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October 2019
Vol. 4 Issue 10
“If you have faith as small as a mustard seed…” Matthew 17:20
Are we sowing seeds of faith? Think about the smallness of seeds and what God births from the smallest seeds. Jesus calls us to live out the action of faith in our lives by faith from the smallest of seeds. I read that, “The seed may be the most amazing example of God’s prolific (productive, fruitful,…) creativity.” Think about that concerning your faith. Are you living this kind of faith out in your lives? In your prayer life? In how you take action? Is God speaking something to you that sounds uncomfortable in the sense that it is stretching you, out of the norm for you, maybe even radical? It happens!
Recently, I preached on Jeremiah 32 and how the LORD spoke to Jeremiah to purchase a piece of property at the same time Babylon was overtaking and destroying Jerusalem. I remarked that this could be like, “Hey, if you believe that, I’ve got some swamp land in Texas to sell ya!” The land was his to purchase according to the Law, but he also knew this land really wasn’t going to be profitable or even truly his with the exile and captivity of Babylon. But God was making a promise, setting an example for Jeremiah and all who witnessed the transaction. The promise being, one day you will build houses, you will plant fields and vineyards, and the land will be restored to you. A story of God’s promise of redemption.
We share in this promise from God today! We don’t have to buy a piece of property because we are bought and paid through Christ Jesus; the transaction is complete. Our sin has been satisfied so we already have heavenly real estate and we have ownership now and eternally. That is the promise fulfilled. We are the real estate agents for the Lord to offer this promise to others as people in Christ.
Like Jeremiah, we are a people of faith. Faith is what the Spirit gave to us to believe in this promise in Christ Jesus. Even Faith, the size of a mustard seed planted in our hearts, planted in the hearts of others will be enough to move us from the beginning place, the stuck places, the mountains, and the dry lands or wilderness of our lives to the land of milk and honey. How sweet it is! The little seed of faith grows into luscious grapes, apples, peaches, cantaloupes, honey dew, and even huge watermelons, all sweet and tasty as can be! And it all starts with prayer and until we recognize the power of prayer, talking to Jesus, and believing in faith he hears, our lives may never fully enter the promises of today, the abundance Jesus has to offer us now, and we may be stuck in the land of mediocrity, complacency, and fruit that never really gets a chance to ripen and be harvested as very good.
The Lord placed in my spirit a call to prayer. The call to prayer is a challenge to each of us to read “Draw the Circle: The 40 Day Prayer Challenge” by Mark Batterson. The expectation is that we will start this together as a Cooperative Parish-Linden, Markham, and Marshall. We will read, pray, journal, and share the blessings of circling prayers for us personally and collectively as the church. God has something for us to hear in this, to pray for in this, and God wants us to pray God-sized prayers—remember, those BHAPs! That means Big Hairy Audacious Prayers! If you think you're stuck, we’re stuck, and you know God is speaking a way forward—pray! Participate and engage this challenge! I’m excited about what the Lord wants to bring for us his church. Are you? Let’s get started! My hope and prayer is to have the books here by this Sunday, October 6 and start the challenge October 7. The books are a gift to you to freely engage this journey. May the Lord stir us with a holy determination, holy discontent, and a holy direction through the prayers of his people! Amen!

