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Morning everyone! 

How it's going on your end? On our side, we are preparing for a lot of events. 

There are various meetups, workshops and conferences happening in town, many conferences taking place in Bucharest in the upcoming weeks (How to Web, DefCamp, GPeC, and many more). Have a scroll down and take a look at the ones happening this week in Timisoara.

Additionally, we have a piece of good news! OncoChain is the winner of Startup Spinner - an intensive program of workshops and mentoring, where startup builders can demonstrate their readiness for investment in front of international investors & accelerators.

ps. I hope you feel better than me today!

Startup Weekend loves building communities and empowers many across different countries, where their events are hosted. This is one of the main reasons why you now have a 20% discount for the upcoming Startup Weekend event in Timisoara. Use SWlovesCommunities to get your ticket. 

Check it out! 
DefCamp is the most important annual conference on Hacking & Information Security in Central Eastern Europe.

Every year brings together the world’s leading cyber security doers to share latest researches and knowledge.
Events This Week

'All about Startup Weekend' Workshop (Networking Event, Free)

October 23rd, 7pm - 8:30pm, Cowork The Garden, Timișoara

Not really sure what Startup Weekend is all about?
If you'd be 'fit' to join the event or not?
If you need an idea to begin with? If you need a team?
Or if it's worth it, altogether?


This event is exactly what you need!

Andrei Cosmin Munteanu, our own Startup Weekend 'wizard' will talk you through the history of this event, its worldwide dimensions and its applicability in your own special case :)

Join us on the 23rd of October and find out all you need to know about Techstars Startup Weekend!

Book your free seat right here:
And we'll see you on the 23rd!

Location: Cowork The Garden, Timișoara , Strada Virgil Madgearu 5, Timișoara
Organizers: Startup Weekend Timisoara



tim.js meetup #63 (Meetup, Free)

October 23rd, 6:30pm - 8:30pm, 3Pillar Global Headquarters

Hello JS friends,

As the good vibes of revo.js are still bouncing around, let's meet and keep the momentum going.

We have 2 interesting topics on the agenda:

"Functional vs Reactive Programming for JS People"
by Rares Portan

"Making Nelu Kernelul, a Jupyter Node.js Kernel"
by Victor Adascalitei and Radu Milici

See you at the 6th floor of the B Building in the Piata 700 Office.

Location: 3Pillar Global Headquarters, City Business Centre, Building B, 1st Floor,
Organizers: tim.js



Why diversity is not enough? (Meetup, Free)

October 23rd, 6pm - 8pm, DevPlant

How Big Data focused research could enhance the level of female integration in STEM? We'll find out this month, at our fresh Big Data Meetup edition.

Despite improvements, women in STEM are still facing more challenges than their male colleagues: they earn less, have access to less funding, are less likely to be promoted, and their work receives less acknowledgment. These disparities persist, despite evidence that integrated female members increase the overall intelligence of teams and gender heterogeneous teams are more creative and productive.

Recent years scandals in the tech industry brought attention to women’s marginalization in STEM.

Location: DevPlant, Strada Proclamația de la Timișoara 5, Timișoara 300054
Organizers: Big Data Meetup edition



MayDay.conf (Conference, €25 – €40)

October 24th, 8:30am - September 25th, 5pm, Hotel Opera Plaza

MayDay.conf is the international conference aimed towards helping you enhance your knowledge in the cyber security field, at the same time encouraging the development of new professional partnerships and relationships. Our goal is to introduce and promote a more relaxed format of events, focused on the old but gold personal interaction between community professionals (or ,peering’ for short). You can expect high quality, deep technical talks, state-of-the-art workshops, engaging contests, and much more.

MayDay.conf provides attendees with the latest and greatest trends in cyber security, tools development and research. This is the place where the most dynamic professionals and researchers in the industry come together for a couple of days filled with technical presentations and hands-on workshops.

Sharpen your skills and keep your organization updated with the latest tips & tricks used in the industry. Our speakers are more than willing to share some of their expertise and give you the opportunity to explore some of the greatest challenges and successes encountered.

Location: Hotel Opera Plaza, 400132, Strada General Traian Moșoiu 10-12, Cluj-Napoca 400132
Organizers: MayDay.Conf



The journey to building ultra-low-power sensing devices (Meetup, Free)

October 25th, 6pm - 8pm, DevPlant

Crazy day at work? A new squad of colleagues at the office? Bad Internet or way too much light over your keyboard and screens? Ever thought of the many environmental aspects which could impact your office’s buildings, workspace, and even employees’ productivity?

