
How to Live in
The Kingdom Of Heaven

Last call for this life-changing online course.

 You'll finally understand the mystical truth behind Jesus' teachings on the Kingdoms of Heaven and of God and how to apply them in your own life.

This Kingdom is not limited to Christians, it is not a physical place and it is not where we go after death. It is the gateway to our soul. Living from here brings joy whatever the world is up to and it helps us be powerful agents for good in the world.
This series of five one-hour webinars blends inspirational teaching with practical exercises for you to begin to experience the Kingdom from session no.1. The course starts at 8pm on Monday 7th October BUT you do not have to listen live. Each session is recorded and sent to you in MP3 format.

Jesus knew the ancient mystical teaching that underpins the Bible. In his time, this esoteric tradition was known as 'The Way.'  He transformed it to let us know that we have direct access to the Divine and he never intended it to be limited to those who became what we now call Christians.

In a nutshell, in the Kingdom of Heaven is the place in the psyche where you have spiritual power within your own life and your surroundings. The Kingdom of God is where you have spiritual power within the World. Everyone's Kingdom of Heaven is unique to them and everyone's Kingdom of God is transpersonal — involving the whole of Spirit. You can only get to the Kingdom of God from the Kingdom of Heaven. I'll show you how and why.

What will you find in the Kingdom of Heaven?

Peace, happiness, joy, contentment, the ability to intuit what is needed for your own healing, the ability to care for the world without damaging yourself.

This online webinar will show you the map for your journey, hidden in plain sight in both testaments of the Bible. it WON'T tell you who you are meant to be; it WILL help you find that for yourself. And when you know who you truly are, then truly, life itself becomes heavenly.

We'll be starting on Monday 7th October for five weeks and the price is £99. You won't have to listen live to any of the course. It will all be recorded and sent to you in MP3 format so you can tune in in your own time.

What are my qualifications for teaching it? I'm the author of 18 books, have been widowed and divorced, have emigrated and returned and have studied Judaeo-Christian mysticism for more than a quarter of a century and I'm a joyful survivor of cancer. I'm an independent minister, or Hedge Priest, and I am both very happily married and incredibly content. Most of my time, I live in the Kingdom of Heaven and I have access to the Kingdom of God.

"Working with you made me feel alive. The whole of my future opened up; I felt that I had a future and a happy one. You saved my life" — Salley Farquharson, Birmingham, UK.

For more details and to book, please email me at

"The Perennial Tradition teaches that all that is true, is true always and everywhere. Kabbalah is part of this eternal wisdom, a way of describing and understanding the patterns of the universe for the purposes of healing our relationships with God, ourselves, each other and the Earth.
This is an oral tradition, intended to be updated by each generation’s teachers. As a woman and a Universal Christian rather than a Jewish man, Maggy is a much-needed 21st century pioneer of this important work"
Fr. Richard Rohr, author of The Universal Christ (SPCK).

Copyright © Maggy Whitehouse 2019.
Our mailing address is:
Firestones, South Tawton, Devon Ex20 2PN, UK.

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