
Autumn Harvest Celebration

Food, Qigong and Friends, and not necessarily in that order!
Qigong Class at 9-10am, Montclair Rec. Center
Festive Sharing after class
Friday, Nov. 1, 2019

Foods of Autumn:

Wander into your local Farmer's Market and find the bounty of Autumn. Eating seasonal is the best way to stay healthy, to find the foods that boost immunity to the proper humour, and bring balance.  Here is a list of nature's gifts that we sometimes overlook that are in bloom and harvest now:
Winter greens: Collard, Mustard, Turnip, Kale
Sweet Potatoes
Winter Squash: Butternut, Acorn, Spaghetti
Brussels Sprouts
We are going to celebrate the goodness of planet earth, and share with each the goodness of heart medicine in Autumn. Pick a food above and create something to share. Better to have gluten free, vegan, and sugar free options. You will be amazed at how none of these plants need any added ingredients to make them yummy. Bring something to share, we'll practice and have a little party after  practice. Bring your mugs will have COTA tea as always.
Please come early, we will start right at 9am. Leave your cells at the door, we will have a special Qigong practice for the celebration.
All Welcome!
Start Shopping
Tinctures will be ready and for sale on Nov 1 celebration. If you want more information, email me anytime and to reserve your bottle.  I will have Wu Jiu Topical Tincture for moving Qi and Blood in achy, injured places. Its made with Dragons Blood (sap of the Draconis) comes from the Sangre de Drago and various other tree species; Myrrh Gum also a resin from a tree; Ginger root; Mugwort, Juniper Berry, COTA, Lavender, hand collected from NM, Hawthorn Berry, Eucommia Bark, and Borneol.
1oz Bottles - $7
2oz Bottles - $14

Also brewing is Osha Root Tincture (Internal) and Reishi Mushroom Tincture (Internal). See descriptions below

Osha Root (Loveage, Bear Root)

— is found in parts of the Rocky Mountains and northern Mexico. A member of the parsley family, Osha’s seeds and leaves were food to indigenous Americans. Osha’s roots were often chewed to increase endurance – which has since been attributed its support of the respiratory system. Native American Indian parents even used to wrap Osha roots with leaves and strings and placed them near newly born babies to cleanse the air they breathed. Additionally, Osha root contains anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory properties and therefore supports health or healing for respiratory conditions (coughs, colds, tonsillitis, flu, and other types of viral infections).  Not for pregnant or breast feeding women.

Tincture bottles 2oz - $18
Limited Quantity


Reishi Mushroom

All species grow on dead and dying trees and produce annually.  Once you find reishi on a particular log or stump, they will continue to produce there every year until they’ve consumed all the wood substrate. Reishi mushrooms are also known by the names lingzhi, mushroom of immortality, ten-thousand-year mushroom, herb of spiritual potency, varnish shelf and artists conk.They’re known to be analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiviral, antioxidant, anti-allergic and anti-tumor.  Reishi mushrooms have also been shown to reduce blood pressure, blood cholesterol, blood sugar and reduce platelet aggregation that results in blood clots.  Its effects on blood sugar were significant enough that it has been successfully used in the treatment of diabetes.  Cautions if you already have Low Blood Pressure, or bleeding disorders.

Tincture bottles 2oz - $18
Limited Quantity

Click on the images for two podcasts I selected. and for more Michael Meade - Mosaic Voices podcasts can be found here.

I've had the pleasure of crossing paths with Michael Meade and participated in a workshop or two. He is a great storyteller, and wise elder. Everyone will find their story or myth contained inside these podcasts. Something for each of us. Most important is as we grow older, not to selfishly keep the wisdom that we have earned in our time on this earth, to ourselves, but rather we step into the wisdom place and help the youth to grow generations ahead. If any of you would like to discuss this topic, I would be glad to set up special council tor a topic discussion. Just email me.
For the Archive to previous newsletters that include videos, qigong information, and more,   CLICK HERE
Current Teaching Schedule:
Monday 9-10 am Daoist Qigong at Montclair Rec Center
Wed 615-7pm  Core Training at Central Park Rec Center
Wed 715-815pm  Yin Yoga at Central park Rec Center
Friday 9-10 am Daoist Qigong at Montclair Rec Center
Saturday 1030-1130  Yoga at Scheitler Rec Center

Denver, Colorado
Private Healing Sessions are now being offered.
Place to be determined.

Yoga and Qigong healing sessions 30 min for $30, 1 hour for $60.
Small groups 2-3 people are also welcome
Please email with your interest.
Wu Ji
"means Primordial Universe"
prior to TaiJi

The 18 Rules of Posture (youtube video)
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