WOW! It was sunny. It was HOT! There were So. Many. Makers. What an amazing couple of days at Maker Faire Atlanta 2019 on Sept 28-29! In the new location at the Georgia State University Stadium (former Turner Field), the Greatest Show-And-Tell of the Year had tons of space for makers of all kinds from all across the southeast to share their creative and inspiring DIY ideas. #EveryOneIsAMaker
What did Decatur Makers bring to the party? Everything our 26 foot rental truck could carry, including our gold-medal community-built makerspace competition sign, our champion Barbie and Ken Power Racing Series cars, our new tshirt design by our artist member, David "Doodleslice" Cohen, and lots more.
Thanks huge to all our wonderful volunteers who contributed in so many ways to make our weekend such a success! #MakersGonnaMake #MFA2019