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I hope you are having a good morning today. Just wanted to ask you something, before we jump into our local tech events and news. It is just me or did you get this cold breeze too? You know what they say....winter is coming. :D 

However, let's not worry about winter, but about how many tech events are happening around this fall. We have revo.js happening this week, alongside other regular meetups, and much more happening later this month, or the next one.

Have you checked our full events calendar from Timisoara.Tech? If you pick any of the events listed there, make sure to get in touch with us because we have lots of community discounts. ;)

Have a great one!

It's happening this week in Timișoara, revo.js, a community-driven, not-for-profit event taking place between the 3rd and 4th of October 2019 at Iulius Congress Hall.

Read more about revo.js on Timisoara.Tech.
It's been a while since the local community had a blast at a Startup Weekend. #SWTimisoara is back.

Check it out! 
Over 200 tech startups will compete for the EUR 125,000 investment award at Startup Spotlight, the largest startup competition in the region, to take place within the How to Web Conference. The total value of prizes is EUR 1 million.

Read more about Business Review
Events This Week

Cine și cum poate ”înverzi” reinventarea urbană? (Meetup, Free)

September 30th, 6:30pm - 8:30pm, TeMiriCe

Mai rapid și mai mult decât țările în ansamblul lor, orașele sunt cele care se reinventează, ocupând avangarda schimbărilor. Ele au resursele și capacitatea inovatoare de a crea noi soluții care să aducă acest ”mai bine”. Din păcate, tot ele sunt, de multe ori, victime ale ambițiilor nejustificate, ale analizelor superficiale, ale lipsei de reacție și implicare a unor grupuri populaționale importante dar pasive și chiar, cel puțin aparent, indiferente în momentele de consultare, planificare și decizie.

Location: TeMiriCe, Strada Doctor Iosif Nemoianu 9, Timișoara 300011
Organizers: Fridays for Future Timișoara



Freelancers Meetup - on Working Fully Remote (Meetup, Free)

October 1st, 7pm - 8:30pm, Cowork The Garden, Timișoara

As a coworking space, Cowork Timisoara is hosting a lot of people who are working remotely as freelancers and not only.

We've decided it's time to have a chat about what's it like to work that way. How does this 'working-fully-remote-life' look like? What are the pros? What are the cons?

And what a better way to do that, other than organizing an open discussion on this topic with our own very cool CoworkTm residents? :D

Oana Tudor from Digital Nation and Pieter de Kiewit, recruiter (Executive search)/owner at Treasurer Search, will be joining us on the 1st of October to do just that.

Come and find inspiration for your own fully-remote work-life, straight from the source :)

See you then!

Location: Cowork The Garden, Timișoara , Strada Virgil Madgearu 5, Timișoara
Organizers: Cowork Timisoara



The microservices architecture - benefits & drawbacks (Meetup, Free)

October 2nd, 6:30pm - 8:30pm, ACI Worldwide

We invite you to a presentation and discussions on the good, the bad & the ugly of the microservices architecture.

The presentation will be held by me (Bogdan Solga) and Adrian Dozsa; I will present (mainly) the benefits of the microservices architecture and Adi will present (mainly) its drawbacks.

Location: ACI Worldwide , Iulius Town, UBC 2, 2nd floor · Timisoara
Organizers: Timisoara Java User Group



Revo.js (conference, €170 - €255)

October 3rd, 8am - October 04th, 4:30pm, Iulius Congress Hall

revo.js is a not-for-profit event taking place between the 3rd and 4th of October 2019 at Consiliul Județean Timiș. The conference aims to bring JavaScript enthusiasts two full days of tech-focused talks, community networking and thought-provoking ideas meant to stir up change, the only const there is.

revo.js is a JavaScript conference dedicated to the entire JS ecosystem. This includes but is not limited to:

  • Web Standards: DOM and Browser APIs, ECMAScript, WebAssembly, Accessibility, etc;
  • Node.js: Server-side JS, Package management, Databases, Serverless, etc;
  • Frameworks & Libraries or any utilities that may help during development;
  • Graphics: CSS, Animations, 2D & 3D, SVG, Canvas, WebGL, VR, AR;
  • Tools for better Developer eXperience;
  • Code Design: Best practices, Design patterns and high-level architecture;
  • Hardware: IoT, House appliances, Crazy hacks;
  • Other topics related to JS: Security, Performance, Testing, Deployment, etc.

Location: Iulius Congress Hall, Strada Piata Consiliul Europei nr.2, etaj 1, 300088 Timișoara 
Organizers: tim.js , Banat IT


What we'll be reading this week

Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind

Changed my perspective on what it means to be a human being through a detailed history of our human species. I felt it gave me a broader awareness of why I do what I do.

From a renowned historian comes a groundbreaking narrative of humanity’s creation and evolution—a #1 international bestseller—that explores the ways in which biology and history have defined us and enhanced our understanding of what it means to be “human.” One hundred thousand years ago, at least six different species of humans inhabited Earth. Yet today there is only one—homo sapiens. What happened to the others? And what may happen to us?

Within our community

1. Viziune pesimistă: Doar 13% din antreprenorii români consideră că mediul economic e bun

UniCredit Bank lansează cea de-a treia ediție a Barometrului Minților Creative, cercetarea anuală care analizează perspectivele, provocările, planurile de viitor și situația antreprenorilor creativi din România. Studiul este realizat împreună cu agenția Cult Market Research.
Read more, here:

2. 4 antreprenori români din UK înainte de Brexit: Ce fac și ce așteptări au pentru afaceri și pentru familiile lor

Se apropie data de 31 octombrie 2019, când urmează ca Marea Britanie, unde trăiesc 500.000 de români, să iasă din Uniunea Europeană. Cei mai mulți lucrează acolo pentru un salariu decent, iar unii au propriile afaceri în UK. a vorbit cu 4 dintre antreprenorii români care au firme în Regatul Unit, pentru a înțelege „feeling-ul” lor și starea de spririt din business-ul românesc în UK.
Read more, here:

Going Global

1. WeWork proves that (venture) capitalism works

What’s the lesson of WeWork? Here’s a startup that has been a darling of Silicon Valley investors for years, whose offices and CEO have been stunningly painted across the covers of major trade magazines and strategically deployed across major tech conference stages, including our very own. At its peak, the company commanded a valuation of tens of billions of dollars and was supposed to be on course for the stratosphere, joining companies like Google and Facebook.
Read more, here:

2. The fall of WeWork’s Adam Neumann

The inside story of how the CEO went from the top of the world to out of his company.
Read more, here:

3. Greta Thunberg's Digital Rise Calls Back to a Pre-Digital Era

The climate activist's ability to dominate social media is powerful—and, surprisingly, similar to what young people did in the 1960s.
Read more, here:

Are you a freelancer or a creative mind searching for a better place to work?
Come and book yourself a desk, at Cowork Timisoara!


Timisoara.Tech Digest is curated by:

  Andrei Firoiu - @andreifiroiu
  contact Andrei at:

  Patricia Borlovan - @PaatriciaaB
  contact Patricia at:

We're looking for more curators, so reply to this email if you're interested!

If you know about some tech or startups events happening in Timisoara (or in the region) or want to promote your own event, just contact us.
Timisoara.Tech Digest is made with love by Cowork Timisoara.
Copyright © 2019 Timisoara.Tech, All rights reserved.

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