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Laura Adams, Telamon Travel
Tel. 760.689.9860
Falling for Your Next Destination

Autumn is upon us. The air is becoming crisper. The leaves are slowly becoming an array of reds and golds. The kids are buckling down in their studies (or at least I pretend they are). Thursday through Monday is full of football fans cheering/screaming at their televisions while indulging in delightful Crock Pot meals. And Halloween is right around the corner! In my world, it's the best time of year.  

In fact, in destinations all over the world, it's the best time of the year. Menus are freshening up with the best selection of homemade meals, the best catches from the sea, and the most robust and round wines. The landscape views are more astounding than in any other season. While it may be a bit late to plan a fall trip (Never say never, though! I can always try if you want to squeeze one more trip in) for this year, set your sights to travel to any of the below destinations next fall — 2020! 

Sail the Canada ​​and New England Seas

The finest fall foliage views are closer to home than you may think. North American sailings typically start in New York sailing through Canada, going as far north as Quebec. Along this sailing you'll be stopping in port where you'll have the chance to chow down on the freshest lobster sandwiches. It's a must! You'll visit Cadillac mountain —the most popular tourist destination in Maine. Travelers also have the opportunity to kayak the bay, which the weather is perfect for.
Island Hopping in the Greek Isles

Who doesn’t dream of visiting the famous Greek Isles? Greece offers it all — art, history, a vibrant culture, beach side cityscapes, and more.  I could write a whole newsletter on the glories of Greece. But fall in particular is perfect because the day brings the warm sun and the evening offers a cool breeze. At this time, we're just coming off high season, so the sites aren't overwhelmed with tourists. Whether you're island hopping by ferry or small plane, it's a must to experience the different stories between the islands.
Cruising the Fall Foliage on European Waterways

There's no better way to see several European countries all in one trip than sailing the Rhine or Danube. These itineraries offer stops at top destinations like historical castles, battlefields, and museums. The classic European experience is taking a cooking class or painting a picture alongside an artist. But the highlight is doing these activities in the fall. Travelers' photographs, paintings, and even freshly made flavors will triumph all other trips.
Harvest the Vineyard at Napa & Sonoma Valley

Savor the flavor in our nation's Napa Valley and Sonoma Valley. In these regions you can take relaxing wine tours sampling the ripest and roundest wine selections. Or you can take the more active approach by guiding yourself via bicycle then ending your day by dining during sunset. There are endless possibilities to explore the heart of our vineyards while finding the ultimate selection of flavors. Of course, the best time to do this is when the air is cooler, and the views are unmatched. 
Primetime to Explore Exotic Thailand

Although Thailand is located in a different hemisphere, late fall happens to be the most desired travel time. This is right after the country's [very] wet season. The days in November are actually the sunniest. This makes for the best in-season produce in the street markets. The wildlife is thriving and excited to enjoy the days as much as you would be. Play with the elephants, scuba the 300 island coasts, swim with the sea turtles, or simply hike the freshly hydrated rainforests.  Keep in mind that the fall is the busiest time in time, but it's also very affordable. 
I fall in love with worldwide destinations repeatedly. Autumn presents the world in vivid colors, offering a different selection of experiences. If you haven't traveled to any of these destinations, my advisor tip of the month is to set your future trip's dates in the time perimeters I mentioned. If you have taken these adventures, I'm sure you'll discover something new in the fall time. After all, isn't everything better in the fall?

When you’re ready to experience fall, Telamon Travel will craft the experience you are looking for!

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