Carpentry Clippings, 2 October, 2019
Highlights from The Carpentries Community Calendar
Organising Workshops
Angela Li will be hosting Organising Workshops Office Hours on 9 and 11 October 2019 at 20:00 UTC (check your time). Join her to ask questions and share your experiences around organising The Carpentries workshops. Sign up on this Etherpad.
Mentoring Group calls & Virtual Showcase
On 15 October 2019 at 19:00 UTC (check your time), the Mentoring Groups Virtual Showcase will take place. Detail for the showcase can be found on this Etherpad.
Canada Community Call
The Canada Regional Coordinators will host a Community Call on 7 October 2019 at 14:00 EDT/11:00 PDT (check your time). The call will discuss The Carpentries footprint in Canada. There will also be a discussion of volunteering to help organise Carpentries workshops in the future. If you are interested in joining the conversation please sign up on this Etherpad.
New Zealand Community Call
The monthly New Zealand community call will take place on 15 October 2019 at 12:30 NZDT (check your time). The upcoming call will give community members a chance to reflect on the pedagogy that motivates Carpentries instructors, instructor trainers, and supporters. The discussion will touch upon the process of instructor training check-out, practices that are hard to remember while teaching, and favourite teaching tips and tricks from the community. The Carpentries members outside New Zealand are also welcome to join the call. You can add your name on this Etherpad under the relevant section.
Community Discussions
Join one of the upcoming Community Discussions to connect with other community members and exchange notes with them. Several calls are hosted every month for our members in different Time Zones. This month's community calls are taking place on 3 October 2019 at 21:00 UTC (check your time), 9 October 2019 at 15:00 UTC (check your time), 11 October 2019 at 8:00 UTC (check your time), 15 October 2019 at 13:00 UTC (check your time) and 17 October 2019 at 21:00 UTC (check your time). For more slots in the future, check out the community calendar and sign up on this Etherpad.
Community News
The Carpentries Values Project
We want to thank everyone who has taken the time to participate in The Carpentries Values Project. One last question has now been added to this project and your input would be highly appreciated. It reads, 'What specific actions would you like The Carpentries community to take up or uphold in everyday Carpentries conversations going forward?' We highly encourage you to participate in the project to help us articulate our community values. You can submit your input via this form or under this issue on GitHub before the end of this week. Read more about this ongoing work in this post.
Committee and Task Force News
CarpentryCon TaskForce 2020
In this request form, we invite your suggestions for CarpentryCon 2020’s keynote speakers. Under the theme "Growing inclusive, computational communities and leaders", this conference will take place next year at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA. For any other ideas, suggestions and questions contact the TaskForce members by emailing You can also share your suggestions by responding to this post.
If you’re interested in offering your support to the CarpentryCon program organising committee (soliciting speakers/presentations from the community, choosing presenters, etc.), please email CarpentryCon 2020 Task Force co-chair, Christina Koch. They are also looking for dedicated note-takers for its fortnightly meetings. Find more details about this role in this post and register your interest by sending an email to the co-chairs.
What you may have missed on the blog and mailing lists
Among blogs last week, read the post, Code of Conduct Mandate Task Force Releases Recommendations, which encourages community members to share incidents, even if minor or occurred outside the community spaces to our members of anyone adjacent to our activities. In the post Q3 and Q4 Project Work at The Carpentries, The Carpentries Leadership team discussed the accomplishments from the second and third quarter of this year and plans for the rest of 2019.
In the post, Thank you all!, Chris Erdmann expressed his gratitude to everyone for his time in The Carpentries and reflected on his role as Library Carpentry Community & Development Director. He will be dearly missed.
Here are more blogs from our community members: The Carpentries Community Champions Call - September 2019 by Jonah Duckles, New Zealand Community Holds Its First Carpentries Chat by Megan Guidry, Murray Cadzow and Antje Lubcke, Lessons learned from the Community Discussion on Burnout by Diya Das and Livening Up Live Coding by Matt Dray.
In the TopicBox Discuss channel, join the following community discussions: Request space for experimental summer data science workshop, how to import the file into Etherpad for instructor training, Julia Evans requests SQL exercise reviews, and git bash error.
Check out 2 posts on relevant fellowships: BssW fellowships for researchers with US institutional affiliations, and Software Sustainability Institute fellowship 2020 for researchers in the UK or with UK collaborations.
Interested in publishing a post on the Carpentries blog? Start here.
Tweet of the Week

Community Job postings
Reproducible Research Oxford Coordinator, Reproducible Research Oxford, Oxford, UK
Papers and articles for and from the community
Building a local community of practice in scientific programming for life scientists. Sarah Stevens et. al., PLOS Biology 16(11):e200556.
Perspective on coarse-graining, cognitive load, and materials simulation. Eric Jankowski et. al., Computational Materials Science Volume 171, 109129.
Top 10 FAIR Data & Software Things
A Global Sprint was held online for two-days (29-30 November 2018) to develop 10 FAIR (FInadable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) data and software things. Participants from around the world were invited to develop brief guides (stand-alone, self-paced training materials), called “Things”, that can be used by the research community to understand FAIR in different contexts but also as starting points for conversations around FAIR. The idea for “Top 10 Data Things” stems from initial work done at the Australian Research Data Commons or ARDC (formerly known as the Australian National Data Service). The Global Sprint was co-organised by several organisations and institutes including Library Carpentry. The complete material can be accessed online: DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3409968.
Toolshed (Posts from our Past)
A year ago, Kari Jordan led a project called Instructor Feedback Report. Within 2 weeks of launching, several community members participated and contributed their ideas and contents to draft the final report. Check this issue on GitHub to read the full discussion. In the post Training Data Literacy in Ethiopia, the African TaskForce discussed their work to empower researchers and enable data-driven discovery with the help of The Carpentries community and resources. Carlos Martinez invited members to organise workshops on image processing in Python.