2. VSF cares about the unfortunate, it is happening so regularly at so many locations, its mind boggling, please get involved. Any service has two rewards, one who receives and one to you. There is no better feeling than feeling good about yourself. Please join VSF cares whatsapp group for details or request info at info@vsfbayarea.org
Annadanam for the Homeless (by Smt. Varsha P)
I have lived in Bay Area for 20 + years but it was only 4 years back that I realized the gravity of the homelessness situation in bay area. As of January 2019, in Santa Clara county alone there are more than 9,000 homeless people, a 31% increase from 2017. The surrounding counties have similar numbers.
Homelessness is a big issue that needs to be tackled by various means and one of the ways we as individuals can help is by cooking and serving nutritious food. There is an ancient saying in India that goes like this: Anna daanam maha daanam - Annadaanam meaning offering free food to the hungry is the highest service to mankind. We always practice this in India during happy, sad or religious events. So, why not practice it here too?
We as a family have been volunteering in shelters, cooking and serving food for the homeless. It has been an immensely fulfilling experience to see the joy on people’s faces as we serve them. We have heard from a lot of them that this is the only proper meal they have on that day. If not for our meal they would have eaten a peanut butter sandwich or sometimes not even that. We are amazed at the kind of people we meet at the shelters. There are old and young people and sometimes even kids, there are disabled veterans who fought for our country,
there are also very educated people who lost their job due to lay offs or health issues. Most importantly we can see that there are people just like you and me, who became homeless due to unfortunate circumstances. We learnt through this experience not to judge anyone but to wholeheartedly serve them a good meal.
We have always believed in donating money to organizations both in India and in the US. Now we have also found great joy in cooking and serving those in need right here in our own community because we can see, first hand, the people we are helping. This feeling of fulfillment makes us want to go back to do this service, time and again!
Varsha P