Grace & Peace,

Pastor Terry
Lay Leader Message
Ministry Teams
Cooperative Parish Leadership
SPRC:  Bonnie Schmidt (CP Chair), John Fedorchak (Lay Leader), Brook Middleton (SPRC Rep.), Edith Middleton (Alt. Annual Conference Delegate), Sal Ortiz (Lay Leader/Annual Conference Lay Delegate), Dawn Bueno (Co-Lay Leader), Sheila Showers (SPRC Rep.), Cindy Kokernak (SPRC Rep.), Joe Bersack (SPRC Rep.), DeAnna Taylor (Lay Leader), Mike Rodgers (Co-Lay Leader), Amy Glascock (SPRC Rep.), Bob Lambert (Alt. Annual Conference Delegate)
Linden Church Council
Chair of Council:  Steve Showers
Lay Leader:  Sal Ortiz
Co-Lay Leader:  Dawn Bueno
SPRC Chair:  Cindy Kokernak
SPRC:  Cindy Kokernak (Chair), Sal Ortiz, Dawn Bueno, Sheila Showers
Finance Chair:  Vacant
Trustee Chair:  Loyd Dunford
Co-Chair:  Steve Showers
Treasurer:  Kathy Drummond
2019 Lay Member to Annual Conference:  Sal Ortiz
UMW President:  Sheila Showers
Senior Pastor:  Terry Hendricks
Recording Secretary:  Dawn Bueno
Young Adult Representative:  Dawn Bueno
Worship Chair, Music:  Connie Clatterbuck
District Steward:  Vacant
Church Historian:  Helen Kenney
Nurture, Evangelism:  Genia Ortiz
Adult Discipleship:  Sal Ortiz
Nominations:  Pastor Terry (Chair), Ruth Ann Rector, Helen Kenney, Maureen Dunford, Sal Ortiz, Dawn Bueno
Trustees:  Loyd Dunford, Steve Showers, Mary Potter, Lou Ann Bennett, Stuart Showers, Zachery Bueno
Parsonage Trustees:  Loyd Dunford (Chair), Steve Showers (Co-Chair), Zachery Bueno
Finance:  Chair Vacancy, Pastor Terry, Sal Ortiz, Dawn Bueno, Steve Showers, Loyd Dunford
Markham Church Council
Chair of Council:  Michele Middleton
Lay Leader:  John Fedorchak
Co-Lay Leader:  Vacant
SPRC Chair:  Bonnie Schmidt
SPRC:  Bonnie Schmidt (Chair), Brook Middleton, Edith Middleton, John Fedorchak
Finance Chair:  Debbie Jo Foster
Trustee Chair:  Brook Middleton
Treasurer:  Nancy Sickel
Alternate Member to Annual Conference:  Edith Middleton
Senior Pastor:  Terry Hendricks
Recording Secretary:  Vacant
Nurture, Hospitality, Worship:  Edith Middleton
Community Missions, Music:  Vacant
Age Level Ministries:  Vacant
Historian:  Henry Green
Nominations:  Pastor Terry (Chair), John Fedorchak, Edith Middleton
Trustees:  Brook Middleton (Chair), Cheryll Green, Nancy Sickel, Michele Middleton, Henry Green
Parsonage Trustees:  Brook Middleton, Nancy Sickel, Edith Middleton
Finance:  Chair Vacancy, Pastor Terry, Edith Middleton, John Fedorchak, Bonnie Schmidt, Brook Middleton, Nancy Sickel
Council Secretary:  Theresa Malinsky
Marshall Church Council
Chair of the Council:  Amy Taylor
Lay Leader:  DeAnna Taylor
Co-Lay Leader:  Mike Rodgers
SPRC Chair:  Joe Bersack
SPRC:  Joe Bersack (Chair), DeAnna Taylor, Mike Rodgers, Bob Lambert, Amy Glascock
Finance Chair:  Laurie Bersack
Co-Trustee Chair:  Rich Umbel
Co-Trustee Chair:  Terri Hill
Treasurer:  DeAnna Taylor
Alternate Lay Member to Annual Conference:  Bob Lambert
Men’s Group:  Louis Nicholls
UMW:  Sally Wilfong
Youth Member:  Bobby Doane
Senior Pastor:  Terry Hendricks
Recording Secretary:  Candy Glascock
Older Adult Ministries, Memorials:  Doris Edmonds
Children’s Ministry Director:  Jean Egeland
Worship Chair:  Cathy Harris
Communications Director:  Terri Hill
Mission/Outreach Chair:  Vacant
Family Ministries:  Vacant
Education Director:  Cheryl Kowalczyk
District Steward:  Wendy Emery
Nominations:  Pastor Terry (Chair), Candy Glascock, Amy Glascock, Frances Snider, Amy Taylor, Bob Lambert
Trustees:  Rich Umbel (Chair), Terri Hill, Mike Rodgers, Philip Harris, Jimmy Lyon, Robert Glascock
Finance:  Laurie Bersack (Chair), Pastor Terry, Amy Taylor, DeAnna Taylor, Mike Rodgers, Joe Bersack, Rich Umbel, Bob Lambert, Cheryl Kowalcyzk



“The Lord bless you and keep you;
the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you;
the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.”
Numbers 6:24-26
1  Terri Hill
2  Aiden Winderweedle
5  Brian Murphy
5  George Murphy
6  Judy Blood
7  Bill Moore
7  Kathy Drummond
8  Peaches Simpson
8  Tamsen (Eichhoff)
20  Karen Schmidt
20  Nathan Egeland
20  Tina (Carter) Brooks
21  Angela Wine
24  Nick Moon
25  Jonathan Lyon
25  Kevin Schmidt
26  David Moon
26  Travis Lane III
27  Charles Prince
29  Mikey Lyon
31  Andrew Glascock