At this meetup edition, we invite you to discover the perfect IoT solution to monitor, measure and improve (almost) everything from air quality to energy usage.

Location: DevPlant, Strada Proclamația de la Timișoara 5, Timișoara 300054
Organizers: Internet of Things Timisoara



Everything you didn't know about the Lean Startup Framework (Meetup, Free)

October 25th, 7pm - 8:30pm, Cowork Timisoara - The Garden

Registrations, here:

The first step for anyone who thinks about becoming an entrepreneur is to learn the most efficient and effective methodologies existing today for starting a technology business.

Efficient means to use evidence-based practices in order to reduce the costs and the risks of starting a new technology venture to a minimum.

Effective means to use the Lean Startup framework which is the only methodology to guarantee that your Tech Startup will survive the first 3 years. According to the research from Startup Genome within three years, 92% of US Tech startups fail.

Location: Cowork Timisoara - The Garden, Strada Virgil Madgearu 5, 300192
Organizers: Startup Coffee Timisoara



HackDay #10 | Code for Timișoara (Workshop, Free)

October 26th, 10am - 6pm, DevPlant

Ești developer, QA sau specialist UX/UI și știi prea bine că magia în tehnologie are nevoie de skill-uri, de timp și de consecvență. Nu poți construi cea mai tare aplicație peste noapte, dar unde sunt mulți puterea crește și zi după zi ne îndreptăm spre a rezolva încă o problemă. Pentru noi. Pentru orașul tău. Pentru România.

Sâmbătă, 26 octombrie, lucrăm împreună, în cadrul Monthly Hack Days, în Timișoara, dar și online. Înscrie-te aici: (detalii despre tehnologiile folosite găsești în formular) și hai să ne vedem sâmbătă, de la ora 10.00, la DevPlant.

Proiecte în lucru:
Data Portal / Theater Hub / Expert Consultation / Seismic Risc / Declarații de Avere / Rezultate Vot

Location: DevPlant, Strada Proclamația de la Timișoara 5, Timișoara 300054
Organizers: Code for Romania


Within our community

1. Orașul românesc care testează un autobuz autonom

Primăria Cluj-Napoca lucrează la un proiect pilot care ar putea să ne aducă, în premieră la nivel național, primul autobuz autonom. În esență, pe o linie de transport public din oraș ar urma să circule un autobuz fără șofer.
Read more, here:

2. Startup-ul fondat de români, care-i ajută pe englezi să-şi ia ”prima casă”, primeşte o finanţare de 2 milioane lire

Proportunity, un startup cu sediul la Londra creat de doi tineri antreprenori români, Vadim Toader și Ştefan Boronea, care-i ajută pe îi ajută pe utilizatori să-şi găsească locuinţa dorită, face estimări în ceeea ce priveşte evoluţia preţurilor şi oferă împrumuturi pentru avansul unui credit ipotecar, a primit o finanţare de 2 milioane de lire.
Read more, here:

Going Global

1. Mercedes-Benz app glitch exposed car owners’ information to other users

Mercedes-Benz car owners have said that the app they used to remotely locate, unlock and start their cars was displaying other people’s account and vehicle information.
Read more, here:

2. Computers have an unlikely origin story: the 1890 census

The inventor of punched cards, which led to the first computers and companies like IBM, was aiming to solve a gnarly problem at the time: data collection for the census.
Read more, here:

3. WeWork’s Failure is SoftBank’s Day Of Reckoning

In the wake of WeWork’s failed IPO last month, schadenfreude fans had a lot to cheer from Adam Neumann’s fall from grace. The once high-flying CEO lost his job, his corporate jet, over a billion dollars of liquidity, and voting control over the company he founded a decade ago.
Read more, here:

Are you a freelancer or a creative mind searching for a better place to work?
Come and book yourself a desk, at Cowork Timisoara!


Timisoara.Tech Digest is curated by:

  Andrei Firoiu - @andreifiroiu
  contact Andrei at:

  Patricia Borlovan - @PaatriciaaB
  contact Patricia at:

We're looking for more curators, so reply to this email if you're interested!

If you know about some tech or startups events happening in Timisoara (or in the region) or want to promote your own event, just contact us.
Timisoara.Tech Digest is made with love by Cowork Timisoara.
Copyright © 2019 Timisoara.Tech, All rights reserved.

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