Buzz on #OpenGov
- The Government of Argentina and Robin Hodess from The B Team will serve as lead co-chairs of he OGP Steering Committee through October 1, 2020. Learn more about the 2019-2020 OGP Steering Committee here.
- The new OGP Access to Justice paper analyzes existing commitments and successful frameworks for developing access to justice commitments, while also identifying gaps in 60 OGP countries, using data from the World Justice Project.
- OGP’s storytelling campaign CitizENGAGE has new stories on gender, access to justice, transparency, and more. Click here for more.
- Countries in Latin America are making great strides to ensure all citizens have equal access to justice. Learn more here.
- The 2020-2022 OGP Research Agenda is now available for public comment. We encourage the OGP community to co-create the agenda by providing us with input between October 21 and November 4. Learn more here.
The World of #OpenGov
- The World Justice Project recently launched their Access to Justice (A2J) data microsite which you can access here or from the landing page of our recent report here.
- The United Nations General Assembly proclaimed September 28th as the International Day for Universal Access to Information. Read more here.
- In advance of the EITI Board Meeting in Addis Ababa last week, NRGI released a paper with recommendations on how to address corruption through the EITI platform.
- Help your organization strengthen its resiliency in the face of shifts in civic space! The Resiliency+ process will pair your organization with a coach who will propose strategies needed to adapt quickly and remain resilient. Organizations based in Georgia, Kenya, Nigeria, Senegal, and Serbia will be eligible to apply. Learn more and apply here.
- In a recent Apolitical op-ed, CoST writes about the importance of open government and transparency in the infrastructure sector.