“With all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace."
Ephesians 4:2-3
2  Brian & Georgi Green
9  Bobby & Heather Doane
26  Dave Beard & Sandy Kielsgard
26  Roger & July Blood
29  Zach & Dawn Bueno
*If you would like to share a picture of your wedding day to celebrate your anniversary please send it to


We ask for prayers for People suffering natural and man-made disasters, Global   financial crisis, families in financial trouble, unemployed, our nation & leaders, our military at home and abroad, the lost, work of  Gideon’s Intl, persecuted Christians worldwide, God’s guidance in our churches, those incarcerated, harmony in USA, respect for police, racial tensions, parolees searching for God and new direction.

Any and all prayer updates and additions:  or

Lay Leader Message

Linden News
Worship Leaders:

Communion Steward:

Sal Ortiz

Diane Spears &
Sapphire Segar-Young
Nehemiah: A Heart That Can Break
Our Nehemiah study is under way.
Linden Harvest Mission Day
Linden UMW
The Linden UMW will host their annual Harvest Dinner on October 5 from 5-7 pm at the Linden UMC Fellowship Hall. A love offering will be accepted. Bring a wrapped item for the auction fun afterward! See you there!
Apple Gleaning
Come join us at Hartland Orchards on November 2nd at 9am to glean apples and help support our local food banks.  If interested contact Genia Ortiz at 540.635.9636.
Prayer and Healing Service
October 20 at 6:00 pm at Linden UMC. Jesus gives us an invitation, “Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light” (Mt. 11:28-30, NRSV). All are welcome to come and receive Jesus' healing presence.

Markham News
Worship Leader:

Communion Steward:



200 Year Anniversary Celebration for the Stone Church and 101 Year Anniversary Celebration for the School House, Markham, VA

Our 200th Anniversary of the Stone Church and 101st of the Schoolhouse was a great success! We celebrated with the community of Markham and beyond, clergy both present and prior, and our Cooperative Parish.  Thank you to all those who made this a memorable event!'
Prayer Warrior
Prayer Warrior is underway and people are always welcome to join us. We meet once a month on the first Tuesday of each month at 5:30 pm at Edith Middleton's home. We are currently studying Priscilla Shirer's book, "Armor of God." For more information contact Michele Middleton, 703.380.0141 or Bonnie Schmidt. 571.332.9744.
The Prayer Warrior Group will be attending Fervent 2.0, an event featuring Christian author and Bible teacher Priscilla Shirer, the author of Armor of God, the evening of Oct. 28 at Christian Fellowship Church in  Ashburn VA.  You do not need to be a member of the prayer warrior group to attend.  For further information contact Michele Middleton at
First Sunday of Month, donuts and coffee following worship.

Third Sunday of Month, breakfast following worship at
Edith Middleton’s home.
Weekly ESL classes
ESL Classes started on Tuesday, October 1. If you know of someone who could benefit from this teaching contact Edith Middelton at 540.364.2885.
Marshall News
Worship Leader:

Communion Steward:

TBD Heather Doane
Jeff Machamer
Laurie Bersack
Jim Simpson

Nathan & Ian
Marshall Day
Homecoming 2019
At our Homecoming service the new carillon system was dedicated in memory of our dear Gary Houk.
Welcome to our dear Kezia Glascock!  Although already part of our church family she officially became a member on September 22nd and gave a powerful testimony.  God's love and joy shine through her and we are so happy she is part of our community.
Coming up at Marshall...
UMW Yard Sale
October 12, 8am- 12pm
Lunch will be available.
Harvest Lunch
November 3rd, after service.
Community Lunches
The lunch is a pot-luck, except new people/ first-timers.  It is held the first Thursday of each month at noon. There are announcements of events in the community and area churches, prayer requests, singing and lots of good food and time for fellowship.
You do not need to be member of Marshall to attend –    all are welcome. Senior trips are also offered with a sign up sheet at each lunch.  Contact Doris Edmonds for details!
Congregational Care
We have started the process of creating a Congregational Care team.  This would include prayer, visitations, writing notes, and sometimes just sitting and listening to someone.  More information will be available in the near future.   Please be prayerfully thinking if this is something you would like to be involved with.  

Thank you,

Cathy Harris
Marshall UMC Facebook
Marshall UMC Website
Ministry Teams
Children's Ministry
We are seeking and praying for two Children's ministry leaders. If you are interested and feel the Spirit working in your heart to co-lead in this ministry area, contact Pastor Terry at (540) 325-1559 or We have children! What a blessing! Now, let us be the village that trains them up in the Lord!

