Producer Notes
Greetings Everyone,
I would like to start this month's newsletter by saying Happy Anniversary Sosiarians! Thank you for all the years you have spent with us and thank you for the many more to come. Over the years I have been very honored to have worked on UO for so long and to have met some of the most creative, impressive, and dedicated people I have ever met. Thank you each and every one of you for making UO what it is today!
With Forsaken Foes being enjoyed on the shards we are looking ahead to our next publish, Jolly Roger. We are working on the Artisian Festival so you can complete the Vice & Virtue themed collection everyone has started. We have added some really exciting new holiday gifts that we feel you guys are going to love! Krampus is being dusted off and looking forward to finding all the bad boys and girls out there this year!
Looking even further beyond Jolly Roger, one topic that everyone seems to be interested in is IDOC housing. We have sat down and come up with some basic ideas but not clean enough to be able to publish them yet to get your feedback. Once this is done we will post on the forums to get everyone's feedback.
The Meet and Greet schedule for October is as follows:
Origin October 14th at 9 pm ET
Yamato October 28th at 9 am ET
The following are actions taken on accounts that were banned or suspended during the month of September:
6 - Disruptive Behavior
52 - Macroing
1 - Solicitation
See you on the High Seas,
Bonnie "Mesanna" Armstrong