Autumn is upon us. The air is becoming crisper. The leaves are slowly becoming an array of reds and golds. The kids are buckling down in their studies (or at least I pretend they are). Thursday through Monday is full of football fans cheering/screaming at their televisions while indulging in delightful Crock Pot meals. And Halloween is right around the corner! In my world, it's the best time of year.
In fact, in destinations all over the world, it's the best time of the year. Menus are freshening up with the best selection of homemade meals, the best catches from the sea, and the most robust and round wines. The landscape views are more astounding than in any other season. While it may be a bit late to plan a fall trip (Never say never, though! I can always try if you want to squeeze one more trip in) for this year, set your sights to travel to any of the below destinations next fall — 2020!