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Hello, friends! 

HAPPY OCTOBER! It's definitely fall here in Michigan. The kids have been back in school for over a month. We did our annual apple cider and donut trek to the local cider mill last week with my friend Giedra and her kids, and we realized we've been doing this every fall for ten years. TEN YEARS!? How does the time fly by so fast? Answer: kids.

Here at MBR we've finished adding sizes to our beloved Luna pants pattern, and we're now working to get it into print, too. Look forward to a Luna re-launch this fall! We're also still hard at work on new sizes and an update for Washi, and finally, we're working with a web developer to update my website with our new branding and to make it more mobile-friendly (YAY!).
Can't wait to send you more updates as these projects unfold.


sewing: still working on my Washi dress (WIP pic here)

knitting: Weekender Sweater (for me!) with TOV yarn; it's going to be amazing but unfortunately my gauge was off so I just frogged the entire thing and started over last night.

watching: I signed up for Hulu this month so I could watch Shrill (SO GOOD!), then proceeded to binge-watch all of Handmaid's Tale (whoa.), Killing Eve (double whoa.), and now Broad City (which is hilarious).

listening: I thought the recent This American Life episode about a new therapy for trauma (warning: trauma content) was completely riveting.

reading: Raising White Kids. A super intense, mind-blowing read. I'm about half-way through. Anyone else read this book?

on the blog: Seems like I'm mainly making things for other people lately: a backpack for Hugo (pic above), a sweater for Elliot, and a Jade tee for Cassie.

your makes

The Gemma tank was one of our top sellers over the summer, and it plays well with Rose pants to transition into fall. Here are some Rose and Rose + Gemma outfits that caught my eye:
above, top left: Tania @tania.ho | right: Mei @mei.sews
bottom left: Meg @
meg___makes | right: May @handmakingtales
(all photos shared with permission)
Find inspiration and share your own Gemmas and Roses -- I always love to see what you make with my patterns! 
 #mbrrose  |  #gemmatank  | #madebyrae

in the shop

Rose Sewing Pattern PDF
Rose Sewing Pattern PDF
shop now
Gemma Sewing Pattern PDF
Gemma Sewing Pattern PDF
shop now
Toddler Backpack  Pattern PDF
Toddler Backpack Pattern PDF
shop now
The website update has been interesting for me because I've been going back through many years -- over a decade -- of blog posts, which brings up so many memories. It's made me think hard about the work I've put into my blog over the years, and what I want it to be in the future. I found this old post of a Pierrot top I made Clementine when she was little and reposted it on Instagram last week, and it was really fun to get comments from so many people who have been reading my blog for years and who remembered that post.

How many of you remember those posts? Are you a long-time blog reader? Write back and tell me! I love to hear how it's been a part of your sewing stories.

happy sewing,

PS. Did you see? My friend Christine Haynes relaunched her sewing pattern company after a 2 year hiatus with a reboot of her much-beloved Emery Dress. I'm so excited to see her back in pattern-making again!!
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Made By Rae
514 William Suite B
Ann Arbor, MI 48104

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