

Travel Plans for the Soul -  Perspective, Storms, & Sunshine….

Now observe the Time Lines, the fast Space-Time.. however
 Slow Down the Tempo of your Life.. to allow the rising Higher Consciousness Codes

.. to allow your cells and DNA to resonate with Natural Time.

You are in a Dimensional Transit.
From one mode of being   and into entering a lighter one.

 ( from the artificial / linear time to the Galactic Spirals of Harmony timefield )

Take a walk in Nature. It’s only energy…
and stare off into space … You’re not alone.




Human Light Body System: Acceleration

There is a wave of Cosmic Light approaching your Planet that is activating a "Great Awakening" on the Earth. This energy is so intense that it causes physical symptoms in many as your body seeks to integrate and balance.

Your Light Body system will accelerate to the point where you will explore and develop new techniques of Quantum Light and Sound Healing similar to those used by Shamanic practitioners to shift and heal energies and soul "fractures".

The Arcturians have also been commissioned to guide a multi-representational group that will work with Earth, including Lyrans, Sirians and Andromedans. These ones will assist with their particular means of Light communication and connection.

There will be another "acceleration" in the SpaceTime field as consciousness is raised yet again.

To many this will be perceived as time moving even faster, and to move even faster on the physical plane to "keep up" with the increase in frequency in SpaceTime. But Dear Ones, what is needed is to slow down and allow the body to align with "natural" SpaceTime, which is the natural frequency of Nature (Divine Source Code) on your Planet. ( Portals stronger on 11.11 , 12.12  + Solstice and 01.12 )

At this time on your Planet you have two expressions of time. The natural time that spirals in harmony with the SpaceTime field and vibrates at the frequency of the Divine Heart. The "artificial" or "linear" time that is anchored in mechanical illusion and hurtles forward, ever increasing in momentum as it moves further from natural time and the spiral movement of the Galaxy.

That is why it is so beneficial to spend time in Nature. You allow your cells and your DNA to resonate with natural time and to slow down physically so that you can experience the higher frequencies of Light Codes from the Divine Heart. ~ Excerpts from starchildglobal. com 



Travel Plans for the Soul

There is value in the situations you consider good, and in the situations you consider bad. Everything and everyone you come across serves a purpose in your life. Every encounter offers you a chance to grow.

Before you were born, you came in with what we call "Travel Plans."  lessons to learn, contributions to make. Or for some, simply wanted to embrace love in any form… "winging it" while learning to live in trust and faith. 

No matter what you planned, you have free will.. to enjoy your life or you can choose to be victimized by it. However, when you know that everyone and everything is here to help you reconnect to love – either by inspiration or challenge – then even if you were technically a victim, it is hard to remain victimized for long. 

Ask "What can I learn from this? How can I grow? What do I need to do in this moment to treat myself with love and kindness? How to be honest with myself and kindly honest with all involved?"

In all cases, you all are here to help you learn to love self, express self, and BE the deepest and the truest you that you can be! 

Each one of you is a universe unto yourself, living in a reality you share with seven billion others but experiencing life uniquely through the lens of your own personal perception.

If you put ten people in the same exact situation you would have ten different perceptions, and therefore ten different experiences of "reality."

This mean – You get to choose how you will experience the "raw material" of your life.  You can view your challenges from the perspective of a victimized and hurting human – as horrible evidence that life is out to get you. Alternately, you can see them from the perspective of your soul – as opportunities to grow and expand into greater love and personal power.

In every moment you feel less than joyful, ask yourself, "How might I better look at this situation? Can I try a different lens, a different perception of this reality? What thoughts would give me greater peace, love, and joy right now? . " We're not saying you should "think positive" if you cannot. Simply ask yourself, "What thoughts might feel a little better now?" 

You can inch your way up the vibrational scale, even when you're not inclined to be positive. 

Perhaps you can shift from feeling angry at someone else to being kind to yourself.
You can always stretch a bit, with your perception and reach for a thought that feels a little better.

You may not easily be able to choose your first reaction to a situation because that is programmed and habitual, but you can choose your second, or a third... and in so doing you not only shift your thoughts, your feelings, and your energy, but in time you will shift your entire reality. ~ from VisionsofHeaven. com




Dimensional Transit 

You are moving toward and preparing for ascension. This doesn’t have to mean leaving this planet. Ascension is when we leave one mode of being and rise into another higher, faster, lighter one.

 At these times  we are moving from the third dimension toward the fifth. The fifth dimension is a place where what you think very quickly manifests. When we step up awareness in all aspects of who we are... when we experience balance between our brain’s hemispheres - the integration of our intuition and analytical skills. Spiritually, we awaken our creative genius. As we take these steps toward total integration and alignment, we may experience a number of symptoms. And this is a transition... also called a Growth Period.

Laugh at yourself. Give yourself a break. This is a time to nurture your body and give it what it wants. As non-physical or Spirit, you are taking huge leaps in your evolution toward freedom, while your slower, denser, physical system (body, emotions, mind) is working hard to keep up. Make it easy on your total self and treat the denser parts well. Go for walks, pet the cat, take a bath. Take care of yourself.

You are simply moving to a place that includes more of you and less of the noise that isn’t you. If you treat your body as you would a special animal friend, it will then allow you to make these steps into the next dimension much smoother.

Take a nap. It’s only energy… and stare off into space … You’re not alone. ~ by Jim Self 



Winter in Hawaii Seminars - DOLPHIN CONNECTION, KONA

December 1, 2019 -  WORLDWIDE  CONTACT  DAY -



MARCH 1 - 7, 2020   

  In this multi-dimensional seminar, we will set aside our overly busy, active minds and instead,
relax into the intuitive compassionate sensitivities of our heart-mind. We feel our loving relationship
to our Star friends, and we learn from the oceanic dolphins themselves about the sheer value of playing
and enjoying life. Deep communication occurs as we contact the Andromedans and our other
Extraterrestrial relatives for an entire week of advanced consciousness and contact in the warm ocean
and around the fire circle at night at Joan & Jean-Luc's Sky Island Ranch, Hawaii.  



There are many worlds parallel to ours!

Experience these 2 DVD films - like guided meditations to step into our multidimensional Nature:

+ Art-Poster prints in all sizes are available!:

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