Your opinions and ideas are valuable to us, and therefore we would very much appreciate your presence at the 2019 AGM.Jam Sandwich - The AGM with a difference!


Brisbane Ukulele Musicians Society Inc

You are invited to attend the Annual General Meeting of the Brisbane Ukulele Musicians Society Inc. Here is your chance to shape the future of our society and enjoy a bonus jam!

DATE:Wednesday 30 October 2019
VENUE: Coorparoo Bowls Club, 32 Riddings Street Coorparoo
TIME: 6:30 pm Nibbles; 7:00 pm Welcome by the President


Jam- Set One


AGM Meeting Agenda

1.   Present and Apologies
2.    Minutes of 2018 AGM

3.    Business arising from the minutes

4.    Correspondence 

5.    Reports
       a.    President’s Report
       b.    Treasurer’s Report
              i.    2018-2019 Financial Statements
              ii.   Appointment of auditor
              iii.   Membership fees
      c.    Gigmeister’s Report
      d.    Media Manager’s Report
      e.    Events Report
       f.    Festival Director's Report
7.    Election of Office Bearers (Download Nomination form)
Note: All nominations to be received by the Secretary by 16 October 2019.

8.   Special business
       a.    Membership Fees 

9. General Business
Note: Motions need to be forwarded to the Secretary for inclusion by 16 October 2019. Jam  

Jam- Set Two

To facilitate catering arrangements, please RSVP to Judy Matthews by Wednesday 23 October 2019.
All financial BUMS Members have the right to vote at general meetings, and the right to nominate positions on the society’s committees.
Below is a draft of Roles and Responsibilities to give you an idea of positions and their duties. This may change at the first meeting of the new Management Committee.

President and Vice-President (Chair, spokesperson, liaison with external organisations, quality control)

  1. Chair management committee meetings, and subcommittee meetings until a subcommittee chair is chosen.
  2. Schedule at least four management committee meetings per calendar year and liaise with the Secretary to formulate meeting agendas.
  3. Regularly review the Society’s online content, and approve material published on the Society’s websites and Facebook sites, in media releases, and in other publications.
  4. Liaise with the Treasurer and committee members regarding an annual budget and funds expenditure.
  5. When possible, attend functions where members are performing or presenting.
  6. Visit BUMS community band practices and jams to liaise with leaders and encourage members.
  7. In consultation with the Events Coordinator, develop an annual program of workshops and concerts aimed at members’ enjoyment and skill development for the management committee’s consideration.
  8. Liaise with representatives of other organisations, and act as the Society’s spokesperson in media releases.
  9. Consult with management committee to appoint newsletter editor. Oversee the publication of a monthly newsletter to promote the activities of the Society.

Secretary and Assistant Secretary (membership, correspondence, meeting documentation, record keeping, updating and review of policies and guidelines)

1. Attend Management Committee meetings. 
2. Maintain the membership records, the financial members list for jam sign-in sheets, and the financial members mailing list in Mail Chimp. Assist with issue of membership cards.
3. In consultation with the Treasurer, review the content of the Membership pages of the Society’s website.
4. Prepare new members lists for approval by the management committee.
5.  Prepare meeting agendas and minutes in consultation with the President.
6. Maintain historical records for the Society, including a list of office bearers.
7. Prepare, send and file copies of correspondence, including that related to Change of Office Bearers.
8. In consultation with the Treasurer, submit the Office of Fair Trading Annual Return with the end of financial year reports.
9. In consultation with the President, ensure the regular review and update of the Society’s guidelines, policies and procedures.
10. Respond to enquiries on

Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer (budget, income, expenditure, record keeping)

  1. Attend Management Committee meetings.
  2. Liaise with venues regarding invoicing arrangements, and performers and presenters regarding agreements.
  3. From time to time, renegotiate insurance.
  4. Negotiate with APRA regarding fees for concerts.
  5. Coordinate the receipting of membership payments. Assist with issue of membership cards.
  6. Receipt and deposit incoming funds.
  7. Obtain quotes and pay invoices.
  8. Maintain financial records, prepare end of financial year reports, and organise the annual audit.

Events Manager (annual program of workshops & concerts, performer & presenter liaison, event venue coordinator)

  1. Attend BUMS Inc management committee meetings
  2. Suggest BUMS Inc involvement in community events to the management committee, e.g. Brisbane on Parade 2014 & Valentine’s Day World Record Attempt 2015
  3. Get quotes for possible event venues.
  4. Determine members’ workshop needs.
  5. Propose an annual program of events including concerts, workshops and other events (outside our regular jams and biennial ukulele festival) for BUMS Inc members to the Management Committee.
  6. Liaise with performers, presenters, and the Media Manager and to organise and publicise events.
  7. Coordinate events and arrange door staff.
  8. Report to the management committee about events run.

Media Manager (promotion of Society activities, quality control of text & image content for publications)

  1. Attend Management Committee meetings.
  2. Maintain the Society’s social media accounts and pages.
  3. Promote the Society’s activities with posts on the Society’s websites, Facebook sites and Twitter accounts.
  4. In consultation with the President, prepare media releases about the Society’s activities.
  5. Organise photographers for the Society’s activities.
  6. Liaise with the IT Officer, President and the website host to maintain the Society’s websites.

Gigmeister (Performer and gig request liaison - The duties of the Gigmeister are detailed in the draft Performing Members Guidelines.)

  1. Attend Management Committee meetings.
  2. Provide performing members with the draft Performing Members Guidelines.
  3. Respond to requests for performances (gig requests).
  4. Coordinate the fulfilment of gig requests.
  5. Review the contents of the Performing Members and Ukulele Teachers web pages of the Society’s website.
  6. Determine the level of client satisfaction with performances.

Properties Manager (maintain equipment, research & provide advice on acquisitions & storage solutions, update the assets register, electrical test & tag)

  1. Attend Management Committee meetings.
  2. Provide advice on purchases of audio visual and or IT equipment.
  3. In consultation with the Treasurer, maintain the assets register, including the location of items of equipment.
  4. Organise the annual electrical test and tag.
  5. Liaise with the Treasurer to make purchases, and update insurance if necessary.
  6. Label new acquisitions.
  7. Make storage arrangements and document locations in the assets register.

IT Officer (hardware maintenance, software updates and support for online & offline applications)

  1. Attend Management Committee meetings.
  2. Review IT requirements and provide advice on IT related purchases and use of on- and offline applications.
  3. Manage IT equipment including hardware maintenance and software updates and keep a software licence register.
  4. Liaise with website host, manage the Society’s websites, and ensure currency of domain registrations.
  5. Manage online applications and storage solutions in consultation with relevant committee members, e.g. Google Docs, Dropbox, BUMS Inc and SPRUKE email addresses, online shop ‘BUMS Bazaar’, Trybooking, PayPal and Dropbox, and keep a register of online account logins and passwords for email accounts.

Festival Director (biennial festival committee chair, spokesperson, reporting to management committee, budget, program)

  1. Attend Management Committee meetings.
  2. Chair meetings of the SPRUKE planning committee.
  3. Lead the development of the biennial ukulele festival program in line with the aims of BUMS Inc.
  4. Oversee the development of a festival budget that is cost neutral.
  5. Provide progress reports from the SPRUKE planning committee to the BUMS Inc Management Committee and seek approval for pre-festival expenses and major festival expenses.
  6. Delegates roles and responsibilities to members of the festival planning committee.
  7. Act as spokesperson for festival activities.
  8. Oversee the activities of SPRUKE Festival from its conception to realisation.

Copyright © *2019* *Brisbane Ukulele Musicians Society Inc*, All rights reserved.

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