Thank you,

Pastor Terry
Classes are underway for ‘A Disciple’s Path’, if you would like more information contact Cheryl Kowalczyk at  Sessions will be held at Marshall UMC through October 17.  This class is Step 1 of the discipleship series.   

Step 2: A Disciple’s Heart will start in October when the first study concludes.

Thank you,

Cheryl Kowalczyk
We will be doing a Cooperative Parish-wide prayer challenge using "Draw the Circle The 40 Day Prayer Challenge" beginning in October with sermons and daily devotions. The focus is Spirit-led so come and participate praying and embracing what the Spirit desires to bring through this intentional time of fervent prayer. A copy of the book will be gifted to every person in all three churches. Contact Pastor Terry for more information.
MUMPs is open and off to a great start! 
Thank you to all that donated some needed supplies for the 2019/2020 preschool year!  We are blessed by the generosity of our church family support!  The need for some supplies is ongoing.  There will be a ‘Needs’ list posted when things start running low!   We are also thankful to Doris Edmonds for being our first month’s ‘Thursday reader’!  Each Thursday she will read a story to all 20 preschoolers in the Fellowship Hall.  It is a great opportunity to connect with our preschool family.  If you are interested in reading one week, please contact Terri Hill at or call Donna Thomas at 540-364-4111.
We will once again be supplying some weekend lunch items for children on free /reduced lunch program at Coleman Elementary.  We will be packing lunch bags each Sunday after our 11:00am worship service.  Stop in for a few minutes and help pack a lunch!  Also a great way to find out what goes in each lunch bag!
Seniors on the Go!
October 10

Wayside in Middletown! Leaving church st 1030!  Contact Doris Edmonds if interested at 540.253.5349.

United Methodist Women
Coming up with UMW...

We are always open to some new faces at every UMW meeting.  Currently we are meeting the first Saturday of the month at 9 am at the church.  Come join us!
Winchester District Worship Event
Saturday, October 19, 2019, at Braddock Street UMC, Winchester, VA. If you have a heart for worship, join us for this special event. The District Committee on Congregational Excellence provides resources to the district for us to grow in our understanding and live out our faith to connect others to Jesus Christ. Our desire is for this event to bring hope amid this trying season in the UMC. The cost is $10.00 per person. Mark your calendars and keep your eyes open for more information.
Rev. Dr. Constance Cherry is Professor of Worship and Pastoral Ministry at Indiana Wesleyan University where she directs four distinct programs in Christian worship. She is also a founding faculty member of The Robert E. Webber Institute for Worship Studies where she continues to teach in the Doctor of Worship Studies program since 2000. Constance is an experienced worship leader, musician, and pastor, serving in local church ministry for many years, and currently serving a local congregation as part-time pastor. She is an elder in the West Ohio Conference of The United Methodist Church. Constance is the author of five books used widely in the church and the academy and translated into multiple languages. She is also a published composer and hymn writer. Constance maintains an extensive schedule of speaking and teaching internationally.
Mission Encounter
I hope you have been enjoying these last lazy, hazy days of summer. Your district mission team has been gearing up for our fall programs and that means Mission Encounter  to be held September 7 at Stephens City UMC. This is an opportunity for your UMW members as well as all church members and clergy to learn more about mission what we do in mission, how we conduct mission and why we are called to be in mission as disciples of Jesus Christ. 
The courses offered this year are:  (1)Anniversary Study: Women United for Change, 150 years in Mission, led by Dr. Karen McElfish,Conference Coordinator for Social Action. Karen led this class at Conference Mission Encounter. 

(2) Spiritual Growth: Practicing Resurrection: The Gospel Of Mark and Radical Discipleship, led by Rev. Laura Douglass, Deacon  and leader for  Conference Mission Encounter. 

The plenary will be led by Rev. Laetitia Schoeman, Pastor of Fairview-Refuge charge. 

The reservation form is on the district website and may be downloaded. The deadline for registration is August 28. The cost for Mission Encounter is $17.00 which includes a light brunch and lunch. 

You may order books in advance at or call 1-800-305-9857. Books are $10.00 each. 

Please encourage your members and friends to attend this wonderful event. 

I am looking forward to seeing each of you on Sept. 7 in Stephens City. 

Cooperative Parish Calendar & Regional Events

Click the following link for the October Cooperative Parish Calendar
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