High Holy Days — Guidelines
Ushers and Greeters Needed!
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Thank you helping Congregation Bet Haverim (CBH) create a safe and comfortable environment during the High Holy Days. CBH Administration is asking everyone to support these efforts by doing the following: 

Campus Entry Points:  There will be four entry points to campus for greeters to welcome you and for you to pick up your badge holder and/or sticker. Please use one of these entry points when arriving on campus:
  1. between the office and the social hall;
  2. on the sidewalk between the social hall and the sanctuary;
  3. on the sidewalk between the north classroom and the Gan Haverim play yard; or
  4. by the sanctuary for Hillel.
Once you pick up your badge holder to display your ticket, please place it on your clothing where it is visible for the ushers. They will confirm people have their tickets visible before seating them.

Entering Services:  Please form lines either outside the social hall or sanctuary. This will help the ushers manage the flow of people entering and allow them to confirm everyone has their badge visible.

Strollers:  Due to limited space in the social hall and sanctuary, please park your stroller next to the social hall by the Holocaust Memorial Wall. 

Seating for Young Families and Those with Limited Mobility:  In the social hall there will be reserved seating in front of the alcove and the back rows. In the sanctuary there will be reserved seating in the side rows closest to the entry way.

In Case of An Emergency and/or immediate threat:  All ushers and greeters will have a whistle to blow to alert people to begin evacuation. 

Evacuation:  If an evacuation is necessary, go calmly to the closest doors/emergency exit doors and proceed to the Methodist Church parking lot at 1620 Anderson Road (across the street). Emergency exit doors will be labeled and include:
Doors to each side of the Ark
Doors in the room behind the Ark can also be used, although will not be marked
Social Hall
Rear kitchen door
Rear back hallway door
The women’s bathroom door can also be used, although will not be marked
Doors facing the Redwood Grove or the parking lot depending on the situation. Since class room doors are the main doors, they will not to be marked.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Hollie Malamud, Executive Director at 530-758-0842 or at
Volunteers are still needed for for the High Holy Days!  Start the new year off performing a mitzvah and volunteer to be a Greeter or an Usher (or both)!

We still need as many as eight Rosh HaShanah Ushers and three Greeters.  For Yom Kippur there are twelve available opportunities to help as an Usher and five as a Greeter.

Please sign up as Ushers and Greeters and help make this a warm and welcoming New Year at CBH.

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