
What seems separation is an opportunity for you to grow and create a new wholeness*
If you look anywhere on planet Earth for beauty, you will find it.  
 Finding places to love will change your world. 
Division is not your natural state. You had to learn to be a human.

Simply focus on those things that light-up your heart. 
It’s too easy to get stuck in negative energy, so take conscious breaks into your loving spirit. 
Keep in mind that what you focus on grows during these times.
Your frequency determines the dimensions in which you exist. 

All life forms throughout this universe are inseparably, eternally connected, 
and every soul has limitless capacity to manifest whatever it imagines.

Gaia beseeched light beings from other civilizations to assist...
like you, to help her people become aware of their innate power to effect change.
Visualizing “good things”

You're here for the pleasure of creating. The notion of you being "inadequate" makes no sense
when you realize you are one with the love that gives rise to universes. 
Can the wave "fail" the ocean? - no, as the wave knows it IS one with the ocean.  

As you resonate, you create. 
This gives greater access.. to the vast, subtle, invisible engine-field that builds worlds.
To transcend duality, is to integrate the opposites within you.. 
 * What seems separation is an opportunity for you to grow and create a new wholeness.*

Your neutrality is your bridge. Use your heart to shift and
you will receive the support from your infinite wellspring of Love.


Find what lights-up your heart

The exercise is to connect a vision with your heart…  As you have created a vision, which is now anchored with an emotion. This is an emotional memory, so it is a vision with feeling. In the 5th dimension this is a short cut to creation. Remember, your spirit can create anything because there are no limitations in spirit.

It’s simple. Focus on those things that light up your heart. Take a break into love. Focus on the things that bring you joy and also find those outlets for love. It is very easy to get stuck in the negative energy, so take conscious breaks into the spirit.
Find something to focus on that can bring the love out of you. You can put it into that little rock on your desk, or plants in your garden. It can be anything. It isn’t about changing this item, even in small ways you will find balance. 

The tension is great upon Earth. Just re-member that finding places to give love will change your world. Division grows on Earth. But not to worry, for it is temporary. Division is not your natural state.. Your natural state is to care about each other and everything around you. You had to learn to be a human. You even had to learn to hate and pretend to be separate. 

On Earth, right now we’re seeing a lot of moving toward a very old bias that has been on the planet for a very long time. It has to do with the physical bodies and where one is born.  It’s simply a temporary excursion away from your natural state. You’re truly a Spirit, and your natural state is unity. Your heart is wired to care about each other. If you look for the good in a person, you will find it. If you look anywhere on planet Earth for beauty, you will find it. it will ease the tension.

Planet Earth is about to shift slightly, but it is also an opening for everyone to anchor the light. If you really focus on sending love and opening up the heart, you’ll begin to see not only unity in other people, but also other people’s spirits very clearly. Then soon you will see who you really are, and the responsibility that goes with that.

What are your choices and your visions? Where are you sending your love to? Keep in mind that what you focus on grows during these times. Do you focus on the money or on the lack of the money. That’s a big difference. Most people will naturally focus on the lack. When you send off the bills that you can pay, rejoice in the fact that you’re completing a commitment or a contract in some way. Be careful not to judge yourself by that, because that sets the energy of creation into motion.
We see all the atoms jumping around just before your eyes, trying to create what it is you are expecting to see. It’s a beautiful game.
~ Espavo.


Eternally Connected

Some of us, like you, are here to assist Earth peoples become aware that they have the capability to make their world the way they want it to be. Our advancement in conscious and spiritual awareness has come just as yours, by self-discovery. The only difference between you and us in this embodiment is that we know who we are, from whence we came and why.

Earth’s peoples need to know they are souls, not people who have souls, and every one of them is a part of the Supreme Being of this universe. This Being is bound by Creator to honor all choices its parts make during a physical experience; whatever any person on Earth does, whether action or reaction, is by free will choice and not due to “God’s will.” There is a spirit realm where all transition after Earth lifetime, but there is neither a heaven nor a hell, places of eternal reward or punishment. A great deal of information that is taught or otherwise made available is meant to deceive or confuse.
Earth is universally respected as an excellent schoolhouse that offers an abundance of learning opportunities for people in a third density world, where low vibrations abound.  

All life forms throughout this universe are inseparably, eternally connected, and every soul has limitless capacity to manifest whatever it imagines by using Creator’s energy to give it substance. During this universally unique era, Earth is offering unprecedented  opportunities because her long service as a third density schoolhouse is ending.

After successive civilizations succumbed to the influence of puppets of darkness.. Gaia has beckoned her current civilization to escape from that captivity.. she beseeched light beings from other civilizations to assist. And like you, incarnated in Earth’s various races and cultures to help the populace become aware of their innate power to effect change. Others embodied in the higher orders of animals or as mighty trees telepathically send messages to receivers, who pass them on to persons who are receptive. All of us came to help Gaia’s civilization attain what they chose in pre-birth agreements: A peaceable world where love and justness prevail, resources are shared equally, and life is in harmony with Nature.

Visualizing yourself as healthy and active is an important aspect of recovering from illness or injury. as visualizing a satisfying job opens doors to obtaining one.. etc.
Visualizing people as friendly and cooperative brings about harmony, and visualizing a peaceful world helps to make it so.
Visualizing “good things” is the mind producing an image that reflects the high vibrations of the energy being generated.  

