
Soraya's Witches Web Newsletter
January 2020
From Despair to Joy

Contents 2020
A Word form Momma Witch 

This week's Crystals - Fluorite and Garnet
This week’s Recipe – Stuffed peppers
Lunar Chart for September 19
This month's Star Sign Libra
Your Morning Ritual

A Word from Momma Witch

I am telling you now before you start reading this, I do not want anyone to feel sorry for me Im just sharing and explaining my absence and by the time I have finished perhaps you will understand why I have been so quiet and perhaps these things I speak of, my choices and decisions, will help you to make some of yours. 


For the last, ten or so years  family have been on at me, "Why dont you retire?"   (I'm now 72 as of 25th December) My answer was simple and to the point "I dont bloody want to retire, I love what I am doing, especially horoscopes and reading Tarot Card for clients, however, and its a BIG, HOWEVER.


Sometimes when I was preparing horoscopes including my own and those who were in my family I began to recognise who was passing on and when that would happen. I began to dread that I would see my own passing (f*** that). Stopping the newsletter allowed me to stop doing horoscopes.
Snap Decisions
People who know me think I make snap decisions...
Let me introduce you to the real me...
I do NOTHING without thinking for days or weeks, sometimes even months about any particular action, reaction, change, chance, choice or decision and the consequences thereof. 
I watch for signs, I pay attention to whatever is going on around me and the Goddess is always by my side, encouraging me are warning me off.   
This is all private to me alone and it's my action, reaction, change, chance, choice or decision and I have to deal with the consequences and then I do whatever it is. Then folk who think they know me say things like,
"You should really think about it"
The fact of the matter is I have already been through that process before I say or do anything consequently my actions become a shock to those around me and that brings me to retiring from reading Tarot. 

The first setback

I discovered last year that I had 4 cysts on my kidneys (2 on each side, the one on the left is the size of a tennis ball.) No treatment, no cure, other than surgery, which they dont like to do in the first place as its too dangerous. In April one of them burst and I was blue lighted into the hospital. It was terrifying at the time but not as much for me as it was for poor Martin who thought I wouldn't come home. He was devastated and since then has been wrapping me in cotton wool in spite of my protestations. 
Anyway, the hospital has been wonderful and insisted that I go for regular scans and they recently informed me that they had discovered a small tumour on my right kidney. It is not showing any signs of growth and my consultant said: "In his experience, a tumour of that size would take about ten years  to become dangerous."
I replied, "Well, at the moment I'm 72 so if I get another ten years I've cracked it."

The second setback

The only thing I worried about was telling Martin because the news of the Cysts had freaked him out .... what on earth was his reaction likely to be if I mentioned the word at first I didn't tell him, but a couple of weeks later, having thought carefully about it, I decided that if the situation was reversed and he didn't tell me, I would have felt disappointed, angry and definitely very hurt that he couldn't share that information so I told him and the cotton wool just got thicker... he is so attentive, but while he was looking after me  I was thinking about everyone else so I made a promise to myself that I would no longer read Tarot cards for clients.
I went into the office soon after telling Martin about the tumour, and I removed every trace of Tarot reading from my website and I cancelled my Tarot Facebook page. Did the same with Google, but for my Yell advert, I had to phone them. I waited till Martin went out to do stuff on his bike and then phoned Yell. He came in in the middle of my call and stood there looking shocked.
"I can't believe that you have actually done that, but I'm glad you did. It's time you thought about yourself before everyone else." (I've heard that so many times).
Within the hour the phone went and I had to refuse a man who had never had a reading before and he plucked up the courage to call me and I just couldn't break my promise to myself. I reassured him as best as I could and I put the phone down I lay on the sofa and sobbed - I had let someone down, I had failed someone who needed me!!! 

It just can't get any worse, can it" 

It did: My lovely, stupid, Sasha Diva began to show signs of dementia and had several mini-strokes and then just before Christmas she began to be sick. On the 3rd of January, the vet came to the house and I held Sasha while the Vet made the necessary injection. I looked into her eyes as she slowly ended her time on this world and I told her she was going over the rainbow bridge and that Taz, and Tinker, would be waiting for her. She left a massive space in my heart.
I have met many who have been through that situation and always advised them to get a puppy. You are not replacing the one you lost you are filling that despairing space in your heart with joy.
Sasha Diva
But life works in balance and harmony and where there has been sadness there will be joy and The Goddess is always there to make sure that the wheel keeps turning and after despair she always gives joy. I will never replace Sasha Diva, but I have filled an aching space in my heart with Harry Potter. 
Got to go, Harry, is awake and demands my attention - Love and blessings as always - I promise next newsletter will be more witchy and have a spell or two - if you want something special put a message on the Witches Web  
I'm leaving the morning Ritual here for new members and as a reminder that if you remember the Goddess in your life She will remember you.
The Morning Ritual
Stand in front of a window and take a deep purifying in breath and visualise that you are breathing in sparkling light energy. Raise your hands high above your head and then clasp your hands together in the prayer position. Draw your hands down in front of your face, still clasped, down past your heart and then separate your hands and spread them as far apart as you can to each side. Visualise all your chakra points being activated and say the following prayer as you do so.
You who are the source of all power and good
Please show me what I need to know when I need to know it
Help me to listen with understanding and speak with wisdom
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change
And the wisdom to change the things  I can change.
Please show me what I need to know so that I may understand.
The world is an abundant place and
I am grateful for those gifts I have already been given
And I am open and ready to receive
those gifts that are waiting to come to me
Visualise a purple cloak of protection being placed on your shoulders and draw your hands across your chest as though you are drawing the cloak over you.
You are now ready to begin your day and you can use this ritual at any time especially if you feel insecure anxious or worried.
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