Elon faculty and staff are invited to join a lunch and learn co-hosted by the Provost’s Office and Teaching and Learning Technologies (TLT) focused on incorporating technology tools in Moodle to increase your efficiency and deter academic dishonesty. TLT is piloting Respondus, a tool to address faculty concerns about spotting and deterring academic dishonesty. Respondus can disable access to external websites and resources on a student computer during testing, both on and off campus. The tool works in tandem with Moodle to assist in spotting and preventing academic dishonesty. Jessica Gisclair, Associate Professor of Strategic Communications and J.P. Lavoie, Senior Designer/Developer and Adjunct Instructor in Communications, will discuss how they implement the tool at a lunch and learn session on Thursday, Nov. 13 from 12:10 p.m.-1:10 p.m. in Belk Library 205. Register Now