Remember, achieving balance through karmic learning still is going on, and it’s being accelerated beyond your understanding. So you would hardly consider all behavior as “divine” even if it is exactly in line with souls’ needs, and you don’t know what those needs are! As for the “divinity” of what you call “ascended masters,” yes, they are higher in spiritual growth and knowledge simply because their souls never descended to the limitations of third density. You have a heavenly host of partners in your mission to help Earth’s people. And all light beings in this universe are supporting you
~ Matthewbooks


Tuned into Source Energy
 In this moment … it doesn't matter what activity that they are involved in, it only matters if they are under the influence of source ( or of your inner being ) - if you / they are under the influence of source then no matter what they are involved in, they are finding the positive aspects of it and it's feeding them in a positive and productive way. And they are enjoying their life in this moment, which is what it's all about.   

You are here for the pleasure of creating here - do you hear that or do you think you're here to fix a broken world - do you think you're here with responsibility or do you think you're here for the pleasure of creating.  

There is nothing more highly practical than to be tuned into this Source Energy - although it may feel frivolous and not important - shouldn't we be trying to heal cancer and shouldn't we be trying to feed the hungry and shouldn't we be trying to do something about world peace? We say those problems that are big problems, these thoughts of big problems.. as soon as we focus upon those, you know what happens : you disconnect from your source and you become part of one of those piles of problems, powerless to change anything - if you are not willing to be selfish enough to hook up to this energy that feels good,  then you haven't got anything to give anyone anyway. Although it may look a little flaky not to address these real-world problems.. Sometime simply go to sleep.. because we can't come low enough to find you and you can't come high enough to find us ( it's about resonance ). However you're blessed whether you get up here or not. ~ Abraham Hicks

The wave knows it IS one with the ocean

Inadequacy is a lie. You are all worthy of love. Is a wave "worthy" of the ocean?
The question does not even make sense when the waves knows that it is the ocean. Can the wave "fail" the ocean? That too doesn't make sense when the wave knows it IS one with the ocean.

So too, the notion of you being "unworthy" or "inadequate" makes no sense at all when you realize you are ONE with the love that gives rise to universes. These are seen for what they are – illusions of separation – in the higher levels of awareness.  

I AM ONE WITH THE LOVE THAT LIVES IN ALL THINGS.  I am ONE with the POWER that creates Universes!  Make up your own version of this affirmation.  See if you can feel it. ~ Ann Alber



To Transcend Duality

There is great potential of change to the human mind, yet it’s fuller function requires the opening of the heart. 

Your history is fraught with war, domination and greed. Indeed your present experience offers that to many, steeped in the survival struggle.  
Part of the result of the survival struggle has been a forgetting of the Self as the influence of domination has attempted to separate you from your most powerful flow of creativity–Self Love. As you Love yourself, you are allowing the flow of Love to anchor here on earth. You are also anchoring Love when you Love others, for all forms of Love are effective.  

However, your flow is limited as you destroy the Self with lack and fear. Remember your power to merge the invisible and visible as you have new availability to Love a problem into new solution. 
As you find the courage within to choose to Love yourself, you are choosing to allow Love to flow to you, through you and from you. It changes your life. It changes your world. Releasing the fear of survival and opening our hearts and minds to the beauty within that changes the world.   

We are becoming the dominant force in our lives, choosing Love’s courageous new solution that survival fear has previously suppressed. We are creating change by being changed; Loving the Self so fully that the waters of our Love overflow and nourish Life. As we anchor this higher frequency into physicality, we are amplifying our conscious power to utilize the subtle realm rules of the Law of Resonance.   

As you resonate, you create. This gives greater access (though we’ve always been working with it, mostly unconsciously) to the vast, subtle, invisible engine that builds worlds. In the experience of duality, we create (move through time) through the dualistic flow of imbalance/new balance. It’s a neutral expression of creation within this loving universe.  Deep issues are “re”surfacing, boundary issues or opportunities for overcoming fears that may have been.. Now the beautiful flow of Life evolving is calling you to a more empowered version of yourself. 

 it is not about avoiding or obliterating duality, it is about integration.  For you to Transcend Duality, you are integrating the opposites (or separation) within you. What you resist, or what seems opposite is an opportunity for you to grow and create a new wholeness.    

Love Life unconditionally within (seek internal forgiveness, which is your internal freedom), even as you honor healthy boundaries in the conditional physical realm. Honoring the conditions of the physical is the wisdom of “being in the world.” Establishing the unconditionality (freedom) of your inner realm is the wisdom of being “not of” the world. This interplay is the duality that we experience in the physical realm.   

Your neutrality is your bridge to connect that duality into the higher layer of Truth that connects those opposites. As you utilize your Creative Love, you are balancing your inner realm with the external experience. Life responds.  Be gentle with the self. Use Love to shift and you will receive the support that is flowing to you more readily. And your effort will feel more inspired, for it is then coming from your infinite wellspring of Love.
~ Jamye Price




December 1, 2019 -  WORLD  CONTACT  DAY -

E.T. CONTACT SEMINAR with DOLPHINS  in sunny Hawaii

 NOVEMBER 30 - DECEMBER 6, 2019   

  In this multi-dimensional seminar, we will set aside our overly busy, active minds and instead,
relax into the intuitive compassionate sensitivities of our heart-mind. We feel our loving relationship
to our Star friends, and we learn from the oceanic dolphins themselves about the sheer value of playing
and enjoying life. Deep communication occurs as we contact the Andromedans and our other
Extraterrestrial relatives for an entire week of advanced consciousness and contact in the warm ocean
and around the fire circle at night at Joan & Jean-Luc's Sky Island Ranch, Hawaii.      




There are many worlds parallel to ours!

Experience these 2 DVD films - like guided meditations to step into our multidimensional Nature:

+ Art-Poster prints in all sizes are available!:

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