
Centro Communitario para el Medio Ambiente (CenCoMA)

Miguel Hidalgo SN, Loc 3
Esq. Romanita
Col. Contro, CP 23880
Loreto, B.C.S., México

Our USA mailing address is:
Eco-Alianza de Loreto, A.C. - CenCoMA

3419 Via Lido, Suite 402
Newport Beach, CA 92663

For more information, questions & requests our email address is:

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